Chapter 119 The Demon Emperor Appears

The Silver Moon Howl Sky Wolf King reported to the demon emperor about being attacked by humans, and seeing that the demon emperor didn’t have any attitude or thoughts.

The Silver Moon Howl Sky Wolf King had no choice but to recruit troops and buy horses, always preparing for war, worrying that the human race would launch an offensive against them, so the strength has also been greatly improved this year.

But he also knew that he was definitely not that terrifying human opponent, but there was no way, the Demon Emperor didn’t come forward to help them solve it, so he could only stand firm here.

On this day, Silver Moon Howl Sky Wolf suddenly received a return from the spies, saying that the Human Race had dispatched a large number of troops and started marching towards his territory, and he also understood that this day had finally arrived.

The Silver Moon Howl Sky Wolf King began to summon his subordinates to prepare for the battle.

But at the same time, he was also ready to escape, because in addition to reporting to the demon emperor, he also contacted several demon emperors, but they did not come to help.

Therefore, the Silver Moon Howl Sky Wolf King knew that using the strength of their monster clan to fight against that powerful human clan, he really didn’t have much confidence.

But the current situation seems that he has to fight alone.

If it cannot do anything, it will be ready to flee. After all, the territory is lost and it can take its life back. If its life is gone, then-there is nothing left.

The leader of the strongman tribe, as well as Li Haonan, led the army of the human race, and began to attack the territory of Silver Moon Howl Sirius.

The Terran army was unstoppable, and soon captured each stronghold.

The Silver Moon Howl Sirius did not attack, but waited for them to fight decisively if they attacked the city.

After all, with the protection of the city wall, the chances of winning will be greater.

Soon the army of the human race surrounded the territory of the monster race.

Yinyue Howl Sirius looked at the densely packed Terran warriors under the city with a horror in his heart.

In just one year, the human race has grown too fast.

It looks like this world is going to change, it’s not the time for the monsters to bully the humans in the past.

Soon, Li Haonan and the leader of the strongman tribe walked to the front and shouted to Yinyue Xiao Sirius.

“Howl Sirius, you surrender quickly!”

“If you surrender obediently, you can still save your life.”

“Otherwise, today is your death date!”

Yinyue Howl Sky Wolf looked at Li Haonan and the leader of the Strongman Tribe, and said with a smile.

“If you want me to surrender, it is impossible. Our monster race only has warriors who died in battle, and no cowards who surrendered.”

At this time Li Haonan said.

“I advise you to surrender! Your cultivation is not easy, it’s really not worth it to die here in vain!”

“Stop talking nonsense, I Yinyue won’t surrender, let me go!”

So Li Haonan and the leader of the strongman tribe commanded the army to attack the city, and the attacking party did not have the advantage, and the casualties would inevitably be high.

However, none of the Terran soldiers were afraid, and they still attacked bravely.

At this time, Li Haonan and the leader of the strongman tribe also flew up to the top of the city to start a decisive battle with the Silver Moon Howling Sirius.

The match this time was a little different from a year ago. Li Haonan and the leader of the Strongman Tribe have advanced by leaps and bounds. Now they can work together to restrain the Silver Moon Howl Sirius.

Yinyue Xiao Sirius was horrified, he had already estimated the human race very high.

But I didn’t expect to find out that the human race grew too fast after a fight, and it was completely different from a year ago.

The three of them hit the sky from the top of the city wall, and the dense spells collided with each other.

For a while, it was difficult to distinguish between superiors and superiors, but the defeat of Silver Moon Howl Sirius was only a matter of time.

The Terran warriors are also attacking the city at this moment, and both sides have died and injured each other, but the Terran warriors are unusually brave.

Soon a gap was opened in the city wall, so more Terran warriors rushed into the city from this gap.

The melee began, and the warriors of the demon race continued to die. The warriors of the human race were collecting demon pills while fighting. This was a good thing for them to improve their strength.

The huge city was immediately plunged into the sea of ​​flames.

Yinyue Howl Sirius looked at his heart and felt distressed. After all, this was the nest he had operated for many years. It seemed that it was going to be ruined today. The war was so cruel.

History seems to be repeating itself, but now the roles are beginning to change.

The demons were like this back then. Those who invaded the territories of the human race wantonly captured the human race and treated them as their own plate of Chinese food.

But the human cannibals at that time were so weak that they couldn’t help, but now the human race is different from the previous human races, it is a strong team.

After a day of fighting, most of the city was occupied by the human race, and now only a small part of it belongs to the monster race.

But defeat was a foregone conclusion. Yinyue Xiao Sirius and Li Haonan, as well as the leader of the strongman tribe, were inextricably fought.

After this day’s battle, the fighting power of the Silver Moon Howl Sirius continued to decline, and it seemed to be on the verge of death.

At this moment, another monster of the monster race came to the distance.

These monster army are all burly in stature, and they should be rescuers sent by other monster emperors nearby.

With the addition of these monster races, the battle has become more chaotic and cruel.

Li Haonan looked at it and saw that it was about to succeed today, but he didn’t expect the Yaozu’s rescuer to arrive.

It seemed that it was impossible to break this city today, so Li Haonan ordered the Terran soldiers to start to retreat, gather in a site in the town, and defend here.

The soldiers of the Monster Race were also exhausted now. Seeing that the Human Race did not attack again, they were relieved and retreated one after another.

So this huge city was divided into two, one side was occupied by the human race, and the other side was guarded by the monster race.

In this case, Silver Moon Howl Sirius has no way.

I was able to save my life today thanks to the rescuers sent by the other demon kings.

Li Haonan reported the situation here to General Nanhe, so General Nanhe ordered Gurna to lead his troops to reinforce Li Haonan and them.

Both sides are reserving their energy this evening, preparing for tomorrow’s decisive battle.

The rescuers led by Guerna arrived in the city before dawn.

The city looks dilapidated now, and it is full of scenes after being baptized by the flames of war.

Gurna, Li Haonan and others gathered together. Speaking briefly about the war yesterday.

Now as long as you kill the Silver Moon Howl Sirius, then these monster races will flee without a fight, and the Silver Moon Howl Sirius has also seen the Human Race’s rescuer.

Especially when I saw that the human race that had fought a battle with him is now also coming, I can imagine that this human race must be very terrifying now.

Gurna didn’t say much, and rushed directly to the Silver Moon Howl Sirius. The two immediately started a battle.

And Li Haonan and the leader of the strongman tribe, they went to kill other monster elites, and the city that calmed down overnight became a battlefield for meat grinders.

Gurna and the Silver Moon Howl Sirius fought very horribly, and it can also be said that the Silvermoon Howl Sirius fought very horribly.

Because the current Gurna is too powerful, the Silver Moon Howl Sirius can only support it hard.

If the other Demon Kings don’t come to support, then Silver Moon Howl Sirius would have come to an end today.

With the passage of time, the Silver Moon Howl Sirius suffered more and more injuries, but Gulner did not suffer any injuries at all.

The other monster races are not much better. Those killed by the human race fled from the desert and can only resist desperately.

Silvermoon Howl Sirius felt that the general situation was gone, and was ready to escape. Unfortunately, Gurna did not give him a chance, and the attack was even more swift and fierce.

Gurna saw the opportunity-the sword chopped off an arm of the Silver Moon Howl Sirius. At this time, the Silver Moon Howl Sirius completely lost the confidence to resist, and turned around and wanted to escape.

…Seeking flowers 0…

He has lost an arm and his combat effectiveness has dropped sharply, and there is no need to fight.

It would be dead if he hit it again, but he didn’t expect that when he turned around, Gurna quickly made a few more knives behind him.

Yinyue Howl Sirius finally closed his eyes slowly in unwillingness, and the demon clan below saw Yinyue Howl Sirius died in battle.

All the monsters immediately dispersed and began to flee everywhere.

Human race warriors pursued them vigorously behind, and some demon races escaped the city fortunately and ran to the territories of other demon kings in the distance.

But most of the demons were wiped out, and the human warriors cheered.

This is the second territory they occupied, and the rise of the human race has been unstoppable.

Gulna ordered everyone to start cleaning the battlefield. All the demon pills were collected, and the demon pills of the Silver Moon Howl Sirius were collected by Gulna.

This is a good thing! It has a huge benefit for improving one’s skill, and the entire city has been cleaned up again.

Some of the remaining monster races have been wiped out, and now there are only human races in this town.


People began to rebuild this city, this city will become the second stronghold of human warriors.

General Nanhe was very pleased with this, and the scope of the human race has expanded, so that more human races can be accepted.

So that the human races scattered here can come here to settle down and establish a business, this city will regain its former glory.

Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun silently looked at this battlefield, but in fact it was always watching this battle.

He is very happy for the human warriors to grow up so fast, and these human warriors will be his capable men in the future.

And in the distance, there was also a demon emperor who was watching these silently. This demon emperor did not make a move, but silently watched everything that happened here.

This demon emperor didn’t know that there was another terrifying enemy also looking at him. The reason why he didn’t make a move was because he felt danger.

At this stage, he was aware of danger, and on several occasions he couldn’t help but want to make a move, but in the midst of it, he felt that as long as he made a move, he would die here today.

As for the unknown enemy, he was very scared.

Obviously I feel that a human race is nearby, but he can’t be found.

It can be seen that this human race is not something he can defeat. Since that human race has not come out to kill him, he also chose to remain silent, and can only watch the death of Yinyue Howling Sirius.

At this time, Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun spoke to General Nanhe with his spiritual knowledge.

“This demon emperor feels your presence.

“So this medicine is not available for a long time, so I want to find your trace.”

“It can be seen that this demon emperor is also very unusual, but he knew that it was not your opponent, so he did not dare to help.

General Nanhe nodded, then looked at the demon emperor hiding on the other side, and said to Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun.

“Does Tianzun want to keep this Demon Emperor? It seems that it is not too difficult to kill him.”

Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun looked at the demon emperor hiding on the opposite side and said.

“Being able to become a demon emperor is an old slipper who has lived for millions of years. Go and try!

“I feel that you can hurt him, but you may not be able to destroy him, because he might run away.

“But you also need this kind of battle to enrich your combat experience, so that you can deal with the next battle.”

After Shangqing Lingbao Xianzun said these words, he slowly disappeared into the void.

General Nanhe slowly emerged at this time, and the demon emperor on the opposite side was suddenly taken aback. three.

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