Chapter 114 Three-three attack

General Nanhe looked at the state of Li Haonan and the patriarch of the strongman tribe, and couldn’t help but smile knowingly.

General Nanhe said to both of them at this time.

“You two lead the clans now! Hurry up and clean up the corpses of these monster beasts on the ground!”

The head of the strongman tribe and Li Haonan, looking at the corpses of wild monsters all over the mountains, couldn’t help but smile.

The two men and their people began to clean up the corpses of Yaozeng who were all over the mountains and plains.

This time Li Haonan took his tribe, only collected the demon pills of each monster beast, and used their demon pills to start refining the pills.

The people of the strongman tribe were very excited to clean up these monsters. After they took off the skins of the monsters and dried them, they could make clothes.

As for the flesh of these monsters, they can burn them into ingredients or use the salt they make to marinate them to make bacon.

At this time, I saw Li Haonan leading the people, sending his pill furnace into the air, and using his god sense to absorb the demon pill of various monsters on the ground and suck it into his pill furnace.

Then all the tribesmen began to use their own inner strength to practice the fire of the pill furnace, and refine the spirit pill in their own pill furnace.

I saw a pill fire composed of internal forces, slowly burning under the pill furnace, slowly rotating colorfully. Very beautiful and touching.

These pill fires looked beautiful and spooky, burning fiercely. It didn’t seem to have much temperature, but its heat was amazing.

That is to say, the quality of these pill furnaces are very good, so they can withstand the refinement of these pill fires, so that the demon pill in the pill furnace can be made into medicine.

General Nanhe was very happy to see these. The human race is slowly becoming stronger, and he already has the capital to start confronting the Yao race.

These brave Terran warriors are the future of Terran. Only if they are not afraid of bloodshed and sacrifice, can they create a beautiful future for Terran.

The leader of the strongman tribe and Li Haonan are the elites of these human races.

They will form the mainstay of the human tribe. They will play a vital role in future wars.

They will lead the elite of the human race and the monster race to the death and win the final war.

The strength of the monster clan should not be underestimated, some of the powerful monster beasts in the monster clan are also very powerful.

Not only can they overwhelm the mountains, but they can also call the wind and rain, and they are indeed very powerful.

But also their inner alchemy is also invaluable to the human race.

If it is an ordinary human elite, taking such refined inner pill of the demon race.

Then this human race will become very powerful. Although it can’t keep up with those powerful monster races, as long as you take a sufficient amount of pill, you will definitely be able to compete with him.

Because the human race can refine the pill, it is much better than the monster race in this respect.

The power of the demon race comes from the accumulation of time and time. As long as they live long enough, their demon power will continue to grow.

This is also incomparable to the human race, so the monster race and the human race have their own advantages in terms of abilities.

Yaozu is the ability accumulated by time.

Humans can improve themselves through other methods, so Humans are slightly better in this regard.

With the passage of time, the pill and medicine finally became practiced.

The leader of the strongman tribe and Li Haonan were very happy, and they returned to human territory together.

Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun is recovering from his wounds at this time, and General Nanhe will report the situation on the ground at any time.

Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun was still very relieved of General Nanhe, and he admired him very much.

At the same time, the territory of the monster race is still full of flowers and wine. The leader of this territory will enjoy it very much. His pleasure is drinking and eating meat.

At this time, some of his subordinates reported to the leader of the territory.

“One of our team has disappeared.”

The head of the monster race didn’t take it to heart. After all, the number of monster races was very large, and occasionally disappeared, he would not take it to heart.

Just ordered another team below to go out and look for it to see what’s going on.

The leader of this demon race is a wolf demon demon emperor, who is cruel by nature and extremely clever. The team he sent is looking for the disappeared kind.

This little boss here also thought that it might be that the team was wiped out by the human race, because this has often happened recently.

It seems that Human Race has begun to counterattack again, but he is not worried about it. After all, Human Race has been very weak in front of them for so many years, and they did not take Human Race to heart.

Gradually, this group of monster race team came to the previous battlefield, but there was nothing left here, except for the blood stains all over the mountains and plains.

It seems that the team in front should have been wiped out.

The little boss of this monster race was very angry, and they thought it was a shame that the monster race was eliminated by humans.

They cursed and continued to search to see if they could meet Human Race.

General Nanhe and the leader of the strongman tribe, as well as Li Haonan, did not slack off after returning to the territory, but took the time to rest and prepare for the next battle.

At the same time, dispatched scouts to look at the situation outside, to see if there was a chance to destroy some monster races, and the scouts came back and said in a while.

“General Nanhe, another team has emerged from the territory of the Monster Race.

The leader of the strongman tribe and Li Haonan looked at General Nanhe at the same time, they were very eager to fight.

General Nanhe also understood what they were thinking.

But the battle is endless, because the human race has just gone through a big battle, so they also need to rest.

So General Nanhe said to Li Haonan and the leader of the strongman tribe.

“The number of monster races is huge now, and their stamina is amazing.”

“And our human race needs sufficient rest to win surprisingly.”

“So today we rest, send out spies to monitor their movements, and we will clean up this monster race team tomorrow.

Li Haonan and the leader of the strongman tribe felt that what General Nanhe said was very reasonable, and their men were indeed a little tired.

So the human race began to recuperate in its own territory.

As for the Yaozu team, Wu is looking for it in the mountains and plains. It can be said that human beings are waiting for work at ease.

In the evening, General Nanhe, the leader of the strongman tribe, and Li Haonan held a grand carnival in the camp.

After a battle, it needs to be released, both physically and psychologically.

The next day, according to the report of the spies, General Nanhe led the leader of the strongman tribe, and Li Haonan slowly approached the team of the monster clan.

This time the monster clan team also rested when they found Hei Tian. Now it was just dawn, and they all just got up lazily.

They did not expect a massacre, and were approaching them.

Because they are accustomed to domineering blessings on weekdays, they don’t take humans to heart.

This is also one of their fatal shortcomings. They are carefree in character, never take their opponents seriously, self-righteous, and feel that they are invincible in the world.

But how do they think that today’s human race is different from the past, with excellent commanders, so the cohesion is very strong.

General Nanhe, the leader of the strongman tribe, and Li Haonan did not take action.

They are people who are ready to experience their subordinates, because they will not grow up without experiencing the baptism of war blood.

Ah ah ah

The call to kill suddenly sounded, and the human race was like this monster race and killed.

These monster races looked at the human races around them in surprise as if they were waking up from a dream.

…Seeking flowers 0…

In their impression, Human Race did not dare to do this to them.

Unexpectedly, the weak human race began to resist them now.

These monster races still have some abilities. They organized in a short time and began to fight against the human race.

The little boss of this monster race looked at the three human races in the distance and didn’t do anything, but stood there. He felt that there would be no return today.

Because he felt that the three human races were very confident and confident, and the coercion shocked them.

Moreover, one of the human races was very terrifying, giving him a feeling of being deep like the ocean.

He wanted to return, but he immediately started to kill the surrounding human races, and the battle was very fierce.

The combat effectiveness of these human races is not as strong as that of the monsters.

But these human races are three people attacking and defending together, and they compensate each other.

Some are responsible for offense and some are responsible for defense, so that the survival rate is greatly improved.

They switch between offense and defense, which is very elusive.

Many monsters were killed in this way, unclearly.

The little boss of this monster clan looked very anxious, but for a while, he didn’t know how to deal with this situation.

General Nanhe, at this time, said to the leader of the strongman tribe and Li Haonan.

“The offensive method of this three-three system is very good.”

“Not only has it greatly improved the survival rate on the battlefield, but also has offensive and defensive, it is difficult for the monster race to break through.

Li Haonan nodded and said.

“Yes, this kind of battle formation is really advantageous.”

“If there is a chaotic killing, we will definitely be injured.”

“Now relying on this battle formation, our casualty rate is very low.”

The leader of the strongman tribe also said at this time.

“The battle formation taught by General Nanhe is truly unparalleled.”

“It’s not just as simple as 1+1.

“Instead, it doubles the combat effectiveness.

“In the past, when we faced the monster clan, there would be heavy casualties.”

“And now, the battle style of General Nanhe is adopted. When fighting against the Yaozu, it is very simple.”

General Nanhe said: “This kind of battle formation is the best way for the Human Race to fight against the Monster Race.

“ーWhen a person fights, there will be blind spots on his back and sides, which are fatal.”

“And three people together will form a 360-degree circle without dead ends.

“So he will rush to the front with confidence, and the other two will protect him from the flanks.

“Similarly, if the other two people are fighting, the other teammates next to them will do the same, protecting him from the side. It can be said that this kind of battle formation is very practical and very scary.”

Since General Nanhe imparted this battle formation to the Terran, the combat effectiveness of the Terran has now doubled.

With the passage of time, this small team of Yaozu has been wiped out a lot. There were no serious casualties on the human side.

The little boss of the Yao Race who led this team had already retired, and he had never seen this style of play before.

Now when many monsters are fighting, there is always a feeling of powerlessness.

Now facing the three human races, if you attack one of them, the other two human races will help him to defend together.

When retreating, the three human races will attack him together, and can defend at any time.

It can be said that the offense is one-on-three, and the defense is three-on-one. It’s really suffocating and getting angry.

The little boss of the demon clan screamed madly.

The Human Race couldn’t help but get excited when seeing the Yao Race’s state.

The Terran still continued to fight the enemy courageously in accordance with this three-three battle formation. three.

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