Chapter 113 Defeat the monster

When many leopard monsters saw their leader, they were cut and killed by this human race in this way. Everyone was shocked at this moment and didn’t know what to do.

Da da da

At this moment, a group of tiger monsters ran over here.

It turned out that when the Leopard Demon was dying, he used his spiritual knowledge to inform his good brother Tiger Demon.

The Tiger Demon Tingdao strongman tribe actually came to a very powerful human race, and quickly led his tiger demon tiger beasts to come to help his brother.

These human races were all stunned when they saw these leopard monsters, knowing that they saw that their leader had been wiped out by General Nanhe, and they were already scared.

The Human Race knew that this time they were about to completely overcome these worries, but did not expect a large group of tiger monsters to attack here again.

And the sound of running is getting closer and closer.

Suddenly, a huge figure, a fierce tiger, jumped up a vicious tiger to pounce on food, and pounced towards General Nanhe.

The other tiger monsters also helped other leopard monsters to attack the numerous human races.

General Nanhe saw the tiger demon attacking him again, and once again pointed with his finger, a ball of flames sprayed straight at the tiger demon.

The flame hit the tiger’s forehead very accurately, and the tiger made a roar, and the tiger demon screamed from the sky.


I saw this tiger demon roaring through the valley, and the surrounding rubble was flying around, and smoke was everywhere.

I saw the tiger demon quickly rushed out of the flames, and only rushed toward General Nanhe.

General Nanhe quickly hid to the side and slashed at the tiger demon with a sword in his hand.

Thinking of this tiger demon, his movements were very agile, easily evading General Nanhe’s sword.

General Nanhe saw this tiger demon, which was much more powerful than the previous leopard demon.

General Nanhe couldn’t help but use his brains at this moment. Turning around, another group of fire 367 flames shot at the tiger demon.

This time, the tiger demon was completely angered, and the tiger demon was exuding a huge amount of demon power, with ferocious eyes, staring straight at General Nanhe.

Gurna, the traverser next to him, saw General Nanhe and the tiger demon fighting hard.

Gurna quickly came to General Nanhe with his sword, and attacked the tiger demon together with General Nanhe.

Roar roar…

I saw this tiger demon, howling up to the sky again, and his body suddenly became even bigger.

Gurna and General Nanhe suddenly felt their side, as if there was a wall blocking their way.

Then the general led Guerna quickly to the sky, and came to the void parallel to the head of the tiger demon.

I wanted to see Guerna and General Nanhe know where to ascend, and couldn’t help but say loudly.

“Unexpectedly, you two will really have two things! Being able to eliminate the leopard monster is really the first time a human race dared to give an idea to these monsters like me.

“But even if you are a little bit better than ordinary humans, it will be my plate of Chinese food in front of me.”

I saw this tiger demon’s blood basin widened open, and a filthy chaotic air attacked General Nanhe and Gurna.

General Nanhe led Guerna to fly to the side quickly, avoiding the filthy atmosphere of the tiger demon.

Seeing that the two of them could easily escape his devouring, the tiger demon couldn’t help being angry again.

The tiger demon turned around again, opened his big mouth, and bit at the place of General Nanhe and his deceased one more time.

General Nanhe led Guerna quickly to avoid the tiger demon, and both of them used their swords to cut at the tiger demon at the same time.

This time the tiger demon didn’t evade in time, but was slashed by the swords of General Nanhe and Guerna, and the wound was bleeding with blood. .

Tiger Demon fought with General Nanhe and Guerna for several rounds, and felt that his physical strength was a little worthless, and was especially hit by the swords of the two of them.

The Tiger Demon really felt a little powerless at this time.

“You lowly human races dare to rebel and see if I don’t eat you.”

At this moment, the tiger demon hurriedly turned his head, to those who crossed and those ordinary human races, prepared to devour a few human races first, and improve his physical strength.

General Nanhe and Guerna realized that the tiger demon was a little weak now, and they wanted to escape, so the two of them took advantage of the victory and pursued them.

When the tiger demon came to the people who were fighting on the ground, the tiger demon opened his blood basin and saw that several ordinary human races were sucked into his mouth by the tiger demon.

The few traversers who were fighting with these monsters saw that the tiger demon actually came to swallow these human races, and several people besieged the tiger demon together.

At this time, General Nanhe and Gurna also followed, and several people besieged the tiger demon. Under the shadow of the sword and sword, the fox tiger was splashed with blood from a large number of people.

Numerous traversers and human races who followed General Nanhe, seeing the leaders of these two groups of monsters, were completely wiped out by General Nanhe.

It also made these traversers and these human races vigorous and energetic, making them more excited to hack and kill these monsters.

And many monsters saw their leader fail miserably, and they all looked for opportunities to escape, but at this time the two human races dealt with these monsters together.

Moreover, the ways of many traversers are very profound, how can these ordinary monster beasts escape their attacks.

So in a short while, the bodies of various monster beasts were all over the place.

When the last monster beast was completely hacked and killed by many human races, the patriarch of the strongman tribe looked at the monster beasts all over the floor, couldn’t help being very happy, and said with a big laugh.


“Unexpectedly, my strongman tribe would have such a day, unexpectedly able to wipe out all the monsters that attacked us.”

The other clansmen of the strongman tribe couldn’t help being very excited when they saw the monster beasts all over the ground.

Although many human races were attacked and eaten by monsters in this battle, it was still an operation in history, and the two pairs of monsters and horses that attacked them this time were completely wiped out by them.

This is a rare occasion in the battle between Human Race and Monster Race.

At this time, the patriarch of the strongman tribe came to the front of General Nanhe and bowed to General Nanhe with his fists in both hands.

“General Nanhe, you are really too powerful, and your Taoism is simply super powerful. I hope you will teach our tribe’s human Taoism well. Let’s practice together and deal with more monsters.”

“General Nanhe (dbad) once, thanks to you, we were able to defeat them thoroughly and win an incredible victory.

“General Nanhe is also thanks to your participation this time, otherwise our human race will not know how many deaths and injuries there will be in their attack this time.”

General Nanhe saw the strongman, and the tribe chief was very excited and very happy. At this time, General Nanhe told them.

“Patriarch, this is also the result of our joint efforts. I believe that we can practice Dao Fa together to strengthen our selves.”

“One day we will wipe out all the monsters in this world, and our human race can completely dominate this world.”

Li Haonan also came to the front of General Nanhe and the patriarch at this time, and Li Haonan was also very excited this time.

Li Haonan discovered that because of their previous practice in Lingxiao Mountain, this time they had no casualties in their human race, and they had killed a lot of monsters this time.

Li Haonan was also very excited at this time, because he found that their people were much stronger than before.

Li Haonan came to General Nanhe and said to General Nanhe very excitedly.

“In this battle between General Nanhe and the monster beast, our human race has not been damaged, and everyone is in a very good condition this time. It’s very complete.”

General Nanhe saw his excitement and self-confidence in Li Haonan’s eyes, but this time they joined the strongman tribe and discovered the strongman tribe. They can live and roast monsters and devour their flesh and blood.

It was General Nanhe who told Li Haonan and the others.

“Li Haonan, we joined the strongman tribe and found that the strongman tribe can be roasted with fire, and the flesh and blood of the monster beast can eat their flesh and blood, so that they can also strengthen their body…”

“We are killing more and more monsters, so you want to link to a better list, this time you only need to use the inner alchemy of monsters.”

“As for other fur and flesh and blood left to the strongman tribe, fur can be made into clothing, and flesh and blood can be roasted and swallowed to strengthen the body.

“Let the people of our two tribes live together and get what we need.”

“When our alchemy reaches a certain level, our raw materials need to be upgraded again.”

“We need some raw materials of a higher realm to refine a higher-level spirit pill, so that we can grow faster by practicing Taoism.”

Li Haonan heard the instructions of General Nanhe, and Li Haonan was also very happy with the instruction of General Henan He.

Li Haonan learned about their alchemy from the words of General Nanhe, and now he has reached a higher level than the people of the strongman tribe, in terms of Taoism and Taoism.

Li Haonan said to General Nanhe again at this time.

“General Nanhe, since our two tribes have already lived together, shouldn’t we teach the strongman tribe members hand in hand?”

“We ask them to follow us in practicing the pill way to refine the spirit pill, so that we will be able to reach the next level faster.

“Only in this way, our two teams of clansmen work together, can we be able to fight more monsters and strengthen ourselves.”

General Nanhe heard Li Haonan’s enlightenment and couldn’t help being happy for Li Haonan.

General Nanhe thought that Li Haonan was definitely a leader. At this time, General Nanhe said to Li Haonan.

“Li Haonan, we were attacked by monsters as soon as we arrived in the tribe today, but our two clans worked together and achieved a very good record.”

“The clansmen of your two tribes are not very familiar, Li Haonan, you are the patriarch of the clansmen in our tribe.

“You have to discuss with the patriarch of the strongman tribe, the two of you will discuss and discuss the future management of the tribe.”

“I hope we can quickly strengthen ourselves and attack more monsters.”

“As a person of our Taoism, only by destroying more monsters and higher-level monsters, we can train higher-grade spirit pills, so that our Taoism can climb upwards.”

The patriarch of the strongman tribe heard what General Nanhe and Li Haonan were saying here, although he did not understand some of them, but he understood the most important thing

The patriarch of the strongman tribe knew that he needed to cooperate with Li Haonan and negotiate with him. Discuss the management matters of the two tribes, manage this tribe better, and make this tribe stronger.

At this time, the patriarch of the strongman tribe came to Li Haonan, and Li Haonan saw the patriarch of the strongman tribe coming over.

The palms of the two people with smiles on their faces hit the palms of the palms, and there is a state of sprouting together to build a bright future. .

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