The communicator trembled slightly. He looked down and saw the latest message from Gao Wei.

"Brother Legs, I have also been admitted to the Kyoto Royal Academy. I will go to the academy to find you in a few days."

Chen Tianming typed a reply: "Where are you? I want to drink."

"Okay! I just finished downloading the dungeon and I'm on my way home now, but aren't you in Kyoto? Why do you want to drink with me?"

"I'm back..."

"Okay, let's meet and chat. Let's meet at the same place!"



Chen Tianming took back part of the insect swarm and left the third post with Xiao Daidai and Mona.

The Overlord, Brain Worm and Queen are left sitting here.

The garrison mission will end in more than fifty hours, and there is no need for him to stay here until then.

He can completely be a hands-off shopkeeper. The only thing he needs to worry about now is whether Youngor will bring a powerful person from the peak of mythology to come and cause trouble.

However, from Rogers' memory, he learned about part of the military distribution of their dark elves on this continent. He also learned that they had also established a main elf city in the rear area, with an ancient tree of life that covered the sky and the sun. The super main city built on the basis of trees serves as their base camp in this human domain.

It would take two or three days to rush back at Youngor's speed. By the time he led the mythical powerhouse over, he had already completed his garrison mission and left here.

However, if Younger does not return to the main city, but looks for other support, it is very likely that he will launch an attack on the fifth post on the last day.

But as long as it wasn't a mythical powerhouse coming, he wouldn't be very worried.

Jiangcheng at night is full of fireworks.

Chen Tianming walked along the busy street for less than ten minutes when he saw a man with an average human appearance sitting at a barbecue stall at an intersection, chatting with two killers from behind.

Since the two people had their backs to him, he didn't know who the other person was, so he ran all the way, waving and shouting: "Viagra, I'm coming."

As soon as Chen Tianming shouted, Gao Wei hurriedly stood up and punched his chest with a smile: "Brother Leg, okay, when did you come back and why didn't you say hello to me?"

"Come back and do some errands. I'll go back to the academy after finishing it in a few days!"

The two girls on the side also turned around and joked: "Brother Leg, what are you doing? You haven't contacted us for so long. Have you forgotten us?"

"Li Meng! Xu Mengyao?" Chen Tianming turned his head to look, and two familiar faces came into his eyes, and he asked in surprise: "Are you close to the peak of the elite?"

"Yes! Thanks to Viagra, Viagra took us to download the copy during your absence. He is very powerful now."

Only then did he realize that Gao Wei's strength had reached the third level of hero. It was already amazing that he could reach such a level before entering the academy.

Chen Tianming smiled and punched his chest, "It seems that your boy has had some incredible adventures during this period!"

Gao Wei pulled him to sit down and began to talk about their experiences during this period.

The four people at the table were talking and laughing, exchanging their experiences during this period. A large number of beer bottles were scattered around, and everyone was so drunk that their faces were red and their necks were thick.

Especially Gao Wei, who was flirting with Li Meng at the wine table, almost not being together in person. This scene made Chen Tianming irritated.

There was smoke from the barbecue stalls, various neon lights flashed on the nearby facades, and pedestrians on the road were chatting and laughing...

Looking around, the world is full of fireworks.

After a while, this small barbecue restaurant was packed with people.

At this moment, eight well-dressed men came outside the barbecue restaurant.

The cuffs of these people all have a large green character embroidered on them, and their sleeve arms have a giant green dragon embroidered on them.

They stood outside the house and looked around, and found that the store was already full and there was no empty table. They all looked a little irritated.

They have been playing dungeons all day today and are already exhausted. At this moment, they just want to drink some wine, have a barbecue and wash their feet to relax.

But they never thought that their first move tonight would be hindered, and everyone's expressions turned pale.

One of the men looked like the leader, and he winked at the person next to him, who immediately understood.

Cursing, he walked into the store, and soon the owner of the barbecue restaurant was taken out by him.

The boss took a look and said: "Oh! This is my brother Qing!"

"Your arrival really makes my little shop shine. Whatever you want to eat today, every bowl is mine."

After saying that, he warmly greeted a few people and walked into the house.

But after walking around, the boss found out to his embarrassment that because business was so good, there was no empty table in the entire store.

He smiled bitterly, "Brother Qing, I'm sorry!"

"It's a bit busy today and there are no free seats. I'll move some chairs and you can sit outside for a while. I'll call you as soon as there are free seats, okay?"

He is just an ordinary life professional, and these people in front of him are all members of the Qinglong Gang, and he cannot afford to offend them.

He was worried that if he offended others, he would not be able to reap any good fruits in the future, so he spoke in a very humble tone.

Unfortunately, the leader didn't care at all. He kicked the boss to the ground and said fiercely: "We brothers have been fighting the Balrog copies all day today, and they are very angry now."

"I don't care what method you use, I will only give you five minutes to clear an empty table, otherwise I will burn down your store."

The diners who were eating in the house saw this scene and were ready to step forward to fight for justice.

But the people at the same table immediately pulled them back, "Are you crazy? Didn't you see that they are all wearing the clothes of the Qinglong Gang?"

"You go to provoke these big shots, are you going to die?"

The other customers in the barbecue restaurant whispered, fearing that they would offend these big shots of the Qinglong Gang.

The man called Brother Qing by the boss glanced at the diners around him with cold eyes, and the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, as if he was immersed in the pleasure of others' fear of him.

The boss stood up, his eyes flashing with anxiety and fear, and he lowered his head without the courage to confront Brother Qing.

At this time, he glanced outside the store and found that there was a table with four young men and women sitting, and they had already eaten most of the food. He limped out of the house.


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