【Ding! System prompt: If the host drinks the holy water of light, the curse will be suppressed for three days. After three days, it will continue to eat away at the host's life. Please solve it as soon as possible! 】

"It's no use?" Chen Zhuo couldn't believe it! "This is the light water refined by a strong man in the Returning Sky Realm! How could it be useless?"

Chen Tianming nodded with an ugly expression, "I can't say it's completely useless. I can feel that the curse is currently in a dormant state. This is still good news!"

He himself did not expect that Lazarus's final blow would be so terrifying. This was really going to drag him down even to death.

Chen Zhuo's face was also a little ugly. He did not expect that the medicine refined by the top human beings could not lift the curse on Chen Tianming.

"Is it possible..." Chen Zhuo said with some uncertainty, "Unless the level of your curse reaches above Gui Kong, then the light water will not work."

When Chen Tianming heard this, his heart moved. He probably understood what the dean meant!

Through the Zerg information recently obtained from the insect genealogy and the memories obtained from Soros, he already has a relatively simple understanding of this world and even the world.

Above Gui Kong is the demigod realm.

What is above the demigods? Logos has no knowledge of this in his memory.

But Chen Tianming guessed from the information obtained from the insect genealogy that it should be in the true god realm.

As for whether it is, he is not sure for the time being, because demigods and true gods are currently too far away from him.

His only thought now was to get rid of the curse in his body, otherwise this damn curse would be like maggots attached to his bones, making him feel uncomfortable and panicked.

This will happen to anyone who loses a hundred points of physique every minute!

If he is a high-level professional, it may be okay, but for middle- and low-level people, his physical fitness is already low. In addition, he is essentially a mage, and his physical fitness is even lower than that of combat professionals of the same level.

This is equivalent to when he and his friends eat at the same table. They eat and drink while he eats and drinks healing potion.

If things go on like this, even if he has a mountain of gold and silver, he will have to drink it up!

"Is it possible that we should seek help from Cloud God?"

With the power of that sword alone, he could be sure that Yun Tianhe's strength would never be lower than that of a demigod! As for whether it was a demigod or a higher than demigod, he couldn't tell!

When the sword struck Lazarus, Chen Tianming had a very strange illusion. He could feel that the sword energy sealed in the Tianyun Order at that time had just the right amount of power.

It seemed that if that sword was even stronger, the world would be destroyed.

Therefore, he felt that if Yun Shen took action, his problem would definitely be solved.

"Hey! What are you thinking about?" Chen Zhuogang saw him lowering his head and thinking about something, so he didn't bother him. He walked into the house alone and wanted to look for Zuo Yin, but he couldn't find it after looking around, so he hurriedly walked out and held his hand and said: " Where’s Zoe!”

He felt like he was in a terrible mood at the moment!

He reached out and pointed towards the house, and said in a somewhat impatient tone: "Here! If you see the egg, your daughter is inside the egg. When the egg breaks, your daughter will be resurrected naturally."

"At the current rate, your daughter will break out of her shell in one day at most!"

"My daughter turned into an egg?"

Chen Zhuo was a little confused. He could see that his mood was not very good at the moment, and he didn't care about his tone, so he suddenly smiled slyly.

"Are you still worried about the curse? In fact, this problem may be easy to solve or difficult to solve. The key lies in how you do it."

"The Human Genius Competition has been advanced and will be held in seven days!"

"What does the Human Genius Competition have to do with solving the curse in my body?" Chen Tianming asked doubtfully.

"Of course it does, and it has a lot to do with you!" Chen Zhuo smiled slightly and said mysteriously: "Do you know what the reward is for the first place in this year's Human Genius Competition?"

"What?" Chen Tianming stared at Chen Zhuo closely, filled with curiosity.

"One of them is that you can make a wish. As long as it does not endanger all mankind, then it will be granted to you!" Chen Zhuo's eyes flashed.

"Any wish is okay?" Chen Tianming felt a glimmer of hope in his heart.

"Yes, you can have any wish!" Chen Zhuo nodded affirmatively.

"For example, if you have an enemy, he is a strong person in the Gui Kong Realm, and there is an irreconcilable blood feud between you." Chen Zhuo continued to explain. "As long as you can provide definite evidence to prove that the conflict between you and him has reached an irreconcilable height."

His voice was full of temptation, and he said with a sinister smile: "Then, of course, someone will kill him for you and send his head to you."

"Although I can't do anything about your curse, it doesn't mean that others can't do anything about it."

"How is it! Are you not moved?"


"For me, being the first in the district means nothing but holding my hand," Chen Tianming said confidently.

Moving to the mountains!

It had only been a short time since the job transfer ceremony, and he had already arrived at the Moving Mountain Realm. The experience in just one month was more exciting than his two lifetimes combined.

You know, even at Kyoto Royal Academy, reaching the mountain-moving realm requires at least a sophomore or junior year.

And he, a novice student who has not yet entered school, has already reached such a state.

He has the capital to be proud of.

Chen Zhuo looked at his confident look and knew that he was oversimplifying things, so he quickly tried to dissuade him: "Do you know why it's called the 'Human Race' Genius Competition?"

When Chen Tianming heard his question, he understood what he meant: "What do you mean?"

"Yes, it's just what you thought."

"All surviving countries around the world will come to our Kyoto through the cross-domain teleportation array, and they will send their best students to participate in this human race feast."

"Otherwise, why do you think the first place can make a wish?"

"This is a grand event with extremely high gold content. Behind it is the competition for resources and the exchange of interests between countries. The complexity is beyond what you and I can imagine."

"Because of this, the rewards of this global human talent competition are also very attractive, provided you can get a good ranking."

"If you were not cursed, I think you would definitely be in the top 100 with your strength. Unfortunately, you are cursed, and you are too young, and your training time is too short."

Chen Zhuo sighed deeply, feeling guilty in his heart.

"Anyway, you helped me rescue Zoe. I owe you a lot for this favor, especially this time."

"I will help you get two bottles of light water, as well as some potions and talismans that can continuously treat injuries. I will also collect 50,000 monster corpses for you."

"These are my personal feelings, and the conditions I promised you before are still valid. Do you think these can make up for the one million corpses you mentioned?"

Chen Tianming naturally knew that the dean could not produce a hundred monster corpses, but the loss he suffered in saving his daughter this time was too great. Fortunately, he realized something was wrong at the first time and arranged for the Void Wanderer to return to Jiangcheng City to retrieve the scapegoat for him. Otherwise, I’m afraid Zoe will really die from this.

From then on, I cared about any trump card to save my life, so I asked the dean for one million just to make up for it with some good items.

Seeing how sincere he was, Chen Tianming nodded reluctantly and agreed.

The dean was nice to him. Now that he had met him, he couldn't pretend not to see it, otherwise his heart would be damaged.

However, if he could do it all over again, Chen Tianming would definitely turn around and leave. The important thing is to act spontaneously.

After explaining some precautions, Chen Zhuo picked up the giant cocoon that wrapped Zoe and left the third post.

Chen Tianming watched his leaving figure. The back seemed to reveal a sense of vicissitudes of life, which made him feel filled with emotion.

The scene in front of him made him sigh with emotion, as if he could see the traces of time left on the departing figure.

"Pity the hearts of parents in the world."


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