"what happened?"

The minister who was in his mansion in the suburbs was stunned when he looked at the large field of honeysuckle.

Why are these flowers starting to wither?

At this moment, Jiang Yang's magic power increased more than ten times! The terrifying aura made the audience shrink back subconsciously.

He used blight recovery to recover all the magic power of the honeysuckle field. Since he was going to another world next, he wouldn't be able to use the money in this world.

with full force!

"Is this your true strength?"

As soon as Sun Tianxing finished speaking, the sound of Buddha's chant sounded, and thousands of golden images appeared behind him. These images finally condensed into one and turned into a six-eared macaque.

The six-eared macaque is wearing a gold and silver battle armor, holding an iron soldier in his hand, and his eyes are emitting sharp golden light!

Anyone can see that it is close to S-class!

It seems that the sacred aura cannot summon the spear array and samurai zombies for the time being.

Jiang Yang thought about it for a while, then moved one foot, and Sen Luo was released! Different from the previous release, this time Senluo simulated the terrain. Sun Tianxing was standing on the flat ground a second ago, and now he was surrounded by stone fronts on all sides!

"rush ahead!"

The sound of wheels crushing gravel came from all directions, and hundreds of pea assault vehicles formed a charging formation and charged towards Sun Tianxing from top to bottom!

The barrel rotates and pea bullets pour out! The six-eared macaque made a decision, and immediately transformed into ten people trying to break out of the encirclement. Several balloon zombies appeared in the sky, and frozen lettuce proliferated on their bodies. Then the zombies picked off the lettuce, one after another. Surrender to Sun Tianxing!

Sun Tianxing bit his finger and pressed it on the ground. A white light flashed instantly, and a handsome white dragon appeared. It carried Sun Tianxing up to the sky to avoid the frozen lettuce, and then the dragon's tail swung and smashed all the zombies into pieces. piece!

AAA level summoning spirit, White Dragon Horse!


Sun Tianxing pointed at Jiang Yang. Bai Malong was covered in a burst of frost, and his body turned into a white streamline and rushed towards the opponent!

The water molecules in the air turned into ice slag because of the cold!

boom! boom! boom!

Three walls of nuts appeared in front of Jiang Yang, resisting the attack and rushing forward!

"Can you resist?!"

"Isn't that a B-level summoned spirit?"

"B-level can resist AAA-level attacks?!"

Before everyone's amazement ended, the corn cannon shells exploded next to Bai Longma!

The plant type restrains the water type, causing double damage!

The already terrifying cannonball was even more terrifying with the help of Senluo. This one shot blew the white dragon horse away!


Sun Tianxing gritted his teeth and ordered. The white dragon horse quickly transformed into a handsome young man in white clothes with horns on his head. He first created a volley of ice to prevent Sun Tianxing from falling to his death. Then he waved towards the nut wall and fired three times. The meter-long ice pick was smashed down!


The nut wall was destroyed instantly, but the person behind the wall disappeared.


Sun Tianxing suddenly felt bad when he saw an obvious sign of digging a hole behind the wall.

I saw a burst of bright golden light erupting from the stone front where the six-eared macaque was waiting! The terrifying power of the hundred-shot solar beam poured out, and even the hills were shattered!

"We go back to support..."

Before Sun Tian finished speaking, he saw a red cherry bomb multiplying on Bai Longma's body.

One B-level cherry bomb doesn't do much, but ten? What about a hundred?

At this time, the Torch Stump was quietly summoned in a place in Senluo. Its location was very tricky, and it was a place where the buff could be applied without being noticed.

Boom boom boom boom!

Cherry bombs quickly grew out of the white dragon horse's body, and the dense red color looked particularly scary.

"Actually, we are two plants! My name is Baku, and my brother's name is..."


The cherry bombs seemed to be whispering, and as soon as the sound fell, they turned into fire and exploded!

As we all know, cherry bombs only explode when they are said to explode.

Bang! !

The chain reaction caused by the cherry bomb directly disabled Bai Longma. He landed on the ground, his body twitched a few times, and black smoke slowly emerged...

The White Dragon Horse here had just lost its fighting ability, and the corn cannons that had multiplied to five units started firing their own shells again! The Pea Assault Vehicles proliferated again, and together with the previous batch, the total number of Pea Assault Vehicles on the field reached three hundred!


Under the heavy firepower, the six-eared macaque's gold and silver armor could not withstand the damage and began to crumble!

But this doesn't give it a headache. What makes it most irritating is that every time he wants to use some magical power, these pea assault vehicles will quickly and decisively retreat to a place where his skills can't reach and continue to consume himself with those bullets!

Tactical visor: Pea General's vehicle has a unique ability. Once it discovers that the opponent has released a high-danger skill, its attack range and effect will be displayed in the field of view!

"Don't think it's over like this!"

Sun Tianxing roared, and he supplied all the magic power in his body to the six-eared macaque. The moment the latter's armor shattered, a terrifying evil aura erupted from his body, and the iron soldier shook as if it was roaring, and let out a Whisper!

Blood demon state!

The six-eared macaque's ability instantly rose to S level! It was covered in blood. It stomped its feet and shook the pea assault vehicles, and then smashed them to pieces with its volley dance stick!

Six-eared macaques are born with the potential to cultivate their hearts and walk the path of magic. Sun Tianxing spent a lot of resources to get the gold and silver armor to make it have the form of Tao Heart. Now that the gold and silver armor has disappeared, its true power is revealed!

"I've been waiting for this moment."

Jiang Yang, standing in the distance, murmured. He touched the ground with both hands and transformed Senluo into the reincarnation cemetery!

Warrior zombies and gun array zombies were summoned, but the most terrifying thing was not these, but...

Clown zombies like a tide!

Unless they are killed remotely, they will explode in close combat or touch!

With the blessing of the reincarnation cemetery, warrior zombies and gun array zombies can continue to fight even if they are killed! After the Tao Heart state is lifted, the undead system is a very good choice to fight against the blood demon six ears.

Moreover, those pea assault vehicles still exist on the field and continue to proliferate. Balloon zombies also continuously throw frozen lettuce, making the speed of the blood demon six ears even slower!

"Kill! Kill to your heart's content!!"

The blood demon Liu'er roared all day long. He rushed into the zombie tide, waving his weapons and performing various magical powers. He was very majestic. However, he had already consumed more than half of Sun Tianxing's magic power.

The number of zombies and pea assault vehicles on the scene did not decrease!

After the honeysuckle withered and recycled, the number of plants and zombies that Jiang Yang could release was terrifying.

What does this amount to?

At the beginning, you are given a million suns and a shovel that can be used with one click! And you can also mix zombies and plants!

The audience felt desperate just by watching. This kind of feeling of fighting for a long time without losing a zombie, but being unable to move, a dark mass of zombies and pea bullets turned into fireballs, it was almost suffocating!

Now their view of Jiang Yang has changed from "summoning master" to "human bomber" and "walking armory".

Military-level firepower!


Author has something to say:

Thanks to the character summons of "Zhatian Gang Brainwashing Master"! Thanks to the boss for his support!

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