National call: I contract the Pea Shooter!

Chapter 58: Final Battle of the Hundred Schools League

Not long after, Jiang Yang and Ying Xiao came down from the hospital. The latter had a bandage on his right eye. It was obvious that the power of the Eye of Death was too strong and could not be suppressed temporarily.

"It seems to be successful."

Xia Li tied up Mr. Fu with an AAA-level rope-shaped spirit weapon. She looked at Ying Xiao and smiled with satisfaction: "Jiang Yang, this is your credit. You decide what to do next?"

"He is backed by the Black Fox Family. With that kind of power, he will be released even if he is handed over."

Jiang Yang thought of the fake "K" who died in prison, and whispered: "The most stable way is to cut the grass and root it out, but I won't do that."


Xia Li asked curiously.

"Because Black Fox also wants me to root out the problem. In their eyes, summoners who fail to complete their missions are probably discarded. Killing them will help them to distance themselves from the problem."

Jiang Yang said softly, "For me, the best choice is to hand him over to other families."

"Other families?"

"Black Fox dares to help other families eat up the capital of his own country. Its power is not small. It is impossible for other families in Chi to have no objection."

Jiang Yang narrowed his eyes and continued, "Giving them such a handle will be the biggest blow to Black Fox. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. But I don't have a way to send this guy out for the time being..."

"OK, I understand what you mean. Since you are Sister Kong's student, I will help you send this guy to other families."

Xia Li waved his hand and asked, "Do you trust me so much? Aren't you afraid that I will sell you to Black Fox?"

"If you would do that, you would have run over to knock me out when I called you and then joined this guy."

Jiang Yang shook his head and replied.

"Although your eyes are not special, they can see very clearly."

Xia Li chuckled and said, "My eyes are heterochromatic, and I was born with all kinds of special abilities, such as being able to see something similar to a health bar on everyone's head, and being able to see a person's various values, even personality and living habits."

"But all the information about you is a question mark."

Xia Li approached Jiang Yang, she squinted her eyes slightly, and the distance between the two was so close that their noses were almost touching. A devil-like smile appeared on her delicate face like a doll: "I am very interested in you, remember to come find me after the Hundred Schools League is over?"

"They won't mess with me during the Hundred Schools League, right?"

Jiang Yang was startled. The other person's appearance and figure made him subconsciously speed up his heartbeat even though he could turn on the steel straight man mode for Ying Xiao, but he immediately returned to normal and asked.

"Don't worry, I will show this video to the people above. No matter how aggressive the Black Fox is, it will not cause trouble to you during the Hundred Schools League."

Xia Li took a step back and laughed softly: "But your girlfriend has the Eye of Death, they will not give up. After the Hundred Schools League, your best choice is to participate in the 'Great Exploration of the Other World'."

"I know, I couldn't ask for more."

Jiang Yang nodded.

The Great Exploration of the Other World is a reverse summoning ceremony performed by 150 summoners to open a completely unfamiliar and unrecorded other world.

If you want to return to the real world, you need to find the magic door connecting to the real world. Once you find it, it means that most of this other world has been explored and can be opened as a normal other world trial site.

Once you return to the real world from the other world, no matter how old you are in the other world, you will return to the age of the real world, but you will become old again when you go back.

When the magic door is opened, normal death from old age will only prevent the person from entering the other world again and teleport directly to the real world. Any death other than this will directly end his life.

So if no one of the 150 people finds the magic door in the other world, then the exploration will be considered a failure.

And there are many risks in entering a completely unfamiliar other world, such as falling on the head of the strongest creature in the world as soon as you cross it, crossing through magma, crossing in the bathroom of the queen of the country...

In short, it is, danger and opportunity coexist.

"What is the decision of the girlfriend over there?"

"Of course I will follow him."

Ying Xiao grabbed the corner of Jiang Yang's clothes with some dissatisfaction, lowered her head and muttered, and it seemed that Xia Li's behavior just now had offended her.

"Well, then there is no problem. I will hand this guy over to other families first, and then help you have a good chat with the people of the World Calling League."

Xia Li nodded and said with satisfaction: "Go and fight a good game and bring back the championship. Come on! Contact me by phone when the time comes!"

"Thank you for your hard work, Senior Xia Li!"

Jiang Yang bowed lightly, and when he stood up again, the other party had disappeared.

This senior who looks a bit naughty is very likable. He is not slow in doing things and is strong. It will definitely be helpful for me to make friends with him in the future.

And her personality is also very open-minded. I made the King of Hell look like her. When he first appeared, he had no clothes, but she didn't care at all...

The story of Fudocol soon spread on the Internet. The unfamiliar word "Northern Bear Family" caused heated discussions among netizens. Fearing that the relationship would be exposed, the Black Fox frantically searched for the whereabouts of Fudocol, and found out that this guy actually fell into the hands of the White Tiger Family that he had always oppressed!

In desperation, the black fox cut off a large piece of meat to feed the white tiger who had the upper hand over him. The white tiger was not an ungrateful family, and divided the benefits obtained from the black fox in half to Jiang Yang.

Jiang Yang was confused when he suddenly had a million-dollar fortune and three warehouses of magic props.

Finally, after thinking about it, Jiang Yang decided to let the director of the Jianghai City Zhaoxie branch help him manage this resource. After all, he would go to another world after the Hundred Schools League, and he couldn't spend the million-dollar fortune.

As for the magic props, he kept the ones he could use and gave the rest to the director for operation.

He still trusted the other party. After all, it was a half-life-saving friendship, and he could see the other party's loyalty.

Ying Xiao was strengthening her mastery of the Eye of Death every day, while Ah Yan was in a bad mood every day and didn't want to fight, but this did not affect Jiang Yang's battle.

Because in the Hundred Schools League, all opponents who met Jiang Yang either gave up or surrendered immediately after hitting them twice and realizing the difference in strength.

Unsurprisingly, he made it to the finals. As a man who defeated the rampaging Chu Linyuan and drove away the Hall of Fame summoner, he now had to face the original opponent of his story.

"Long time no see."

Sun Tianxing took a deep breath and looked up at this powerful enemy who had grown too much.

"Let's get started."

Jiang Yang knew that no matter how much he said, it would not be as exciting as a battle.

The cheers of the audience were like a tide. Under the watchful eyes of the people of the country, this ultimate game began!

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