I originally thought you were a young lady, but you turned out to be a rich woman?

Jiang Yang was stunned for a moment, not feeling well.

"I'm just putting up a name. The actual operation of the company depends on the seniors in each department."

Seeing the other party's surprised look, Sakura Xiao explained.

It is similar to the young emperor ascending to the throne, and the ministers taking charge and assisting him. I just said that someone who is just a few years older than me and is busy as the president would have no time to do anything about guardian spirits.

Jiang Yang finally felt a little more balanced.

"Jiang Yang, did you come alone?"

"The head of the CPPCC branch recommended me to come because of my long experience."


A woman with shoulder-length hair came over, put a coat on Yingxiao, and pointed her watch towards her intentionally or unintentionally, indicating that the time was up.

“There are a lot of good things in this auction, here is my contact information.”

Ying Xiao smiled and took out a business card from her jacket and handed it to Jiang Yang: "If you have any questions, please contact me. See you on the cruise ship later."

Jiang Yang agreed and accepted the business card, while Ying Xiao walked towards the luxury cruise ship docked at the beach, surrounded by bodyguards.

"There are so many beautiful girls, aren't you going to find one?"

Jinhua poked Jiang Yang with a leaf and said, "I think the blond one over there is pretty good, she has a good figure!"

"Career priority."

He put his hands on his hips and stared at the cruise ship in anticipation: "I wonder what treasures will be sold."

After playing at the beach for a while, Jiang Yang decided to go to the cruise ship first. In addition to himself, he also saw many organizations from the Red Kingdom. He was sitting alone in the auction house, while everyone else gathered far away from him. Sitting together, it was as if there was some kind of minefield around them.

Damn, what is this, bullying at the auction house?

"This is siding with each other. The auction house is not a place where each party operates independently. Sometimes, in order to suppress the other party, various forces will temporarily form alliances to raise prices, and then work together to control the price as soon as they get what they want to buy."

Sui Jinhua stood on Jiang Yang's shoulder and said in a rather sophisticated manner: "If there is an enemy meeting, having someone else behind the scenes will more or less make the other party give up their bad thoughts."

"I see, then where should I stand?"

"Stay there, you will only get exploited if you get close to me. The only way now is to find if there are other newcomers like you. It is much better for newcomers to take care of each other than to deal with old foxes."

Jinhua poked Jiang Yang's face with a leaf and said.

Just as Jiang Yang was looking around to see if there was anyone who was alone like him, a familiar and soft voice came from beside him: "Can I sit here?"

"Ah, of course."

Jiang Yang was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

Ying Xiao smiled and sat next to Jiang Yang. Seeing Ying Xiao standing in line, more and more people sat next to Jiang Yang. The former was very skillful with those who seemed to be successful bosses. People chatted, Jiang Yang listened and kept important information in his heart.

Although he is a newbie, he has a strong learning ability.

"This girl really likes you, why don't you just accept it."

Jinhua came close to Jiang Yang's ear, lowered his voice and whispered: "It's not a loss anyway!"

"Why are you more worried about me finding a partner than my mother?"

The corner of Jiang Yang's mouth twitched. He didn't expect that Ying Xiao would lend a helping hand to him. You must know that the encounter in another world was not a friendly process. Both sides fought fiercely. Ying Xiao's last knife, Ying San, was obviously It got so bad that it almost killed him.

Maybe she feels guilty about this?

Guilty shit, people who are above the level of a grandmaster, how can they feel guilty because of this little thing?

Or does she simply think I have potential and want to socialize with me first? This possibility is relatively high. After all, in reality, there is no such thing as falling in love with the opponent after a life-and-death battle! What's more, this guy is still a president after all, and his brain is not the way of thinking of a teenage girl in love!

While Jiang Yang was brainstorming, the lights in the entire venue suddenly dimmed, and several spotlights were seen shining on the stage. The host in a suit spoke fluent English and began to introduce the process of the auction to everyone. and the hot topics of this issue.

"The first few are all things that are effective but unnecessary. If it is not to show your financial strength and put pressure on others, don't get involved. It is easy to make enemies for yourself."

Jinhuahua carefully observed the situation and prompted.

Ying Xiao looked at Suijinhua in surprise. She originally thought that Jiang Yang's trip was like a little sheep joining a pack of wolves, but the other party actually had an experienced assistant by his side.

In fact, what surprised her even more was that the Golden Flower, as a summoning spirit of the plant system, actually possessed such intelligence. Normally, long-lived summoning spirits with high IQs had their own pride, and it was very difficult to contract with the other party.

It seems that there are many things about him that I don't understand.

Yingxiao thought about it for a while.

As Jinhua said, the first few magic props that came out of the auction were all tasteless and was a pity to throw away. There were only a few seemingly powerful consortiums competing for financial resources.

For them, the value of the prop itself is irrelevant. Showing one's own abilities and testing others' strengths are the most important. This can avoid a lot of unnecessary trouble.

After the giant sheep fat cream was auctioned, a wooden box made of agarwood was brought to the auction table. With the atmosphere created by the host's few words, Jiang Yang's attention was aroused. Seeing that the atmosphere was enough, the host opened the wooden box slowly!

A coiled dragon carved with gold, silver and gemstones appeared in everyone's vision. In addition to the gorgeous appearance, everyone felt the special power contained in the coiled dragon. I am afraid that with this thing as a summoning token, the summoned spirit called out is at least AA level!

The deeper level is the cultural value of this coiled dragon.

A jade dragon? Isn't this a national cultural relic?

Jiang Yang was shocked. He had seen the introduction of this thing on a TV program. The jade dragon is a luxurious cultural relic unearthed from the emperor's tomb. Each scale on the dragon has a different touch, and you can even feel the temperature after touching it!

National cultural relics actually appear at a foreign auction! It seems that someone is secretly reselling it!

Jiang Yang's eyes were slightly cold. Although he was a time traveler, this feeling was like seeing his precious vase stolen and sold at a flea market. It was very unpleasant.

"Starting price, one million!"

The host shouted loudly.

Everyone knew that this ordinary bid was just a small stone that caused ripples!

The real huge wave was coming!

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