"As expected of the Minister of Summoning Association, he understands Summoners!"

Jiang Yang's eyes were shining as he accepted the black card and admission ticket with a smile on his face.

He has never been to a world-class auction. For items of this level to be auctioned, he can use his toes to think of the level of treasures they are!

Now that I have this black card, it’s so exciting!

Although I don’t know why the minister is so enthusiastic about Jin Canhua, anyway, I just want to make money with my own blood!

"Okay, I'm going back first! If you have any questions, please contact me!"

The minister couldn't wait to leave the residence, leaving only an echo.

Jiang Yang looked at the admission ticket. It said the start time and location of the auction. It would start in two days. The location was Great Eagle Country. It seemed that he would set off tomorrow.

He is not worried about the big honeysuckle in the flower field. No matter how far away they are, these guys will eat up their own magic power to survive, and they have no worries about dying.

It would be great if this auction could get something that would expand the magic source several times.

The benefits brought by these large honeysuckles are huge. This kind of magic power consumption is too fast, which will make you passive in battle.

Jiang Yang walked around the flower field and found a plant mixed in among the large honeysuckle bushes. He didn't find it for a while!

"Is this... a gold-sucking flower? It seems to be a mutation of honeysuckle!"

Jiang Yang was quite surprised when he contracted the other party into his own book. Because he had grown it himself, it was not difficult at all to make the contract.

"Hey! What kind of backcountry is this? Why do you let me stay with these bumpkins!"

The golden flower suddenly woke up and exclaimed: "I should be in a neat and clean office! What is this dirty dirt... Wow! There are coins!"

It trembled, emitted light and sucked up the dollar that Jiang Yang had dropped from his pocket.

"Are you sane?"

Jiang Yang was even more surprised. He originally thought that plants must be given spiritual intelligence through spiritual enlightenment, but now it seems that some plants have their own brains!

"Don't compare me with these guys who just produce gold coins stupidly!"

The gold-absorbing flower raised its proud little head with gold coins still attached to it, and said, "You are very lucky to have contracted a summoning spirit like me! You will reach the pinnacle of your life!"

"What are you good for?"

Jiang Yang opened the book and found that the other party was actually an E-level summoned spirit!

Class E! The lowest grade of my plants is B! Is this guy here to lower the average score?

"Don't judge my worth in that rigid way!"

The Golden Flower shook a few times with great dissatisfaction, and continued to shout: "Leave your assets to me to manage! I can help you make profits, make profits, make profits, make profits, and make profits!"

"In other words, you are a talented economist?"

Jiang Yang thought for a while and handed over the management permission of Big Honeysuckle to Jinyinhua. In addition to the black card, there were a total of 500,000 soft girl coins.

"The word talent is used to describe ordinary people! I am not an ordinary person! After all, I am not a human being at all... In short, I will be your financial manager from now on!"

Seeing Jiang Yang trusting her so much, Sui Jinhua said happily.

As soon as he finished speaking, it came out of the soil, jumping around with two funny and cute green roots.

"Then leave it to you."

Jiang Yang couldn't understand Qian's twists and turns, so he simply let Jinhua try it. Although it was only an E-level summoned spirit, since it was transformed from Honeysuckle, no matter what the system was, it wouldn't be a complete cheating thing for him.

After practicing Senluo, reincarnating in the cemetery, and expanding his magic source on a daily basis, Jiang Yang fell asleep from exhaustion.

While he was dreaming, Gold-Sucking Flower stayed in front of the computer and didn't know what to do.

When Jiang Yang looked at the gold-absorbing flower, he was only attracted by the E, and did not notice that the gold-absorbing flower's ability value "Learning" was the highest color.


Standing on Jiang Yang's shoulder was a gold-absorbing flower wearing sunglasses. One person and one plant came to the strange Eagle Country, Hua Luodu.

Hualuodu is a well-known coastal city, and the auction also started on a luxury cruise ship at sea.

As a "mature" summoner, the first thing Jiang Yang did when he came to this place was to go shopping and eat.

He originally thought that the money-sucking flower would say something when he was lavishly spending money, but it turned out that the latter actually supported this kind of capital flow. For it, money is something that cannot be obtained without consumption. On the contrary, resisting consumption is a problem. Such stupid behavior!

Of course, consumption does not mean waste. When Jiangyang was fooled by some "charlatans" and almost bought something with an IQ tax, he would directly stop it.

"Oh, what a beautiful scenery!"

Jiang Yang and Jinhua came to the beach, and the latter said excitedly.

"Are you also interested in human girls?"

Jiang Yang raised his eyebrows and said.

"Of course, beauty and ugliness have no distinction between species! But compared to those beautiful beauties with hot bodies, I still prefer the innocent girls over there!"

Jinhua pointed at a girl with a pink round head quite professionally and said, "And she has a clean and neat temperament, which I admire very much!"

Jiang Yang looked in the direction it pointed, and the girl turned her head and looked over at this moment.

When their eyes met, he took a deep breath, and his whole body stayed in place as if he was petrified.

It's such a coincidence...

"Jiang Yang."

The girl blinked, and a touch of surprise and vague joy appeared on her expressionless face.

Yes, the other party is Sakura Yingxiao who she met in the other world last time! !

"Do you two know each other?"

"More than knowing each other, we almost killed each other."

Jiang Yang thought of the other party's horrible explosion of Yingsan. If he hadn't used the Extinction Slash, he would have to lie in the hospital for several months.

It makes sense. According to Kong Qingyu, this guy is the eldest daughter of a chaebol in Sakura Country. It's not uncommon for her to participate in a world-class auction.

Yingxiao made a gesture to several bodyguards not far away. The latter nodded, but the eyes she cast at Jiang Yang seemed to hide a sharp sword, which made the other party feel uncomfortable.

"Okay, long time no see, arrow..."

Yingxiao ran over in small steps and stammered in Chinese with difficulty.

"Just speak English."

Jiang Yang was amused by the other party's naivety and spoke. Just looking at Ying Xiao wearing a rather childish swimsuit and looking a little silly, no one would have thought that she would be so sharp and intimidating when holding the demon sword.

"Well, it has been almost a month since I left the other world last time."

Ying Xiao seemed to have tried hard to force a smile, and she continued: "I didn't expect to meet you here."

"Well, did you come with your parents?"

"No, I was invited alone, and my father didn't come."

"Agent of the chaebol?"

"No, I am the president?"

Ying Xiao asked in confusion.

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