National call: I contract the Pea Shooter!

Chapter 23 Red Ghost, Crisis is Coming

Kong Qingyu has been looking for Jiang Yang's trace since she got out of the corpse tide. The fog has completely turned the Silent Forest into a maze. Even the experienced Kong Qingyu was confused for a while.

Although Jiang Yang is extremely talented, Kong Qingyu knows that the real horror of the Silent Forest is not only the corpse tide, but also the danger level of those wandering souls is the lowest in this strange forest.

In the center of the Silent Forest, there is a long-lived bloodthirsty ghost tribe. They often appear with fog. Not only are they strong and agile, but they are also born to be good at hunting humans. Only magic attacks can effectively kill them. The summoning world calls them "murderous ghosts in the fog."

If a single summoner encounters a bloodthirsty ghost tribe, even a hall-level summoner will be in danger. Not to mention Jiang Yang, who is still a half-baked one.

The bloodthirsty ghost tribe has a very easy-to-recognize living habit, that is, red trees will appear in front of their tribes. Crossing the red trees means entering the territory of the bloodthirsty ghosts.


Jiang Yang walked quietly. Unlike other places in the Forest of Death, this area had a very strange tranquility. Even in places swept by the tide of corpses, he had heard the rustling of the wind.

But it was terrifyingly quiet here.

His intuition told him that he should not have come here. He began to regret it.

As soon as he turned around, he heard the sound of "da da da" footsteps, which was particularly harsh in this quiet place.

Evil spirit? No, this sound was obviously from some kind of "creature".

Before Jiang Yang thought for a few seconds, an arrow flew accurately from the fog and hit his arm!

The severe pain made Jiang Yang almost scream. Although it happened suddenly, his brain quickly made the judgment that "making a sound will make it easier for the enemy to find it."

This arrow was obviously a tracing arrow used for testing, which means that the other party is not sure that I must be in this position. This eliminates the possibility that the enemy has night vision. It is very likely that it relies on sound to identify my position!

Jiang Yang gritted his teeth and quickly summoned a nut wall in the distance. According to speculation, the enemy would most likely shoot arrows in that direction!


Another arrow! Blood spurted out! Jiang Yang finally couldn't help shouting, and his other hand was also hit by the enemy!

It seems that I only guessed half right. This guy did judge the position by sound, but it can also judge whether it hits the prey by the sound of the arrow hitting!

In other words, from the first arrow shot, his position was like being illuminated by the light, and it was exposed in front of it!

Jiang Yang gritted his teeth and started to run away. He carried the multiplied nut wall behind him. The arrows fell like raindrops. With a burst of "puff" hits, the nut wall was already riddled with holes!

He looked back and saw several red-skinned humanoid creatures about 1.7 meters tall carrying bows and arrows and holding short knives chasing him very quickly. That speed was not comparable to his own. I'm afraid it would only take a few seconds for them to stop him!

What the hell is this? !

Jiang Yang felt terrified for the first time in a long time. This feeling was like a hunted prey entering the final encirclement of the hunter!

He endured the severe pain and summoned the double-gun zombie. The double-gun zombie used the vines on its back to jump and shoot in the woods. It was as agile as a monkey and successfully dragged two red-skinned monsters, but the remaining three red-skinned monsters were still chasing closely, with no intention of letting go!

The terrifying killing intent pierced the back like a needle tip. Jiang Yang summoned double peas and snowflake peas, trying to use them to block the red-skinned monsters. However, the opponent's figure was as fast as the wind. Not only did he dodge all the pea bullets, he also used a short knife to easily cut off the double peas and snowflake peas!

The disadvantages of the plant system were exposed at this time. When conducting such a chase, the plant system that relied too much on cooperation to form a position would be easily broken by the opponent's relentless pursuit!

Cherry bombs and clown zombies took turns to go out, and the opponent ignored them and went straight over to continue chasing.

Jiang Yang could no longer run as his strength gradually faded due to excessive bleeding.

He found that the three red-skinned monsters could have rushed up to kill him with their short knives, but now they began to slow down, distanced themselves from him, and aimed at him with bows and arrows!

"As usual, the one who hits the head gets the most points, and the one who hits the head first wins!"

The red-skinned monsters began to discuss in a chattering manner. Although Jiang Yang could not understand, he guessed that the other party might be enjoying the thrill of hunting, and it was very likely that they were competing.

"I will definitely be the first this time!"

"Don't think about it, watch me shoot his head through!"

The red-skinned monsters shouted excitedly.

The arrow was put on the bow, and the fierce killing intent burst out!

Jiang Yang's mouth curled up with a sneer, and he tried his best to summon a row of sunflowers. The sunflowers emitted strong light, and the light gathered together to form a fierce blinding area!

The red-skinned monsters shouted hoarsely, because none of them wanted to lose the archery contest without confidence, so they kept their arrows on their bows and did not shoot.

When the light disappeared, the red-skinned monsters found that Jiang Yang's figure disappeared.

"This guy went underground. Let's chase him!"

A red-skinned monster stuck to the ground and heard the sound of the miner zombie digging a tunnel frantically.

"Wait, this guy is heading in the direction of... Humph, it seems he doesn't know that he has gone to the place he shouldn't go to."

Another red-skinned monster listened more carefully, took a breath, and said sarcastically.

"The Tomb of Ten Thousand Bones?"

The last red-skinned monster trembled all over, his eyes full of fear, shook his head and said: "That is a place of death that even we can't set foot in."

"It's a bit cunning, but it's still stupid."

The three red-skinned monsters saw Jiang Yang digging all the way to the Tomb of Ten Thousand Bones, and they sneered in unison. They turned around and left with a rather disappointed look on their faces.

Gulp! !

Jiang Yang thought he had a chance to escape, but at the moment when the miner zombie dug through the tunnel, he felt his heart was pinched! The god of death seemed to be standing behind him with a sickle!

In the moment when his consciousness was scattered, he saw the golden sunflower swaying quietly, and subconsciously, he summoned the twin sunflowers.

The twin sunflowers emitted a gentle and firm light, helping Jiang Yang dispel the evil spirits around him, and the feeling of his heart being pinched gradually improved.

The Holy Spirit System, the subspecies closest to the "Immortal System" and the "Demon System", can absorb the breath of heaven and earth and dispel the malice of all things.

Damn! This broken place is really full of fucking dangers! !

Jiang Yang finally had time to catch his breath and sit down to heal himself with emergency treatment.

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