A rotten smell floated in the air, and the weird atmosphere made Jiang Yang feel chilled. He raised his head and saw a terrifying forest of large black trees. What made him feel absurd was that these trees looked so long. It must be exactly the same!

"This is the Forest of Death."

Kong Qingyu looked around and said softly: "There once was a miserable battle in this forest. Countless souls of soldiers wandered in it. If you don't have enough magic power, you can't resist the evil spirit. It seems that the source of your magic power is Pretty passable.”

"What do we do next?"

Jiang Yang looked around and had no idea for a moment.

"Take this."

Kong Qingyu handed a pair of red flags to Jiang Yang and said: "This is a soul-calling flag. It is a magic prop. After waving it, it can summon the dead spirits. The evil spirits will try to occupy your body. You have to use the magic source to Resist and absorb them. This will add necromancy to your magic."

"I see."

Jiang Yang took the soul-calling flag, took a deep breath and started waving it. In an instant, several pale white ghosts rushed towards him from all directions!

In order to shake the minds of living people, these ghosts deliberately made themselves extremely terrifying. Fortunately, Jiang Yang was strong-willed and was not affected by them. He quickly turned the magic source. Just when he was about to absorb the ghosts, the system suddenly issued a sound:

"When an energy body is detected in the host's body, the system automatically converts it into items and stores them in the backpack."

With a swish sound, those ghosts disappeared from the body. Jiang Yang was surprised when he opened the system space and saw six round white objects lying quietly inside:

"Wandering Soul, a blue-level necromantic cultivation material, can be fed to zombies. It can also be raised in aquariums."

awesome! So damn awesome!

Jiang Yang was overjoyed. He didn't expect that his system not only provided idle harvesting services, but could also convert the energy rushing into his body into materials!

According to this, the wandering souls in this Forest of Silence can be transformed into training materials! This is simply a treasure trove!

Jiang Yang didn't stop. He shook the soul-calling flag violently a few times. Kong Qingyu said in a panic: "Don't shake it like this! If you come into contact with so many undead souls at once, your mind will be contaminated!"

Before he finished speaking, the dead souls rushed into Jiang Yang's body. However, they were like snowflakes thrown into the flames, melting at the touch!

There are a dozen more wandering souls in Jiangyang's system space.

Suck it, absorb it? ! It was absorbed in an instant! !

Kong Qingyu watched blankly as Jiang Yang continued to wave the soul-calling flag fiercely, and the undead souls surged towards him like a sea, but they were all absorbed and transformed in an instant. The speed made her jaw-dropping!

Could it be that this guy not only has talent in the plant system, but also has a terrifying talent in the necromantic system?

She has led so many classes of necromancy summoners and has seen many geniuses, but this is the first time she has seen one as outrageous as Jiang Yang.

Click! !

The soul-calling flag broke, and Jiang Yang froze on the spot, looking at Kong Qingyu with some embarrassment.

"When the magic power in the Soul-Calling Banner is used up, it will disconnect itself."

Kong Qingyu opened her mouth to explain. She looked at Jiang Yang with a slightly subtle expression: "How are you now? Do you feel delirious?"

"No, very sober."

"what's your name?"

"Jiang Yang."

Kong Qingyu breathed a sigh of relief and continued with complicated eyes: "It seems that there is no problem. What kind of transformation is your body? You are obviously not a summoner of the necromance system, but the necromancers invading your body like that have no effect. ?”

"Maybe I'm stronger."

Jiang Yang casually made a haha.

With the help of the soul-calling flag, he harvested more than two hundred wandering souls. Currently, the aquarium can only accommodate ten, and the remaining more than one hundred and ninety were fed to the two-gun zombies. Although their abilities have been improved, The Class A logo doesn't look like it has changed at all.

In addition to ordinary wandering spirits, Jiang Yang also collected a high-quality red "Samurai wandering spirit". If he can stuff it into a zombie, he can create a bottom-level A-level necromantic summoned spirit!

Of course, the premise is that this guy is willing to go in. The Samurai Wandering Soul has an extremely strong sense of self and cannot force him into the zombie's body for a while.

"Teacher, do you have any other soul-calling flags here?"

After tasting the sweetness, Jiang Yang naturally refused to relax like this. The other party reluctantly took out ten soul-calling flags from the bag and handed them to Jiang Yang.

"After absorbing all the evil spirits from these ten soul-calling flags, we can move on to the next step."

Kong Qingyu said: "I originally thought six months was too reluctant, but now it seems that with your talent, it is really possible to reach the Grandmaster level."

"What's next?"

"In this Forest of Death, there is an A-level contracted spirit called the 'Secret Sword'. It is a demonic sword. There are thousands of evil spirits living in the sword. It is said that it has killed gods, and it is extremely evil and powerful. . If you can make a contract with the other party, you will have half a foot to become a master summoner."

Kong Qingyu wanted to say something more, but her expression suddenly changed, she looked not far away, and murmured in a low voice: "No way... Is it really that unlucky?"

"What's wrong?"

Jiang Yang asked doubtfully. He followed Kong Qingyu's gaze and saw a group of indistinguishable monsters, their eyes glowing red, rushing over like a torrent!

"It's a zombie wave! Damn it! How could we encounter a zombie wave!"

Kong Qingyu shouted, grabbed Jiang Yang, and explained: "This is the most terrifying existence in the Forest of Silence. The life-seeking undead transformed from the corpses of thousands of soldiers will form an army and hunt lives according to their habits before they died!"

"Is there no way to repel them?"

Jiang Yang asked.

"The corpse tide is immortal, and their power comes from the entire forest! With my summoning spirit, I can kill them until their activity time ends. But the curse emitted by these corpses will directly affect me. At the least, I will lose ten years of my life, and at the worst, I will only have one year left to live!"

Kong Qingyu heard what Jiang Yang meant, and said with some dissatisfaction: "The wisest way now is to avoid it!"


However, Kong Qingyu did not expect that behind them, a few meters away, hundreds of arms emerged, and the undead soldiers crawled out of the soil and attacked the two with their fangs and claws!

There was no time to communicate, and the battle was about to break out!

Kong Qingyu and Jiang Yang each released their summoned spirits to start fighting. The two waves of corpses attacked each other. In the fierce battle, the two were lost in the gradually spreading thick fog.

Although Jiang Yang finally broke through the siege and escaped from the corpses, he couldn't find the way back under the cover of the fog.

After all, the trees here look exactly the same.

He walked for a few minutes based on his intuition, and suddenly saw a red tree. Curious, he brushed away the branches and walked towards the depths!

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