National call: I contract the Pea Shooter!

Chapter 2 Plane Summoning System

However, despite all the complaints, Jiang Yang was surprised to the point that the Pea Shooter given by the system alone was of C grade! You have to know that most people in the summoning major he studied only had D-grade contract spirits, and C grade was already something that could attract others' attention! Moreover, the ability value reached three blue and two green, which was quite good for a novice contract spirit!

Most people's first contract spirits were already promising with one blue!

Suppressing his inner joy, Jiang Yang spent a few minutes to understand the function of the plane summoning system. Simply put, the system has a built-in garden, which currently has ten slots. You can plant honeysuckle or sunflowers, both of which will regularly produce gold coins and sunlight for you.

Gold coins can be exchanged for new plants and skills, and sunlight can be used to cultivate plants for combat.

It is worth mentioning that honeysuckle and sunflowers can be planted in reality in addition to being planted in the system garden. Honeysuckle will also spit out gold coins in reality, but the function of sunflowers is just to shine.

This system is so thoughtful. I can save a lot of money on contracting other summoned spirits by exchanging gold coins for plants. I can even cultivate plants with sunlight without buying cultivation resources. I can improve my summoned spirits without spending a penny! !

Jiang Yang was surprised and planted five honeysuckle and five sunflowers in the system garden, and then opened the store interface.

"Aba aba aba aba aba!"

A man with a pot lid on his head rushed out from the side. He opened the trunk of the car and stared at himself with not very smart eyes.

There is no doubt that this guy is Crazy Dave.

There are not many things that can be purchased from Dave at present, only three, namely "Rapid Proliferation", "Recycling Withering", and "Ice Shooter".

Rapid Proliferation and Recycling Withering are both summoner skills. The former allows the summoner to make his plants split themselves during battle, without the need for the summoner to perform multiple summons. The latter can wither the plant and recycle the consumed magic value, making the summoner's battle more mobile.

The disadvantage of plant summoners is that plants are easy to take root and be beaten, so skills like Recycling Withered are of great strategic significance.

The price of Ice Shooter is more expensive than the other two skills. Although the grade is also C, it has its own talent. If it can be used in conjunction with Pea Shooter, it is estimated that those clever summoners will suffer!

No matter which one it is, it will be of great help to me, but the biggest problem is that I don’t have a penny!

Jiang Yang glanced at his poor money column.

Honeysuckle produces one gold coin every hour, and five honeysuckle flowers are five gold coins per hour. If you want to buy rapid proliferation and recycling withered, you need 700 gold coins. In other words, it takes about a week to buy rapid proliferation and recycling withered together.

Forget it, it’s equivalent to free anyway. You can learn skills as long as you hang up. Isn’t it beautiful?

Jiang Yang then turned his attention to the sun. A sunflower can only produce sun during the day. If it works 11 hours a day and produces 50 suns per hour, five sunflowers will produce 250 suns.

It takes 1,000 suns to upgrade the Pea Shooter once. If you don't consider that the sun required for each upgrade will increase, it should be able to upgrade about 19 times a week.

The system prompts that after a certain number of upgrades, the plant will also undergo an upgrade evolution. The starting point is already a C-level Pea Shooter, and it may reach B level after upgrading!

Jiang Yang was excited when he thought of this. In the summoning era, it was not particularly rare to be lucky enough to contract a high-grade summoning spirit, but the higher the level of the summoning spirit, the harder it is to cultivate. Without a stable income, it would be a waste of natural resources. But with the help of the system, the upgrade is all by hanging up! Even the upgrade depends on the sunlight obtained by hanging up, without spending a dime, it is so cool!

After exiting the system panel, Jiang Yang suppressed his surging mood and began to pack up to go home for the New Year.

This time, we can have a good New Year!


Jiangjia Village is located in the Xihe Town area, and next door is Sunjia Village. It is said that Sun Tianxing is a child from this village.

Jiang Yang, wearing a light white jacket, pulling a suitcase and carrying a large backpack, returned to the village head in a dusty manner. Along the way, he met many familiar faces, some of whom he could call out by name, and some of whom he had no impression at all.

For example, the one in front of him now.

"Oh! Isn't this Biancheng's son?"

As soon as he entered the door, Jiang Yang heard a voice like a whistle. He immediately got goose bumps on his body, and his fear of aunts and uncles instantly broke out!

"Ayang, you're back, this is Sister Lin, who held you when you were a child!"

Yun Fangcai, Jiang Yang's mother, quickly stood up and helped Jiang Yang take the luggage.

Jiang Biancheng poked his head out of the kitchen, and seeing that his son was not missing any limbs, he shrank back to the kitchen to cook.

"Hello, Sister Lin."

Jiang Yang showed an awkward but polite smile.

Seeing this, the relatives immediately started talking about how tall he has grown, how his grades are, whether he has a girlfriend, all the usual topics.

"Xiaoxia, do you still remember Xiaoyang? You two had a lot of fun when you were little, and you said you wanted to be someone's wife when you grow up."

A relative pushed a distracted girl next to him, who frowned and looked quite dissatisfied.

"It was just a joke when we were little, how can you take it seriously."

Jiang Yang has lived two lives and has a high emotional intelligence. He quickly spoke up to help.

When he was a child, he was a reborn person, so he was excellent in all aspects. It was normal for a simple-minded girl like Bei Xia to be attracted to him.

However, after he was unable to contract the summoning spirit, the relationship between the two gradually drifted apart. It was not that Bei Xia was fickle, but Jiang Yang was obsessed with summoning and they never interacted again.

This relative was also talking about something else. I'm afraid he didn't have any good intentions by bringing up the topic like this.

"She is quite self-aware."

Bei Xia sneered and whispered.

Hiss-why does she feel a little different from before?

Jiang Yang took a breath.

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