National call: I contract the Pea Shooter!

Chapter 1 The Age of Universal Summoning

On x, x, x, 20xx, the World United Archaeological Expedition discovered ancient ruins all over the earth. The summoning arrays left in the ruins can summon creatures from different planes here and make contracts.

After researchers determined that the magic circle was a controllable method, countries around the world decided to make the fact of "summoning" known to the world.

The whole world was instantly excited, and everyone was involved in the craze of summoning. Many ordinary people who were originally unknown became prosperous after being tapped into the potential of summoning, and completed a counterattack in life!

Seeing the huge benefits brought by summoning, various countries included summoning in compulsory education textbooks. This ushered in the era of universal summoning.

Nearly fifteen years have passed since the advent of summoning. Summoning has now become an indispensable part of life. Some people summon rock giants to assist in operations, while others summon beautiful and well-behaved beast-eared girls to be nannies. In such a world In an era when everyone had a summons book, Jiang Yang unfortunately did not have any talent for summoning.

As always, he was munching on crispy noodles and browsing the "Summoning Bar" post forum online. A red post instantly attracted his attention:

"The talent is amazing! Sun Tianxing of Red Maple Spiritual School successfully contracted the A-level demon summoning spirit, the six-eared macaque!!"

There are also several photos of six-eared macaques and Sun Tianxing in the post. The latter looks red-faced and full of energy.

It's useless to sneak in: "I just signed a contract with a C-level beast and instantly lost my smile."

I have a big sword: "Damn it, a genius is a genius. Ordinary people like us spend a lot of resources to nourish the formation souls to attract D-level summoning spirits. Geniuses can easily contract with A-level!"

The stars are not bright: "It seems that Jiuxuan Spiritual School also has a contract with an A-level summoned spirit. It is said that the ability value is still four purple and one red!"

Stride walked: "The ability points can be piled up. How long has Jiu Xuan been contracted? As long as Hongfeng is willing to spend money, Liu Er can also pile up. And Jiu Xuan is a plant type, and it will be troublesome to improve. We don't want it. Compared with this kind of genius, at least we can still make a contract, but some people can't even make a contract!"

Jiang Yang's heart sank, and a wave of sadness surged into his heart. Just as "Stride" said, there are geniuses in the world who can contract A-level summoning spirits on their own, and there are also trash like him who can't even make a contract. .

Even famous doctors were confused about Jiang Yang's physique. He obviously looked very healthy and energetic, so he should have the potential of a summoner. However, his soul array just couldn't resonate with other souls. It was as if the souls were rejecting him!

Jiang Yang himself guessed the truth, but didn't dare to speak.

Because he is a time traveler, he died of overwork in his previous life. As a result, when his soul entered reincarnation, it encountered a crack in the worlds of gods. Before he could rewash his soul, he was reincarnated into this world where summoning magic exists.

Just like a sudden landslide, the person in charge of Samsara couldn't find him for a while, so he had to put up a missing sign first.

Therefore, Jiang Yang's soul is in a state of exclusion from this world and cannot use the summoning technique at all.

Unwilling to be reconciled, he lived frugally, worked and studied, and spent most of his time eating noodles to satisfy his hunger. He bought various contract tokens without putting any financial pressure on his parents, hoping to increase his connection with his soul. However, reality gave him a hard blow.

It has been three years since he reached the contracting age. After more than a hundred contract attempts, Jiang Yang still failed to resonate with any soul.

Even if he is as strong-willed as he is, he still gives up.

He took a deep breath, threw the bag of dry noodles into the trash can, then opened his desk drawer and took out a golden seed that was so dim that it was almost colorless.

"Golden melon seeds", a plant-based contract token, can enhance the connection between the contractor and the plant-based soul. The price on the market usually fluctuates between 20,000 and 30,000. Because it has been summoned many times, the power inside is almost exhausted.

This is the last time. If I still fail this time, I will accept my fate.

Jiang Yang bit his finger severely, dripped blood on the golden melon seeds, then placed the golden melon seeds on a summoning circle drawn with chalk, and closed his eyes tightly.

For three years, I moved out alone to find a cheap and crowded rental house, living like an ascetic, all in order to make my parents laugh sincerely, instead of forcing a forced smile to comfort myself.

Today is already February 10th. If it still doesn't work, I can only go back to my hometown with empty hands.

"Souls hidden in the heavens, please respond to my voice. The omen spirit returns to its place, lights the lamp to attract the soul, and those who devour my blood will gain my soul and serve me for the rest of their lives."

Jiang Yang recited the incantation solemnly, and the magic circle in front of him emitted a burst of dazzling bright blue light. The magic circle slowly rotated. If he hadn't closed his eyes, he would probably jump up in surprise when he saw this scene.

This is the sign of a soul responding to the summoner!

"Sing the bones and echo the blood, sing the echo of the spirit! Show yourself! My spirit!"


The moment Jiang Yang put his hands together, the whole world seemed to be shattered. Time and space stopped, leaving only a cool and exciting voice in his ears:

"After your one hundred and twenty-fifth persistent spirit bonding ceremony, the heavens and the upper realms are finally able to contact you. Mr. Jiang Yang."

"Your birth in this world is a mistake of the upper world. In order to compensate for your mistakes, I was specially sent to assist you in this life. I am the plane summoning system. Considering the soul characteristics of the host, I am binding the summoning template that best suits you."


Jiang Yang was overjoyed. As an old bookworm, he naturally knew what a system meant in a novel. It was the only shortcut to the peak of life! !

No matter how useless a person is, as long as he has a system, he will definitely not be bad!

"Ding——! Binding is successful. The host has been bound to the "Plants vs. Zombies" system, and three novice plants are given to the host! The host can now view the rules of the system."

Jiang Yang was stunned for a moment.

Plants vs. Zombies?

Isn't that a small game that I played when I was a child? ! Normally, the protagonist's cheating system should be a system that can get rewards by signing in at a certain place!

It's okay if you don't contract a mighty and domineering Godzilla, but what is Plants vs. Zombies!

Jiang Yang opened his contract book and saw his summoning spirit and almost fainted.

Peashooter, honeysuckle, sunflower! Damn, it really is Plants vs. Zombies!!


Author's words:

Newcomer, new book, please support me!!

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