National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 245 The police officer infected with the virus

"Huh, huh. Uh...ah." The man's dull and painful breathing came from the corridor along with the sound of wind.

Su Fan and Zui Xiaoyao looked at each other, each clenched the weapons in their hands and stepped forward slowly. Although it sounded like a human voice, in this copy, who knows if it was a monster.

The sound was getting closer and closer, and they all guessed that they would meet the owner of the sound as long as they passed that corner.

Su Fan and Zui Xiaoyao tried their best to lower the sound of their footsteps, but when they were about to approach, suddenly a sharp shout came from the corner in front: "Who!"

They smiled helplessly, not sure if it was the smell or what, but in short, their figures were still exposed. They originally wanted to approach quietly, but things didn't work out.

"Who is there?" A rustling voice came from the corner ahead. Su Fan guessed that the person who spoke was probably struggling to stand up.

Suddenly, a figure flashed out, holding a pistol in a very standard posture, and pointed the gun at Su Fan and Zui Xiaoyao, swinging back and forth between the two.

The moment they saw the figure, Su Fan and Zui Xiaoyao both had expressions on their faces that said, "It's your boy."

Yes, this figure is what they saw from the plot CG played on the computer, the real warrior who dared to use ordinary pistols and alchemical bullets to fight against the snake-shaped Deadpool zombies.

The same police officer who reported that there were a large number of weapons and fire exits in the basement.

"What about you? Who are you? Put your hands up!" The policeman who rushed out looked nervous and spoke rudely, as if he would shoot without hesitation if Su Fan and the others made any move.

There were obvious blood stains on his left hand and abdomen. Su Fan could even imagine that he had used his left hand to cover the wound on his right waist, but the blood from the wound could not be stopped and still seeped out from his fingertips.

"Hey, don't be nervous, brother." Su Fan said calmly, "We are not those ugly and disgusting monsters, we are human beings, living human beings."

"Yes, we can talk, run and jump, and have nothing to do with those monsters." Zui Xiaoyao also denied.

In fact, they are not afraid of the powerless threat of the police. After all, even if an ordinary pistol is matched with alchemical bullets, it cannot cause fatal damage to them.

Unless they stand still, with their level of nerve reaction speed, they can easily dodge bullets, and Su Fan can even take a shower in a hail of bullets with the help of "the world is so close".

The most important reason why they went to great lengths to talk to the police was to gather information. It was easy to kill the other party, but firstly, it was not necessary, and secondly, the information about all this was the most critical.

"Hands up, do you understand?" the policeman on the other side howled angrily. Perhaps the disaster happened so quickly and suddenly that he lost his cool.

"Have you seen the uniforms we are wearing?" Su Fan remained calm and was not annoyed by the other party's attitude. "He and I are members of the search and rescue team, and we were ordered to find people who are still alive in this city. ”

"Including ordinary citizens, bureaucrats and you, understand? The police are also the ones we help." His tone was sincere, and his eyes were particularly kind.

Su Fan lied here. Their purpose was of course not to search and rescue citizens, but to find Oswell E. Spencer, the founder of the Umbrella Company. After all, this was the main task designated by the system.

However, this person's position is uncertain. We still don't know his relationship with the police. Maybe Oswell is the culprit of this disaster?

And someone in the police happened to know this information. Then Su Fan and the others would not be able to clean themselves up even if they jumped into the Yellow River.

"Search and rescue... members?" The policeman began to look a little moved. In this world full of monsters, relaxing his vigilance means that he is only a hair away from death. This is why he is obviously not in good condition, and the two people in front of him are obviously human beings. , the reason why he still doesn’t want to believe it easily.

"And too many unexpected things happened, extremely ugly and ferocious monsters, and their strange but extremely troublesome abilities. Oh, God, if I am dreaming, please let me wake up quickly. ”

The policeman said this to himself more than once.

"That's right, man, it was from the computer in the lobby on the first floor of the police station that we watched your video asking for help, and that's why we rushed to the basement." Zui Xiaoyao struck while the iron was hot, trying to impress him with sincere words.

After the two talked nicely, the policeman finally relaxed his vigilance. He put down the ordinary pistol in his hand, slid his feet and sat down against the wall, as if he could no longer hold up.

The more strenuous exercise seemed to involve the wound. The policeman took a breath, but soon he said with tears in his eyes: "Oh, thank God, I didn't expect that I could meet a living human being at this time."

"Are you okay? Do you want us to take you to the medical hospital in the basement now?" Su Fan asked tentatively. He had just observed the map and knew that the types of buildings here were very comprehensive. He also didn't know why there were underground police stations. Such a place.

"No." The police officer shook his head wildly, "My business is not important now."

"We can't leave you here!" Zui Xiaoyao said slowly, but he really meant what he said.

Su Fan was not opposed to this idea. Although the other party was in a dungeon, he had a strong sense of autonomy. He was almost not like an NPC, but a living human being.

They are all aware of this, and at the same time, they are all in the top twenty on the combat power list. With their pride and confidence, they naturally do not think that bringing a wounded person in the dungeon will have such a big impact.

If they are really afraid of carrying a wounded person and fail to break through, they don't deserve to stand out from billions of people.

"No, no." The police officer covered the wound with a pale face: "Not only was I fatally injured, but I was also poisoned in my body. It was a type of poison that I had never seen or even heard of before. It was... phew... call…"

He took a breath for a while, and then continued: "It's the snake-shaped Deadpool zombie you saw on the computer. Its tongue contains poison. To be honest, if this monster hadn't let me go on purpose, I would have He died there."


Su Fan's eyes moved slightly, and then he took out a bottle from his bag: "This is the universal detoxification capsule. You can try it to see if it has any effect."

"I told you, leave me alone." The police officer looked painful, "I want to use it too, but even if it is ready, it will only drag you down. It will be more useful to you if you leave it."

"By the way, take this." The police officer groped around his body with his blood-stained hands, and finally took out two ID cards.

Su Fan saw clearly that it said military weapons depot and laboratory respectively.

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