National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 244 The Word Spirit of Serial Number 77——Chi

Zui Xiaoyao sounded extremely excited as if he had seen his savior. He asked him to stop the high-level dragon-shaped Deadpool zombies with an alchemical shotgun Winchester M1887. Isn't this a joke?

If he hadn't been in poor physical condition, he would have been killed by this monster soon.

But despite this, dangers still arose several times, and he was almost forced to use the beast control card.

"Time is of the essence. When you get here, just go in and I'll cut it off for you." Su Fan quickly finished speaking and hung up the phone. He looked back at the metal movement that could only allow two people to pass, and stepped forward and pressed the red button again. button.

The metal sliding door suddenly stopped moving.

After only about ten seconds, Su Fan heard the roar of the monster and several dull gunshots from the front of the underground passage. He knew that Zui Xiaoyao was very close.

"Huh?" Su Fan looked confused. He suddenly felt that the temperature around him began to rise sharply. "What happened? Was Zui Xiaoyao forced to use the beast control card?"

Immediately, he seemed to have thought of something, and his expression changed slightly, "Is it... the speaking spirit of the dragon-shaped Deadpool zombie?"


It was like a sky thunder exploding, and black and red air waves were violent, surging around like a tide.

This destructive scene was like a small missile exploding in an underground tunnel. Suddenly, a figure rushed out of the black and red air waves. It was Zui Xiaoyao!

"This monster is crazy. He was so angry that he released his spirit." As soon as Zui Xiaoyao came to Su Fan, he gasped crazily. To be honest, the last blow of the dragon-shaped Deadpool zombie almost made it impossible for him to escape.

"Death is always one step behind you. Uncle, are you the reincarnation of a lucky star?" Su Fan joked with a chuckle. After saying this, he seemed to have sensed something, and his expression changed slightly, "Quick! Press the red button next to it first and then Go in, the second wave of attacks is coming!"

Zui Xiaoyao nodded slightly, said "Be careful" and got directly into the metal sliding door.


A large amount of flames accompanied by black and red smoke came towards Su Fan. This is the Word Spirit with serial number 77 - Chi. It can produce a large amount of flames and can burn the enemy. In the dragon universe, a complete Word Spirit is like hundreds of tons of fuel. The streets were set on fire.

But in the hands of the system, in the hands of the dragon-shaped Deadpool zombies in the Raccoon City copy, the power of this speaking spirit has even been upgraded, and its power is even more terrifying.


Su Fan's eyes were blazing, and the passive "So Close to the End" began to operate with all its strength. It was like there was an invisible barrier in the space, blocking all the fierce flames and even the black-red mist facing him in front.

An extremely oppressive figure rushed out of the black-red mist. The dragon wings behind it flapped, creating a realm of nothing in mid-air.

The red-gold pupils of the dragon-shaped Deadpool zombie are frighteningly bright, and the golden dragon claws are like a ball of divine fire burning. It is beating with fierce flames. It is extremely dazzling and makes people unable to take their eyes away. It is difficult to imagine the power of this claw. How big.

Su Fan's face was full of determination as if a commando was about to enter the battlefield. He shot out like a sharp arrow. At the moment of the attack, Su Fan's figure was blurred. That was because of the incredible high speed.

Su Fan was like an eagle swooping down from high altitude, but what he was hunting was not a rabbit, but a ferocious and cruel dragon-shaped Deadpool zombie.

The alchemical sword Murasame and the arm holding the sword are unrecognizable. That's because the faster speed makes his sword almost invisible!

The metal buzzed, which was Su Fan's long knife shaking rapidly. Although he was coming menacingly, the force of the dragon-shaped deadpool's zombie claws was extremely shocking, and the huge force it received caused the long knife made of jade steel to produce a huge impact. shock.

However, just this moment of obstruction was enough for the metal sliding door to only accommodate one person.

Su Fan relied on the power of the counter-shock and used the mysterious footwork of the Immortal Master to step into the square room behind the metal sliding door at the last moment.


After the metal sliding door was completely closed, roaring sounds continued from the opposite side. Su Fan and Zui Xiaoyao knew without looking that it was the dragon-shaped Deadpool zombie who was banging on the door to vent his anger.

One of them holds the alchemy sword Murasame, and the other holds the alchemy shotgun Winchester M1887. Both of them are ready to prevent the dragon-shaped Deadpool zombies from breaking in.

After several minutes of confrontation, Su Fan and Zui Xiaoyao breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. Fortunately, the worst outcome did not occur. The metal sliding door looked high-tech and its hardness was guaranteed.

"I didn't expect that a branch line of a mere police station would put us in crisis several times." Su Fan sighed with emotion. He put away his alchemy sword Murasame's hand, which was still trembling slightly. The confrontation with the dragon-shaped Deadpool zombie just now made his palm hurt. A little trauma.

This is the impact force generated by the collision between Murasame and the claws of the dragon-shaped Deadpool zombie. The determination of this power is a bit confusing for "So Far", so it is not easy to stop.

"Hey! Hey! Boy, don't forget that the police station mission has not been completed yet?" Zui Xiaoyao resumed his slow tone, "I have a hunch that the basement will be the difficult part of this branch."

He walked lazily to the map hanging on the wall, "I'm exhausted from all the busy work. I'm afraid I'll lose some life now. If I hadn't been forced to travel through time, I might still be fishing in the office now. Woolen cloth."

"I just looked at the map and found that there are two places on it that we can focus on." Su Fan shook his hand. It took such a long time for his palm to fully recover.

"Oh? Let's take a look..." Zui Xiaoyao scanned the map with squinted eyes, "Military weapons depot and... laboratory! Really?"

"That's right." Su Fan smiled slightly, "Needless to say, the military weapons arsenal contains equipment that is likely to be our largest collection here, and the laboratory..."

Speaking of the laboratory, Su Fan thought of the copy of the person who encountered the vulnerability. The laboratory is almost the most important building in the basement, so there is probably something important in it.

"There is a high probability that there is D virus and anti-venom serum." Zui Xiaoyao's eyes brightened, "The former is of great use even if you don't need to carry a copy in your luggage, and the latter is even better. No matter which teammate is infected with the D virus, Everyone can inject this stuff.”

"Then what are you waiting for?" Su Fan returned the alchemy sword Murasame to Zui Xiaoyao, and at the same time took the alchemy shotgun Winchester M1887 from his hand.

They decided to go to the military weapons depot first to ensure that the quality of the equipment was the best choice at all times.

After finalizing the route, the two set off quickly. Along the way, they encountered a few scattered humanoid Deadpool zombies, who were not their enemies.

But at this moment, they heard a man calling for help...

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