National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 237 Alchemy Shotgun Winchester M1887, Word Spirit Bronze Throne

Su Fan's face darkened. The two alchemy pistols he found required Magnum bullets. He did not have them at the moment, so he could not use them immediately.

However, the previous phone call let Su Fan know that Zui Xiaoyao had Magnum bullets, and when the two of them reunited, they could re-arm themselves.

However, the discovery of the alchemy pistol made Su Fan understand that there must be other good things here, and he immediately opened the second locker.

"Bullets!" Su Fan's expression changed slightly. At a glance, he saw that the bottoms of all the bullets were painted red, and the warheads were all engraved with complicated patterns. "Wish there were Magnum bullets."

Su Fan fumbled around, and the information given by the system appeared. The system showed that there were thirteen pistol bullets and seven shotgun bullets in the pile of bullets, all of which were alchemical ammunition.

"What a pity." A fleeting look of disappointment appeared on Su Fan's face, "But it's not bad after replenishing so much ammunition. Now I don't even get scared when I encounter a snake-like Deadpool."

Su Fan was in a hurry to join Zui Xiaoyao and didn't want to waste any more time, so he opened the third locker directly.

[Name: Shotgun-Winchester M1887]

[Type: Alchemy Weapon]

[Quality: Level 4]

[Equipped with bullets: 12-gauge shotgun]

[Magazine capacity: 7 rounds]

[Note: A classic weapon, a prop gun designed for the movie Terminator 2, experienced a new life in the hands of an alchemist]

"Great, I finally found an alchemy shotgun." Su Fan couldn't wait to step forward and take the weapon in front of him, and at the same time put the Remington M870 on his back into his bag.

"Old man, you have been honorably discharged after killing a snake-shaped Deadpool zombie." Su Fan stroked the body of the Remington M870 a little.

Su Fan already had the No. 12 shotgun needed for the Winchester M1887. It was the one he had just taken out from locker No. 2. There were seven rounds in total, and they were perfectly loaded into the shotgun.

"OK, I have all the things to play with, and we can start preparing to meet up with Zui Xiaoyao." After Su Fan packed up the things, he directly took the Winchester M1887 in his hand. He finally got the new weapon. He was not happy about how he could afford this. stuff.

As he walked towards the lobby on the first floor of the police station, he turned on his cell phone to check the time and found that there were three minutes left before he could contact Zui Xiaoyao.

"Hmm, I wonder what uncle Zui Xiaoyao has gained there." Su Fan said lazily. He just took the time to take a look at the team menu. The display below Zui Xiaoyao still said "Surviving". It was obvious that he was still alive after such a long time. There is no big problem anymore.

Just when Su Fan was halfway up the stairs, a loud noise suddenly came from above him. The ceiling exploded and sawdust flew everywhere. Along with the rising and falling, a ferocious and ugly figure fell from the sky.

The corners of Su Fan's mouth raised, not being surprised by the sudden chaos. The enemy falling from the sky was none other than his old rival, the snake-shaped Deadpool zombie.

"It seems that there are quite a lot of snake-shaped Deadpool zombies in this police station. You can encounter them wherever you go." Su Fan calmly picked up the shotgun in his hand and aimed at the snake-shaped Deadpool zombies.

He was worried that he had not met an enemy who could experience the power of the alchemy shotgun, the Winchester M1887. Who would have expected that the other party would directly package it and deliver it to his door. This service was much more considerate than some unscrupulous merchants.

Yanling, bronze throne.

The snake-like Deadpool zombie glowed, and its muscle strength was strengthened. At this moment, its muscles became as hard as bronze.

And in an instant, the monster's body surface showed a metallic color. This was the ultimate expression of Yan Ling's "Bronze Throne".

However, in this form, the terrifying force will cause extremely strong pressure on the bones. In severe cases, it may even break the bones, so even the snake-like Deadpool zombie cannot last for long.

Even if they lose all their bones and turn into a puddle of mud, they will not lose their lives in the end, but they will lose their ability to move and cannot cause harm to the enemy, which they still have concerns about.

Su Fan was slightly startled. The hidden information showed that the defense of the snake-like Deadpool zombie had been enhanced to an extremely terrifying level. "Interesting, but this shot of mine... takes twenty years of skill! Can you withstand it!"


The fire snake spurted out, and the alchemy shotgun and the alchemy shotgun hit the snake-shaped Deadpool zombie. It made a clanging sound, like gold and iron intersecting. You can imagine that the snake-shaped Deadpool zombie's skin was struck by the bronze throne. To what extent has it been strengthened.

However, this shot was not without effect. The moment it was hit, the body of the snake-shaped Deadpool zombie was distorted for a moment, and then all the metal-colored skin on its body retreated, returning to its original pale flesh color. Not only that, its body There are cracks in many places on the surface, obviously suffering an unimaginable impact.

Just when Su Fan was about to fire a shot, the snake-shaped Deadpool zombie swept its tail, turned over along the railing, and then quietly escaped into the lobby on the first floor of the police station.

"It's broken!" Su Fan felt a little headache now. He hurriedly leaned on the railing and looked towards the hall, but found that he could only see darkness and no trace of the snake-shaped Deadpool zombie.

"I just blasted its speech spirit state with one shot, even causing some damage to its flesh color, and lost the protection of the bronze throne. Next, I am confident that I can kill it with one shot!" Su Fan said to himself with some annoyance. road.

"Really, I've never heard of zombies escaping." Su Fan looked weird and continued to rush down the stairs. "Even if there is intelligence, this behavior obviously conflicts with instinct."

Su Fan sighed, "I can only pray that Uncle Drunk will not meet that guy, otherwise he will be a very difficult enemy."

The lobby on the first floor of the police station is still very large. Su Fan's eyesight is limited. Finding the snake-shaped Deadpool zombie is like finding a needle in a haystack. After all, the zombie is not a dead person and has wisdom.

Especially after this time, it was even harder for Su Fan to find the other party. After all, Deadpool zombies have a sensitive sense of smell. If he almost killed him, they would definitely remember the smell and try to avoid him.

On the other hand, they did not understand the recovery ability of Deadpool zombies. Although the "Bronze Throne" of Yanling was shot by Su Fan and was difficult to use in a short period of time, if this monster had extremely strong regeneration ability, I am afraid it would soon be destroyed. Can be used again.

The situation in front of him is still not good for Zui Xiaoyao. Deadpool zombies can find him through their sense of smell, but he can't effectively find each other in the dark.

"In the final analysis, these are the messes I made." Su Fan's eyes were slightly cold, "I can't let the drunk uncle suffer from this."

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