National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 236 The tough spider monster

"Phew." Su Fan let out a breath, "Fortunately, So Far is a passive skill, so it won't cost me too much. Otherwise, facing these disgusting guys, I would have to enjoy it with a cold face. "

Judging from the hidden information, this kind of spider monster does not have much HP, and its attack power is not high. With an ordinary pistol and alchemy bullets, as long as the target is not too far away, such as spider legs, it can basically be done. Kill instantly with one hit.

The only relatively tricky thing is the shit-green juice that shoots out in all directions. Not only does this juice look harmless to humans and animals on the surface, its sewage-like smell and disgusting color are all disguised.

In fact, this juice carries an extremely terrifying virus. The name of this virus is called T-Virus. Yes, it is the D-Virus.

Everyone must be familiar with the D-virus. As mentioned earlier, the D-virus, also known as the Dead waiter-Virus, is the culprit and culprit that creates humanoid, snake-like, and even dragon-like Deadpool zombies.

Once these liquids smoothly enter the body's circulatory system along Su Fan's eyeballs, mouth, nostrils and other parts, it goes without saying what consequences Su Fan will have.

To put it nicely, it is called "turning into an immortal monster", but to put it worse, it means that it has lost its consciousness and turned into a walking piece of meat.

Of course, with Su Fan's strong body, he can at least become a snake-shaped Deadpool zombie. If he is lucky, he might have a genetic mutation and directly transform into a Dragon-shaped Deadpool zombie or even transform into a Dragon King. possible.

At that time, it was not considered that they had lost their consciousness. The snake-shaped Deadpool zombies all had intelligence, not to mention the dragon-shaped Deadpool zombies and Dragon King above them.

Okay, back to the subject, these are just assumptions. Of course, this also excludes Su Fan’s nature and really wants to play like a zombie, hehehe...

Su Fan finally understood that the spider monster would randomly emerge from these pieces of meat, and it could "break out" from the pieces of meat very quickly, basically in the blink of an eye.

The advantage of being elusive alone, coupled with the large amount of D virus flowing in the body, is enough to show how tricky this thing is. If an ordinary beastmaster encounters it, there is a high probability that he will be tricked into turning into a monster.

To put it bluntly, when a beast master encounters this spider monster, the best way is to imprison it, or kill it from a distance. Otherwise, at close range, it is a bomb that explodes at the touch of a touch, and cannot be hit. You can't even kill.

Of course, if an unsuspecting person sees such a scary-looking spider, they will definitely take action on the spot.

The system also limits the strength of the spider monster. While setting up dirty tricks, it also gives it three characteristics: low attack, low defense, and low HP to balance it.

But these didn't matter to Su Fan. He had two bug-level skills, "Eye of Destruction" and "Close to the End of the World," so it was difficult for spider monsters to pose a threat to him.

"Bang." "Bang." "Bang."

Continuous gunfire sounded. Su Fan's shooting posture became more standard and his accuracy became higher and higher. It stands to reason that ordinary people would not make such a big improvement by firing so many shots, but in fact this is the convenience given by the system.

After all, the power of an ordinary beast master far exceeds that of ordinary guns. In many countries in the previous life, most of the population did not have the opportunity to come into contact with firearms, so naturally they did not know much about firearms.

The system has been slightly adjusted to prevent them from getting started slowly.


Soon, Su Fan walked three-quarters of the way through this wide and long corridor. He killed no less than 6 spider monsters along the way, and some of them were even relatively large. He could kill them with one shot. Still able to move.

After they were hit, they actually struggled to get back out of the fleshy soil. Su Fan knew with his butt that they must be going back to accumulate strength for the next attack.

Not knowing that they would become even more difficult to deal with when they came back, he immediately took advantage of the situation and chased them, firing several shots in a row, for fear of letting the tiger go back to the mountain, and finally killed them.

After his first experience, Su Fan also concluded the rules. A small spider monster with a diameter of about one meter can be killed instantly with a single shot from an ordinary pistol and alchemy bullets, while a larger spider with a diameter of about one meter can be killed instantly. About five, it will take two shots to kill it.

After summing up his experience, Su Fan became more and more comfortable in killing spider monsters, which also helped a lot in saving alchemy bullets.

After a while, Su Fan reached the end of the long corridor covered with pieces of meat.

The room at the end was not damaged. After the light fully illuminated the room, the scene inside was actually very terrifying.

Except for the ceiling, the room did not suffer much damage. Basically, all desks, chairs, benches, computers, documents, water dispensers and other movable objects were not in their original positions. There were also many things that seemed to be fragments of door panels and more than a dozen items. Broken door frames.

"It seems that there has been an unimaginable disaster here." Su Fan sighed secretly, but it was not without good news. At least he saw the stairs leading to the first floor of the police station.

"It's great that we don't have to go back." Su Fan looked happy. He was also worried that he would have to walk through the corridor of flesh and earth again, and he might have to be taken care of by the spider monster again.

And maybe there are snake-like Deadpool zombies spying in secret.

Thinking of this, Su Fan walked to the stairs in two steps and looked down. The peripheral light showed that the stairs were not damaged. As for the place hidden in the darkness, he couldn't tell.

But Su Fan didn't care. With his physical strength, even if he fell from here to the next level, there would be no damage, but the premise is that there are no traps or enemies below.

In addition, there was actually another major discovery. Su Fan saw three lockers deep in the room. This was a major discovery.

But he was not in a hurry, since things couldn't escape if they were left here.

Su Fan quickly explored the place, opened all the boxes that could be opened, and opened all the unlocked drawers. Finally, he received a lot of alchemy bullets and alchemy shotguns.

"Okay, there are only three lockers left to search." Su Fan geared up, "I remember the last time I was so nervous was when I was drawing cards before traveling through time."

"Every time a card is drawn, those guys in the group are crazy about shipping, and I am crazily crooked." Su Fan shook his head slightly, "Now that we are in the dungeon under the starry sky, it would be unreasonable if this situation cannot be improved. ”

The first cabinet was opened, and it was a good start. It was an alchemy pistol.

[Name: Double Action Revolver-Colt Python]

[Type: Alchemy Weapon]

[Quality: Level 3]

[Equipped with bullets: Magnum bullets]

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