National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 233 The alchemical firearms in the plum blossom room, the second call

"Oh, I just happened to get a plum blossom key from the police officer." Su Fan didn't waste any time and took out the "plum blossom" key from his bag and stuffed it into the keyhole.

With a click, the door engraved with the plum blossom mark opened.

Su Fan did not rush in, but took a few steps back with his gun in hand.

"Ah - uh -"

A deadpool zombie jumped out from the side, bringing a gust of fishy wind.

If Su Fan rushed in like this, he would probably have a close encounter with a Deadpool zombie.

"Bang bang."

After two gunshots, and with the experience of several shots, Su Fan was able to overcome the recoil and muzzle rise and fire continuously.

The two shots were still aimed at the chest of the Deadpool zombie. The alchemy bullets were very powerful. With just two shots, the Deadpool zombie was directly divided into two halves.

Broken organs such as intestines, lungs, and stomach were accompanied by foul-smelling corpse water, and extremely fishy dragon and human blood were scattered everywhere.

The body was divided into two sections, but the Deadpool zombie was still not dead. The arms of his upper body slowly used force to push the remaining pieces of flesh towards Su Fan.

Su Fan took a few steps forward. In order to prevent the Deadpool zombie from using the "Word Spirit", he stepped on its head. With a little force, the head exploded.

After dealing with the Deadpool zombies, Su Fan moved his eyes to the room.

He found that the room was relatively bright, with light coming from the half-opened window and illuminating most of the room.

Su Fan started searching directly, opening all drawers, cabinets and other things that could be opened, and finally received two alchemy shotguns and four alchemy bullets.

It is worth mentioning that Su Fan also found a box with a password lock during the search.

The password box was placed on a desk, which was very conspicuous, but he ignored it at the time. Instead, he packed up everything he could and then set his sights on the safe.

"Dong dong dong."

Su Fan knocked on the safe, and the system issued a prompt: [This item cannot be destroyed by external force, and can only be unlocked by entering a password]

"I feel like there will be something good in it. According to the nature of the game, the password for this kind of lockbox should be around here."

Su Fan took a few steps forward, groped around on the table, and quickly found a piece of paper.

[Name: Paper with numbers]

[Type: Drama related]

[Quality: Not good]

[Function: unknown]

[Remark: 1015110518]

There are only these numbers on the note, and there are no other reminders.

"Is the password so obvious?" Su Fan was a little confused, but he still came to the password box and entered the numbers on it.

"Hey, the password is wrong. There are still two chances to enter the password. If the chance is used up and the password box is not opened, the box will be permanently locked."

Su Fan's expression changed slightly. He didn't expect that there was such a restriction. If he entered the wrong password twice, the contents inside would be completely out of his reach.

"Haha, if it really can't be solved, there's nothing we can do about it." Su Fan remained calm and was not frightened by the system's voice prompts, so he entered the password again.

This time, Su Fan did not enter numbers. Instead, he entered letters that seemed to have no connection with the numbers on the note. It was vaguely visible that what Su Fan entered was an English word - JOKER.

But what's even more outrageous is that when Su Fan entered this English word, the safe made a "click" sound and opened directly!

"Oh, they always do these troublesome and fancy things." Su Fan shook his head slightly, "Low-level puzzles, the numbers represent the order of the alphabet, 10J, 15O, 11K, 05E, 18R."

Although he said it in an understatement, most people might not think in this direction in this situation.

"Then let me take a look and see what treasures are inside." Su Fan slowly opened the lockbox with a look of anticipation on his face, "I hope you won't disappoint me."

[Name: Desert Eagle (Gold Edition)]

[Type: Alchemy Weapon]

[Quality: Level 3]

[Attack power: strong]

[Caliber: 9.1mm]

[Magazine capacity: 9 rounds]

[Effective distance: 200 meters]

[Remarks: This is a firearm that passed through the hands of an alchemist. When used with alchemy bullets, it has the terrifying power to instantly kill ordinary Deadpool zombies. It can also cause damage to snake-shaped Deadpool zombies. 】

"I finally found an alchemy weapon." Su Fan looked excited. "It has a long range, great power, and a large magazine capacity. It is worthy of being a Desert Eagle. The most deadly one is the gold version. It is coquettish enough. I like it!"

"But there are still flaws." Su Fan sighed slightly, "This gun needs not pistol bullets, but terrifyingly powerful Magnum bullets. At present, even ordinary Magnum bullets I haven’t even seen one, let alone alchemical magnum bullets.”

Regarding the need for Magnum bullets, the "Eye of Deception" quickly discovered the hidden information by interpreting it.

In addition, the Eye of Destruction also conducted popular science and quickly understood the difference between Sufan's Desert Eagle and ordinary pistols.

[Compared with other automatic pistols, one of the biggest features of the Desert Eagle is that it adopts the gas-guided unlocking principle and the bolt rotary locking. This is because the Magnum revolver bullets it fires are too powerful. Generally, high-power automatic pistols The rigid locking principle used in the pistol cannot withstand its recoil force]

"We're still at an impasse." Su Fan put the gold version of the Desert Eagle in his bag that had no use for the time being.

"So... that's about it. Zui Xiaoyao should make a call." Su Fan took out his cell phone from his jacket pocket and looked at the time. It showed 23 minutes and 46 seconds. With more than a minute left, he might as well just call at the original place. Waiting quietly.


Soon, the phone rang twice in succession, and Su Fan picked up the call. "I'm fine, are you okay?" This was his first sentence, and he quickly answered a question that the other party might ask. question, and then asked what I wanted to ask.

"Everything is normal here." Zui Xiaoyao's unique voice came from the other end of the phone, and his tone sounded very decadent.

Of course, this doesn't mean he's really tired, it's just his personality.

"Let's talk about the harvest directly. I found some alchemy bullets and some alchemy shotguns here. Oh, by the way, there are also a few magnum bullets. I don't know what kind of firearms are needed yet." Zui Xiaoyao said. While saying this, he used a flashlight to look around his surroundings.

At this moment, both of his hands were occupied and he had no time to use the firearm, so he had to be cautious.

"Magnum bullets!" Su Fan's heart skipped a beat. This was exactly what he was missing. Just when he was about to speak, something strange happened.


A strange voice came into Su Fan's mind...

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