National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 232 The power of alchemical bullets

But with a flashlight, the situation was completely different. Su Fan was able to speed up his search for weapons, but unfortunately, he did not find them.

After Su Fan discovered that there was nothing else useful on the body, he got up and prepared to continue exploring.

He had a pistol on his waist and a shotgun on his back. He looked very armed.

However, at this moment, a roar suddenly came from the corner ahead, and a Deadpool zombie was coming!

Su Fan instantly took out the pistol from his waist and waited quietly, making full preparations before shooting.

Su Fan was seen holding the gun with both hands, his eyes level with the gun body, and the three points and one line were steadily aimed in the direction of the sound.

He did not choose to use the three-foot sword of time. His previous battle with the Deadpool zombies made him understand that it was difficult for ordinary attacks to break through the enemy's armor. On the surface, Hanhan hunted down the Deadpool zombies easily. In fact, Hanhan hunted down the Deadpool zombies easily. The above is in the "Original World" mode.


In the darkness that was out of reach but could not be seen clearly, the soul-stirring roar of the monster could be heard in the ears, which would make anyone's heart beat faster, and tension and panic were commonplace.

It can only be said that the many restrictions set by the system will be really difficult when stacked up.

Even some who are less courageous may not be able to help but turn around and run away, leaving the fragile juniors in the presence of vicious enemies.

But Su Fan didn't. His breathing was calm, his arms were steady and strong, and his concentration was extremely concentrated. Once a monster appeared in sight, he would rely on his level 40 physical fitness and neurological reactions to fight against it.

In fact, it doesn't matter even if his nervous reaction can't keep up, he still has the last trump card - the world is so close.

The messy sounds came from Su Fan's ears, and then clearly entered his mind. He knew that it was the Deadpool zombie that had "seen" him and was rushing in this direction at full speed.

Su Fan used the sound to slowly move his body in that direction.

With a whoosh, a deadpool zombie directly entered Su Fan's visual range, which was within 3 meters.

It's a humanoid Deadpool zombie, not a snake!

Even though it was in human form, it still posed a considerable threat. At the speed of this monster, the distance of 3 meters could be reached in an instant, leaving Su Fan with a terrifyingly short time to react.


The gunfire rang out, the alchemical bullets engraved with patterns flew out, and the fire suddenly appeared in the darkness. At this moment, Su Fan held his breath and finally pulled the trigger.

"Ouch -" the Deadpool zombie looked up to the sky and roared. It seemed that the gun caused it to suffer a lot of damage.

Su Fan's shot was actually aimed at the chest of the Deadpool zombie, and he held his breath. He was very self-aware of these points.

In reality, he was not a special forces soldier, and he had never experienced a dungeon that required firearms before. When he first took a gun to shoot, he aimed at the target's head. If he could hit it, he could change his name to Ye Liangchen.

So Su Fan chose the chest cavity of the Deadpool zombie. The target there was large and relatively easy to hit.

And you should control your breathing when shooting. It is best not to breathe from aiming to shooting. Of course, experienced shooters can also choose to breathe evenly.

Because breathing will cause the gun to shake and affect dispersion.

Of course, in fact, the system has made certain corrections to this type of firearm to make it easier for beastmasters to use it. Under various conditions, the first bullet fired by Su Fan successfully hit the deadpool zombie on the right side of its back. .

After firing the gun, Su Fan immediately had a feeling. Sure enough, shooting was not something that untrained civilians could do casually.

For example, if no one tells you to tighten your wrist when shooting the Desert Eagle, it is best to straighten your elbow to let your shoulder bear the recoil. You might end up shooting with one shot and your wrist will be broken.

For example, in gangster movies, you can often see gangsters raising their guns. They turn the muzzle of the gun sideways, with their hands higher than their own sight, and point at other people's heads. It looks quite ruthless, but in fact this action It is possible that the ejected shell casing will fly into your face and blind you.

The Colt M1911 in Su Fan's hand had a lot of recoil, but with his physical condition, he didn't feel anything at this time.

Since firing the first shot, he has gained a new understanding of the distance of the attack, the recoil of the firearm, and the accuracy of the attack.

Su Fan had actually fired a gun before. It was to test the power of the M870 shotgun in a gun shop, but the subject of the experiment had become a real "corpse" Deadpool zombie.

Naturally, it cannot be compared with the moving Deadpool zombie in front of him. After all, moving targets are more difficult to deal with, so it can be regarded as Su Fan's first real shooting.

It can be seen that the alchemy bullet poses a great threat to the Deadpool zombies. A small hole suddenly appeared in the chest of one of the bullets, with blood and fragments of various organs flowing out.

If the person who suffered such severe injuries was a living person, then he would not be dead even if he had ten lives. However, the injured Deadpool zombie at this moment is a zombie. Even the upper body can move with vitality comparable to that of "Xiao Qiang".

A majestic voice sounded, and a faint light appeared on the Deadpool zombie. This monster was about to use the "Speech Spirit".


There was another gunshot. Su Fan would not give him a chance to use his word spirit. At this moment, he took a step forward and was within one meter of the Deadpool zombie. He raised his gun and shot at his head.

Because the distance was very close, the bullet penetrated through, and the Deadpool zombie's head exploded instantly, like a bulging pustule being punctured by a needle, and countless unknown liquids sprayed out along with the bullets flying away from the head.

"Da da da."

Some of the unknown liquid was shot in the direction of Su Fan, but all of it was isolated by the "so far away".

The majestic dragon voice disappeared, and the Deadpool zombie finally stopped moving and fell to the ground with a crash, completely motionless.

Although he killed the Deadpool zombies, he didn't know what kind of dangers there would be ahead. After Su Fan loaded up the alchemy bullets again, he simply took the pistol in his hand.

Su Fan had a limited number of alchemy bullets. He gave 7 rounds to Zui Xiaoyao and 7 more rounds from the police officer. After subtracting the two rounds used to kill the zombies, he only had 15 alchemy bullets and 3 rounds left on him. Alchemy shot.

Su Fan has not used the alchemical shotgun yet, but he estimates that it should be able to directly kill ordinary humanoid Deadpool zombies at close range, and it also poses a certain threat to snake-shaped Deadpool zombies.

Stepping over the corpse of the Deadpool zombie, Su Fan rounded the corner and soon found a closed room.

As soon as he got closer, the system transmitted the interpreted information.

[Locked room (plum blossom): It cannot be destroyed by any external force, and can only be unlocked with the corresponding key. 】

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