National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 213 Wangchen Cult Master vs Immortal Taoist

The Wangchen Sect is very mysterious and has an ancient inheritance. It focuses on different things from other sects in Jiuzhou in Daxia. It likes to do various experiments and find innovative ways. It pays more attention to hands-on operations. Generally, its disciples are more out-of-the-box thinking.

They are one of the most terrifying forces in Daxia and Jiuzhou, and their scale is extremely large. The most indispensable thing in the sect is lunatics and geniuses. People have long agreed that it is best not to easily provoke those who come out of the sect.

This is an ancient and mysterious inheritance that cannot be underestimated. There are many weird secrets contained in the door, and few practitioners dare to touch it.

At this moment, everyone knew that the reason why Wangchen Cult Leader came in person was because there were things that even their powerful disciples could not handle, and it also involved the Ancient Bronze Palace. He must be looking for trouble.

There is also a difference between great powers, and the difference is not just ordinary greatness. Great powers are divided into ordinary powers and extreme powers.

The people present were all ordinary powerful men, and their highest level was only the top level of Breaking the Void (level 45).

But the Holy Lords and Sect Master-level figures are different. They are all extremely powerful, and their realm is at least the Shattering Void Realm (level 46-50). Some old Holy Lords, such as the immortal Taoist they speculated, may reach the Shattering Void Realm (level 50). level), he is definitely an extremely top figure with unfathomable strength.

The Wangchen leader in front of me is countless times more powerful than the Peng Demon King!

It's a pity that he is still a little behind the top-level figures of Sui Xu Jue, but with the supreme magic weapon, the difference will not be too big.

"Who prevented our sect from obtaining the opportunity left by the Immortal? And who dared to say that the Supreme Sect was extremely ridiculous?" Behind the leader Wangchen, several middle-aged Shenwu came forward and looked at everyone.

They first focused on Su Fan, and naturally they already knew about his defeat of the successors of the great religions. Their eyes were like sharp swords, frightening and piercing to the very bones.

"Anyone who prevents us from obtaining the opportunity to become immortals will die, and anyone who infringes upon the majesty of the Forgotten Sect will be punished!" Their voices were cold, as if they were announcing the fate of Su Fan and the immortal Taoist.

"Even if you have the protection of an extremely powerful person, you can't escape death!!" They glanced at Tun Tian and Su Fan, and finally looked at the immortal old man. Their eyes were all shining with divine light, but they did not act rashly.

"This is..." Master Wangchen's expression suddenly froze, and the twisted miniatures of living beings on the Taoist robes froze. His eyes as vast as the universe showed a look of shock. He stared at the immortal Taoist and involuntarily stepped back.

"What happened to the leader?" The person next to him asked in surprise.

"Retreat, retreat quickly!" Leader Wangchen has the majestic appearance to control all living beings, majestic and mighty as a god, but at this time his color has completely changed.

"The leader..." Everyone around him was shocked, not knowing what the leader had discovered.

"How come there are still such people in the world..." The leader of the Wangchen Cult stepped back, his expression extremely shocked, and he opened the domain gate directly in the void.

"Master, are we going to let them go like this? Besides, Elder Chen is still here!"

"There are also opportunities left by the immortals, which may involve the secret of eternal life!"

The middle-aged men did not speak, but the two disciples who followed them had no scruples and spoke like this.

"Shut up!"

Leader Wangchen was frightened and shouted loudly. He glanced at Chenzhou silently, and then was the first to enter the domain gate. Seeing this, the others quickly followed.

With a flash of light, the domain door closed, and the group of people crossed over and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The Wangchen Sect raised a large number of troops and came in person. The supreme leader came in person and brought the peerless holy weapons. However, he was frightened away in the blink of an eye, which shocked everyone deeply.

"What kind of realm is this immortal Taoist? Oh my god, even standing here can scare away all powerful enemies in the world."

There were even people present who knew that retreating was a wise choice, otherwise they would surely perish if they dared to take action in front of this being who could very well be comparable to an ancient saint, as he waved his sleeves and slapped away the powerful Roc Demon King.

The word "ancient" has been added to the ancient saint, which means that he is no longer visible in this world. However, the divine power displayed by the immortal Taoist is clearly a saint, a saint living in this world. It is really incredible!

"Everyone has seen enough, it's time to disperse." Tuntian let out a long chirp, satisfied with his ambition. Today, the Immortal Taoist takes action. Who else will dare to provoke in the future? They are in the Jiuzhou of Daxia and the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons. Not walking sideways?

Several powerful men were in complicated moods and remained silent. The reinforcements that had finally been brought in, and they were still Holy Lord-level figures, retreated before the fight started. In front of many practitioners and in front of the great elder Chen Zhou noodle.

Chen Zhou, in particular, could hardly keep his expression calm now. The meaning expressed by the last movement of the Wangchen leader was obvious enough, "Give you a look and you will understand it yourself!"

Chenzhou and Wangchen Cult Master have known each other for many years. It can be said that they have a close superior-subordinate relationship and are good friends who talk about everything. With just this look, Chenzhou immediately understood the meaning expressed.

The Immortal Taoist they involved today could really put the Supreme Sect into danger of annihilation. At this point, the leader of Wangchen did not hesitate to retreat, conserving his strength and taking advantage of the terrain to face possible incoming enemies.

As for the Great Elder Chenzhou, it is obvious that he has been abandoned. It cannot be said that he has been abandoned. It can only be said that the sect has no way to save you from the trouble you caused, so you have to rely on yourself.

Clear the relationship.

The Great Elder Chen Zhou had a bitter look on his face. He didn't expect that he would encounter such a thing right after he was born. He would be kicked into a peerless iron plate. He was free and easy. Without saying a word, he was the first to bend down as a junior and apologize by the way. A series of actions were completed in one go.

At this point, Thunder God General, Tianjizi and Jiuyou King realized what they were doing. They completely ignored the mighty man's face, lowered their posture and apologized respectfully.

"With the saintly appearance of a senior, it is truly a well-deserved move to take the opportunity to become an immortal in the ancient bronze palace. I am extremely ashamed that we do not have the vision to stop you!"

All the experts shouted in unison, decisively admitting that it was their mistake and had nothing to do with Su Fan and others.

The old Taoist Immortal didn't seem to want to speak. Seeing this scene, Su Fan turned his eyebrows and stepped forward to smooth things over, "Hey, you all are so happy to see the treasure. You deserve it. It doesn't get in the way."

As soon as the powerful men breathed a sigh of relief, they were confused by Su Fan's next words and didn't know what to say.

"It's just a pain for my Taoist brother." Su Fan wiped away tears again, "I'm overworked."

The immortal old man curled his lips slightly, he also had nothing to do about Su Fan, a living treasure.

"Yes, yes, you've worked hard. I won't bother my seniors next time." The powerful people responded one after another.

Tianjizi, who usually cultivates his moral character and cultivates his character, began to curse in his heart, "Damn, it's so unreasonable. The world has changed, and a saint appears. It's really unbelievable."

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