National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 212 The leader of the supreme sect attacks, and the real hero appears!

All the cultivators were stunned. He was a figure at the top of PoXu (Level 45), with extremely powerful abilities (Level 46-50). At this moment, he was slapped away by a sleeve and turned into a small black dot and disappeared in the sky. The end.

No one knows how far this wave of sleeves sent the Demon King flying.

At least the Peng Demon King never flew back after he was slapped out. Even though he had the ultimate speed of the Tianpeng, he was unparalleled in the world and made all the powerful men extremely fearful. This result really left everyone speechless.

"Where did this man of God come from? He just waved his sleeves and blew away all the great powers without leaving a trace?"

"God, I wasn't dazzled just now. The supreme holy art 'Demon King's Immortal Suppression Technique' disappeared for no reason even after it fell. Who else can stop him?"

Those practitioners in the Void Realm were frightened. Normally, it would be good if they could come into contact with powerful people, but this time they actually came into contact with a strong man who slapped the powerful power to the point where he could not come back!

They had seen the Immortal Old Dao block the mighty attack twice before, but nothing was more shocking than this time. Everyone felt chills all over, guessing what level the Immortal Old Dao was.

"Isn't it the old holy master who came out of the forbidden land?" Some people couldn't help but speculate.

Some figures at the level of the supreme sect leader whose life span is about to expire will make a desperate attempt to escape into the legendary forbidden land to find the life-extending artifact.

"The Immortal Taoist has lived for so long, and it is really possible that he has reached that state." Tianjizi looked solemn, and said quietly to several powerful people.

"This is no longer the ancient times. The world has changed a long time ago. How can such a terrifying and unfathomable character be born?!" King Jiuyou was frightened. The powerful men were as helpless as babies in front of the immortal Taoist.

"It doesn't matter, even the truly top old Holy Lord will perish here." Chenzhou looked indifferent, as if everything was clear to him.

"Why did Brother Chen say this?" Thunder God General was very surprised. "Is there some back-up plan?"

"That's natural. Below this place is the foundation of our religion. Naturally, I informed the master of our religion with my secret skills early. Soon the Lord will come with the supreme divine weapons. Even if he cannot completely eliminate the immortal Taoist, he will hold him back. He is more than adequate.”

"Very good, as long as we delay for a moment, countless strong men will gather. By then, even if the old holy master really comes to the world, the immortal old Taoist will not be able to escape death." The God of Thunder smiled proudly, "It seems that the inheritance of the immortals in the ancient bronze temple is very We are the best.”

At this time, Tuntian came out of Su Fan's body. He wanted to scream with excitement, and clawed at the clouds with his eagle claws. Facing so many masters, he didn't show any concern. Instead, he grinned evilly.

Then, it directly taunted: "Are you good at it? You are powerful after all, why don't you have to hire someone? It's really embarrassing."

The old Taoist Immortal raised his eyelids slightly and glanced at Tun Tian. He saw that his eagle feathers stood up straight and his whole body was enveloped by a cold air. Fortunately, the old Taoist just glanced at him and didn't say anything more.

These people were all powerful men who had lived for who knows how many years. When they heard its words, their faces immediately fell.

It was simply a naked provocation, but the powerful ones really had nothing to do.

"What a strong tone..." The Thor general looked ugly, and his expression was even more horrifying. He had not been treated like this by his juniors for almost a thousand years.

"Come on, come on, invite whatever you want, it's best to invite a few more powerful people over." Su Fan also teased maliciously.

The two black-hearted guys were refreshed at the moment. When they looked at each other, they both found the smile hidden deep in the other's eyes. Anyway, no matter how powerful they were, they would die.

"Not to mention powerful, even if you invite the leader of the Supreme Sect to kill us, it's still a bit reluctant. Listen to my advice and run as far as you can." Su Fan looked disdainful and his attitude was extremely arrogant.

"Ignorant and ridiculous, I am also dissatisfied with you. Holy Lord Wangchen is on the way now. As long as you are brave enough, just wait quietly." Chen Zhou's tone was extremely calm, but with his expression, it turned out that Easier to irritate people.

Is the leader of the supreme sect really here?

Tun Tian and Su Fan looked at each other. Judging from the hidden information, the Immortal Old Dao was indeed terrifyingly powerful, but compared with the leader of the Supreme Sect, they really didn't know who was stronger or weaker.

Thinking of this, Su Fan suddenly became worried and quickly sent a message: "Brother Taoist, why don't we run away now? After all, here is the Holy Lord of the Supreme Sect, the true master of this land."

"Hey, you brat, are you worried now?" The immortal old man raised his eyebrows and mocked Su Fan. It seemed that he was still a little dissatisfied with Su Fan for dragging out "Lord Huang".

"Oh, brother, that's what you said." Su Fan rolled his eyes, "We are mainly worried about your safety, brother. If you are injured in a confrontation with a saint-level figure, how can I explain it to the master! "

"You are still pretending to be addicted, right? When did Master Huang promise to accept you as his disciple?" The old Taoist Immortal raised his eyebrows and glared, "I advise you to avoid getting involved with Master Huang. When did you fall into an unknown situation? I knew it was wrong.”

"Unknown?" Su Fan's heart skipped a beat, thinking about whether the unknown red-haired monster created by the six-winged golden cicada in the mirror world had anything to do with Huang.


Suddenly, the void in the distance cracked, a golden bell was ringing, and a black portal was opened.

"It's the Domain Gate!"

Everyone was surprised that they could directly ignore the interference of the Ancient Bronze Palace and accurately teleport to the destination. The person who walked out of the Domain Gate must be a big shot.

In the black portal, bells and drums rang together, and then a group of people filed out. The leader was wearing a white robe, with miniatures of various forms of living beings engraved on it, which looked very strange.

His black hair is like a waterfall, scattered around his shoulders and back, his eyes are as deep as the universe, and he raises his hands and feet with the majesty of someone who has been in power for a long time.

He is like a supreme king. On his head, there is a human-shaped light and shadow like a god, hanging in the air, guarding him in the center, and the divine light flows.

And behind him, the people who filed out were also very impressive. Each one of them looked like a god descending to earth, with incomparable majesty.

"This is...a member of the Wangchen Cult!"

"The man with a divine look on his head seems to be...the leader of Wangchen!"

"This is a veritable hero of a generation!"

People were surprised that the controller of the supreme religion in Chenzhou, one of the nine states in Great Xia, had arrived. This was a huge event.

Saint Lord-level figures are at least extremely powerful, far from being comparable to people like the Peng Demon King who have barely touched the threshold of extreme power.

"Who prevented our sect from obtaining the opportunity left by the immortal?" Behind the leader Wangchen, several middle-aged Shenwu stepped forward and looked at everyone.

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