National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 204 The Master of the Void Furnace

A golden stream of data flashed across Su Fan's eyes, and he wanted to view the information from the Void Furnace again.

[Void Furnace (Level 7)]

[Status: Being sealed]

[Master: Su Fan]

"What??" Su Fan's eyes almost bulged out when he saw this. He couldn't hold himself any longer. When did he become the master of the Void Furnace?

A level 7 spiritual weapon is on the same level as the All-Heaven Mirror, a treasure owned by the Lord of the Sky Realm from ancient times to the present. This level of treasure contains the power to destroy the heaven and the earth. Once it is born, the whole world will be shaken.

By then, I am afraid that all the great masters in Daxia, Jiuzhou and the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Monsters will jump out and become completely unable to sit still. Not to mention them, even the master of the supreme sect, the real master who rules this world, will definitely Put down your face and compete with a junior like him.

Including those old monsters lurking deep underground, even sleeping in coffins, and half-dead figures in the sky, they will definitely take action to fight for the supreme secret treasure.

This kind of secret treasure is likely to contain a complete avenue, which will have an indescribable effect on the help of practitioners. Even with the help of this level of treasure, they can understand the secrets related to transcendence!

The value of this kind of treasure is almost the same as the inheritance of an immortal, and it can really drive any practitioner crazy.

At that time, the whole world will definitely be involved in a bloody storm, with collisions between supreme sects and fights between various practitioners, and there will no longer be any peace in the world.

However, for a treasure of this level, the owner has two big characters inexplicably written on it - Su Fan? !

Su Fan blinked twice, suppressed the shock in his heart, stabilized his mind and continued to observe the hidden information of the Void Furnace downwards.

[Description: The supreme secret treasure once held by the Void Emperor. The space in the furnace can connect all the heavens and worlds, and its real power is enough to destroy the heaven and the earth. 】

"Great Emperor of the Void? All Heavens and All Realms?" Su Fan's eyes flickered, "In ancient and modern times, the 'All Heavens Realm' has also been combined with all the heavens and all realms, and its effect is almost the same as that of the 'Void Furnace'. Is there any connection between the two?"

"Forget it, there's no point in thinking about this, it's too far away." Su Fan let out a breath, "No wonder we can comprehend various abilities from it, and even Swallowing Heaven has discovered the mystery of the void interlayer. It turns out that It connects all heavens and all realms.”


The Void Furnace suddenly turned into a ray of light, and instantly disappeared into Su Fan's body. Then, before Su Fan could fully understand the mystery of this level 7 spiritual weapon, he was teleported out of the ancient bronze palace along with the three pets.

Outside the main entrance of the Ancient Bronze Palace, above the clouds.

This place is originally a deserted place, and basically no practitioners come here on weekdays.

However, with the loud ringing of bronze bells and the mysterious appearance of an ancient bronze temple that was suspected to be built by an immortal, this place suddenly became an extremely popular place, and monks could be seen coming and going everywhere.

The advent of the Ancient Bronze Palace shook Daxia and Jiuzhou, and no force could remain indifferent. Even the nominal ruler of the Daxia Dynasty, the Daxia royal family who commanded the nine states, dispatched the "Nine Nether Kings" as quickly as possible. Cover up and make it clear that you want to be strong.

However, in fact, since several old monsters jumped out to "reason", there is no possibility that any force can monopolize the ancient bronze palace.

After some discussion, they agreed that each force would send one person as a representative to go to the Ancient Bronze Palace to spy on the secrets of becoming an immortal on behalf of the top sects.

After people from various sects enter, the powerful ones will naturally not stay in front of the palace door all the time. After all, it has been recorded in ancient books that the flow of time in the ancient bronze palace is different from that in the outside world. After one day inside, ten days can pass outside. , a hundred days or even a year is not impossible.

The great masters all have a high status and respect. They are the heroes who look down on the world, and they are the leaders of a territory. They have always been consistent and no one dares to violate them.

Their status is extremely respected, and their time is also very precious. Even if they stand in front of the ancient bronze palace and wait, for them it is just a matter of squinting and meditating, but they are still unwilling to stay in place.

Of course, although the powerful ones are not here, they have sent their forces to guard here on their behalf. Hundreds of practitioners in the Void Realm (level 21-30) have surrounded the place.

The intensive patrols made it impossible for even a mosquito to get close to the place, and they could immediately spot the people inside when they came out.

The practitioners are divided into several teams. The situation in these teams is complicated and includes almost all the top sects. In this way, there will be no cases where a certain team discovers anomalies but conceals them and fails to report them.

"Ah - ha~, it's so boring." The practitioner in gorgeous clothes was sitting on the clouds, yawning out of boredom. "It has been a week since the Holy Sons entered the Ancient Bronze Palace. We have been guarding here every step of the way, and basically we have not encountered any other living beings."

"It's really boring." The practitioner next to him nodded slightly, expressing his support for the idea of ​​the practitioner in Chinese clothes.

"Really, we are powerful people in the Void Realm (level 21-30). We are a figure in some small places. We can be a local emperor, but we didn't expect to be sent to this place, facing the unchanging scenery. In a daze." The practitioner in Huafu vomited bitterness.

Just in a daze, they are not even allowed to meditate and practice because the Almighty is afraid that they have missed some key information.

"Hush, be silent." The practitioner next to him put his index finger to his lips and made a gesture. Then he looked around and found that no patrol was coming. He breathed a sigh of relief. "You can say less, right?" Don’t you think we’ve had enough? The decisions of powerful people are not something that little people like us can influence.”

He pointed at the practitioners in gorgeous clothes and said: "If you encounter a patrolman, you will be judged to be passive and slack, and you will not get any good results."

"Exactly." The cultivator in Huafu snorted coldly, but when he heard the word "inspector", he immediately did not dare to say anything more, and there was deep fear in his eyes.

In order to prevent the monks in the Void Realm (level 21-30) from being passive and sabotaging their work, each force also sent a strong person from the Out-of-Orthoid Realm (level 31-40) to supervise their work.

"Buzz buzz."

A sudden sound rang in the ears of every practitioner, and there was a commotion.

"Quiet." A burly man yelled angrily. He was the representative of the Out-of-body Realm of the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Monsters. Then, his eyes contained joy, "The void is fluctuating. Could it be that someone is coming out of the ancient bronze palace?"

"I'm really nervous and excited. I wonder if the two adults, King Huntian Xiaopeng and Xiaosheng Tian, ​​can bring out anything related to immortals."

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