National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 203 The bronze bell rings again

"Brother Su, the demon clan has always been famous for protecting its shortcomings. You killed Xiaopeng King Huntian, and now you want to kill Pingtian Xiaosheng. The powerful men behind them will definitely not be able to swallow this breath." Gu Changqing kindly advised.

"Yes, yes, he is right. If you let me go now, I will never retaliate against you. I can even solve the matter of Huntian Xiaopeng King. I will try to fight with Peng Demon King. Communicate and eliminate misunderstandings." Niu Zhuangzhi nodded and bowed, striking while the iron was hot.

His life and death now really depended on Su Fan's words.

"Hmph." The witch Zidielian moved slightly, moving her graceful figure. Listening to Niu Zhuangzhuang's words, she sneered disdainfully, "A man's mouth is a liar."

"Shut up, you stinky bitch!" Niu Zhuangzhuang's eyes seemed to spurt out real flames. Is this a joke at this critical moment?

"You don't need to say anything." Su Fan's eyes were cold, and his patience had reached the limit. "Niu Zhuangzhuang, you can die!"


Terrifying and extraordinary bloody energy burst out from Su Fan's body. It was unbelievable that such a terrifying energy was contained in that body that did not look particularly majestic.

Gu Changqing on the side was closest to Su Fan, his pupils almost shrank to a slit.

Gu Changqing could not imagine that Su Fan, who stood on the spot and resisted all his attacks, had such terrifying power when he took the initiative to attack.

It wasn't just him, this situation exceeded everyone's expectations. The power Su Fan showed now was definitely no worse than that of Huntian Xiaopeng King who had used the "Devil King Suppressing Immortal Technique".

The murderous intent in Su Fan's heart continued to explode and expand, and finally a terrifying murderous intent burst out from his body, gushing out in all directions like waves. Some weak ones, such as Xia Mang of the Great Xia Dynasty, were even shaken and their faces were shaken. Pale, with a tendency to faint.

This murderous intention is the same as the substance, no, not the same, but a real existence, like a spiritual attack, wantonly covering all the creatures present.

Niu Zhuangshi's eyes were solemn. He had to admit that both Huntian Xiaopeng King and himself had underestimated Su Fan. Even without relying on pets or that weird ability, Su Fan could challenge anyone present. A great religious preacher.

"Death!!" Su Fan shouted violently. The first level of Asura's Wrath - the furious state, has been perfectly loaded to the extreme, and the next step is the moment when it becomes full of rage. this extremely critical moment, the entire palace suddenly shook, followed immediately by a loud noise.


This was a bell that resounded throughout the world. Everyone was shocked and their bodies shook.

Su Fan frowned slightly and temporarily stopped the flashing figure. The Ancient Bronze Palace was mysterious and unpredictable. At this time, he didn't know what had happened, so it was better not to act randomly to avoid triggering some kind of taboo.

The three pets also got the order and moved closer to Su Fan to prevent unknown beings from appearing to cause trouble.

Su Fan narrowed his eyes slightly. Although it was only for a moment, he could see excitement in Niu's strong eyes, and he could also see an expression of relief on his face.

Not only Niu Zhuangshou, Su Fan noticed with the corner of his eyes that the expressions of the heirs of the major sects had changed. They probably knew what the ringing of the bell meant.

Su Fan made a decisive decision and attacked Niu Zhuangshi without worrying about anything else. He was bound to leave him in the Bronze Ancient Palace. Only a few members of the demon clan were dead to delay him for a while.

Although he didn't know the positions of the other Holy Sons, it was impossible for him to silence everyone. After leaving, there were only a few people left, which was too conspicuous.

At the same time, the demon girl Zidie also shouted softly: "Start quickly, the Bronze Ancient Palace is about to teleport all the practitioners out."

Su Fan also heard the cry of the demon girl Zidie, his eyes turned cold, he drew out the three-foot sword of time, and slashed diagonally at Niu Zhuangshou.


An extremely cold sword light swayed through the void and slid towards Niu Zhuangzhuang.

Niu Zhuangshi noticed the supreme power contained in the sword light, and his expression suddenly changed slightly. He gritted his teeth and neither resisted nor ran away. Instead, he turned his body slightly to one side and resisted the slashing attack.


Fresh blood sprayed into the sky, and Niu's strong left arm was cut off directly by the sword light. The incision was as smooth as the ground, and his powerful body had no effect.

The severe pain made his expression a little distorted, but instead he laughed wildly, "If you don't kill me in one blow, you have no chance. Boy, unless you don't come out, I will let you Grandpa Niu wait to die!" !”

Su Fan's eyes were extremely cold, and he stepped on the footwork given by the immortal Taoist, using a speed that was slightly faster than Tianpeng's top speed and thunder's top speed, which was bound to give Pingtian the little holy cow a strong final blow.

"Buzz buzz."

The void trembled, and everyone except Su Fan and his party were teleported out of the ancient bronze palace in an instant. It was indeed as Niu Zhuangshi said, if one blow failed, Su Fan would never have any chance.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Niu's sturdy figure has disappeared, leaving only his hearty laughter remaining in place.

After the murderous intention dissipated, Su Fan easily released the "furious state". Since the time of use was extremely short, less than a minute, there were no obvious sequelae.

"It's a pity." Su Fan shook his head slightly and looked at the pets, "In the final analysis, I was a little careless. If you all take action together, there is a high probability that we can kill him instantly."

"Yeah, I'm so sorry. It happened too fast and I didn't react yet." Loli Xiaohuo's voice was sweet, and she felt embarrassed.

"I don't blame the boss. Who knew that the ringing of the bronze bell meant the end, and no one was stunned." Hanhan was probably worried that Su Fan would be a little sad, so he comforted him.

"So what if you let the tauren run away? Brother, next time I will personally take action and let him go to the sky and the earth with nowhere to escape." Tuntian raised his head, and his eagle eyes were filled with confidence as he killed the unparalleled warrior. The Huntian Xiaopeng King is a little swollen now.

"Indeed, I can't blame you entirely." Su Fan smiled slightly and turned to look at the empty hall behind him. "Maybe some kind of creature did this on purpose."

"Tsk, it sounds very possible. Otherwise, why would everyone be teleported away and only us left?" Xiaohuo pinched his chin, thoughtfully.


Just when Su Fan and others suspected that someone might be spying in the dark, the purple furnace in the far distance, which had been silent while they were fighting, suddenly started to tremble.

"What a terrifying aura." Tuntian looked solemn. Even though their strength had increased several times, they still felt their own insignificance facing the Void Furnace.

——Thanks to [book friend 20170718101119082] for a monthly ticket.

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