National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 197 The ability to turn the tide

"It's me, I won!!" King Huntian Xiaopeng stood in the void. He looked at the wolves with eagle eyes, and the devil-like figure in front of him made him look like a real god.

The power of this blow was extremely powerful, shaking the palace they were in.

After Tuntian was enveloped by the extremely bright river, his whole body was trembling, he was beaten back quickly, and then hit the ground heavily.

The palace, which had not been damaged by any battle, was now shattered by the Demon King's Immortal Suppressing Technique used by Huntian Xiaopeng King, and the bronze ground was cracked inch by inch.

For a moment, the smoke rose and fell, and no one could see the true situation of Tuntian.

Gu Changqing's pupils contained spiritual light, and his eyes shot out two rays of light to look at where the smoke was floating. "The result of spiritual perception is... nothing."

"Brother Su..." Gu Changqing turned his head and looked at Su Fan, and said regretfully: "Pardon me."

"Huntian Xiaopeng King is too strong. I'm afraid he can overlook all the Saints. Even the beast with an aura that is not weaker than that of the First Saint Son, was directly blasted into powder." Xia Mang murmured to himself, he There was a deep fear in the depths of his eyes.

"The Demon King's Immortal Suppression Technique is too terrifying and cannot be resisted!"

Many saints have already concluded that Tuntian died under this supreme attack.

After all, the power of the second form of the "Demon King's Immortal Suppressing Technique" is really terrifying. They don't believe that Tuntian, who is not good at defense, can take this attack forcefully.

What's more, many of the Holy Sons used their spiritual senses to detect, and naturally discovered the fact that there was no swallowing sky in the dust mist. The results of the spiritual sense detection were always correct.

"No, he's not dead." Su Fan's eyes were slightly excited. According to the way he imagined, not only would Tun Tian not die, but there would also be a chance of counterattack.

"Brother Su..." Gu Changqing shook his head regretfully and stopped persuading.

Facts speak louder than words, and Gu Changqing only thinks that Su Fan's heart is for Tuntian, and is unwilling to believe that he is dead.

Su Fan saw all the expressions of the saint sons in the field. Su Fan didn't care at all about the ridicule, regret, and disdain in their eyes, because as a beast master, he knew that Tun Tian was not dead. This is the real truth.

"Now, it's your turn!" Huntian Xiaopeng King burst out with astonishing murderous intent in his pupils. He moved his gaze to Su Fan. There was a demon god sitting in front of his body, making him oppress people like a mountain. " Master Wuxin stopped me several times, and my patience has already reached its limit. "

"Haha, if you really want to seek death, I don't mind accepting you in advance." Su Fan said coldly. The actual implementation of his planned plan was somewhat limited, causing Tuntian to fall into crisis, so at this moment he was really I want to take action and kill the birdman in front of me.

"I didn't take action to save the master's face before. This time I will kill you like a bug and let you die miserably in the Bronze Ancient Palace!" King Huntian Xiaopeng's voice was deep and powerful, extremely powerful.

"This birdman is so arrogant, he should really take his wings out and rinse them in a pot!" Xiao Huo said with a grin.

"Hmph, we still need to remove the hair. Hairy hair doesn't taste good." Hanhan also echoed from the side. The murderous intent in his eyes was as real as it was shrouded in Huntian Xiaopeng King.

If Su Fan hadn't used his telepathy to tell them that Tun Tian was fine and warned them not to take action, they would have been unable to resist putting on a show of burning the Birdman.

Even if it is difficult for one person to complete this great task, they are quite confident in bullying the few with more.

"A fox demon, a lizard, don't worry, you will also go to hell with the eagle from before!" King Hundian Xiaopeng glanced over with cold eyes.

"Hell? I'm afraid even hell can't contain me!" The hawk chirped from the mist, and Swallowing Sky's wings shook, dispersing all the dust, and then soared into the sky.

"Now, it's my turn to send you to hell!" Two golden electric rays shot out from Tuntian's eyes, and his whole body exuded a wildness that was not inferior to Huntian Xiaopeng King.

"What?" King Huntian Xiaopeng's eyes were full of disbelief, and it was difficult for him to accept this fact. "How could it be possible? Even some relatively weak demon kings in the out-of-body realm (level 31-40) who were clearly enveloped by my attack would definitely die from the demon king's Immortal Suppressing Technique!"

King Huntian Xiaopeng said the word "Jue" almost as if he was gritting his teeth.

"Hmph." Tuntian looked at it dismissively, "Haven't you heard of a law? Does Youyan Wushang understand it?"

"So what, if I can kill you for the first time, I can kill you for the second time!" Huntian Xiaopeng King looked up to the sky and roared, his black hair stood on end, a terrifying divine light shot out from his pupils, and his whole body was covered with ghostly light. Like a raging flame, leaping and beating.

In the distance, the descendants of the top sects were extremely shocked. They resisted King Huntian Xiaopeng's "Demon King Suppressing Immortal Technique" without any damage. This result left them chilling.

There were different colors in their eyes, and their eyes were a little unnatural, thinking about how uncomfortable it would be if their killing skills were evaded like this.

"You will definitely fall this time!" King Huntian Xiaopeng howled angrily, and the demon-like figure in front of him waved the bloody scepter again, and the bloody storm swept towards Tuntian.

They tried to submerge Tuntian in it, tear him into pieces, and turn him into broken bones and bloody mud.

At the same time, Huntian Xiaopeng King shouted loudly again, "Devil King's Immortal Suppressing Technique..."

Obviously, at this critical moment, he wanted to perform the third move and connect it with the previous move to burst out with a devastating magical power.

King Huntian Xiaopeng will do his best to use the unparalleled holy magic in the world to completely destroy Tuntian. Only after experiencing such a battle, he will know how difficult Tuntian is.

He had to use all his strength to attack. He didn't want to give Tun Tian even a chance, and wanted to kill him both physically and mentally in one fell swoop, so that he would never be able to stand up again.

Tuntian sneered, his whole body almost turned transparent, he ignored the overwhelming rain of blood, and at the same time activated his lightning speed, leaving a flash of lightning on the spot and rushed over. How could he allow his opponent to attack.

Huntian Xiaopeng King's expression changed slightly. He didn't have time to sigh, "It turns out that this is how my opponent survived the previous attack." He immediately wanted to use Tianpeng's extreme speed to dodge.

As long as he finds a gap, he can turn the tide with the third form of the Demon King's Immortal-Suppressing Technique that destroys the world.

However, although the second form of the "Demon King's Immortal Suppression Technique" was unparalleled in power, the cost was also extremely serious. King Huntian Xiaopeng only felt that his body was extremely heavy, as if he was carrying Dayue on his back, and it was difficult to move.

It was caused by the devil-like figure in front of him. Unless Huntian Xiaopeng King came into contact with the second form of "Demon King Suppressing Immortal Technique", he would not be able to use Tianpeng's extreme speed.

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