National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 196 The fall of Swallowing Heaven, the victory of Huntian Xiaopeng King

It can only be said that Huntian Xiaopeng King can almost be called the first physical person of the younger generation.

"Second Form of Demon King's Immortal Suppressing Technique!" King Huntian Xiaopeng shouted softly.

Tuntian was a little frightened in his heart. He didn't know how many moves Huntian Xiaopeng King had mastered. The first move could compete with his two major killing moves, and how terrifying the subsequent moves were.

A blazing light pierced the sky and the earth, and a black-red bird turned into a human form, with a magic scepter in its hand, walking from the distant sky like a demon king who destroyed everything in the world.

The invisible murderous thoughts surged like the tide, the terrifying fluctuations erupted like the volcano, and the monstrous aura swept into every corner of the "Immortal Thunder Field".

This is a oozing black-red figure. He has the head of Kunpeng and the body of a human. He is like a demon who suppresses all things, looking down on the desert.

He seemed to be walking from the ancient earth, and every step he took made the mist filling the ancient bronze palace tremble. He had unparalleled pressure, making even the first Saint Son-level figures present breathless.

It's too terrifying, too outrageous. This is the second move of the Demon King's Immortal Suppressing Technique to create a demon king's blood body. As soon as this move is performed, no one present is sure that he can resist it.

Including Ginchi Tianya, who has an astonishing record and perfectly blocks all attacks from Gu Changqing, the first saint of Wangchen. Even his owner, Su Fan, is not sure at this moment whether this terrifying demon king can break through the limit of Miaimi Tianya.

However, such a peerless demon king was striding forward at this moment, pressing down on Tuntian, with murderous intent sweeping across all directions.


He wielded the special staff and swung it down. All the thunder snakes on the broken path were like a demon king, possessing an irresistible power.

The blood-red energy waves exploded like a mountain torrent or like a vast ocean hitting the sky. They formed an endless wave and pressed forward, burying Swallowing Sky and the entire "Immortal Thunder Field" underneath.

The terrifying attack and killing technique, the unstoppable killing blow, it's like a saint is taking action, and all ordinary people are like ants, unable to save the day.

The golden arc in Tuntian's eyes burst out, and he ran the "Immortal Thunder Field" like crazy, trying to slow down the power of the falling scepter.

However, the second form of the "Demon King's Immortal Suppressing Technique" was too terrifying. It suppressed the Thunder Condor's unique skills without any resistance, and it was difficult to weaken too much of the power of the divine staff.


Suddenly, an extremely dazzling golden light that seemed to penetrate the dome of the ancient bronze palace burst out from Tuntian's mouth. This was his final move, "Heaven's Condemnation".

The "Heaven's Condemn", which is fused with golden thunder, is worthy of its name. Just like a real punishment from heaven, it is shrouding the demon king who is burning the sky with ferocious flames, intending to judge him - to deprive him of his life.

"So brave!!"

Huntian Xiaopeng King's eyes were about to burst, and the murderous intent in his eyes was as gripping as a knife.

"Qiang Qiang Qiang!"

The blood-red magic light fell like raindrops, each blow distorted the void, and its lethality was shocking.

Everyone was stunned. The blood-red figure was really like an ancient demon god. Every time he waved his scepter and fell, there would be endless terrifying rain of blood.

This is not a Tao attack, but thousands of blood rains flying, all hitting the golden light pillar formed by "Heaven's Condemnation". King Hundian Xiaopeng wants to let Tuntian know that he is not qualified to replace Cangtian. penalty.

"It's really a terrifying Demon King's Immortal Suppression Technique. Once this technique is revealed, I'm afraid there won't be many people in the younger generation who can challenge it."

"Huntian Xiaopeng King is really talented. He may be able to recreate the power of the Mogu Demon King and let the blood of real immortals spill into the mortal world."

All the First Saint Son-level figures who were still awake stopped their respective battles with a tacit understanding and moved their gaze to this battlefield.

Thousands of blood rained down, and wherever they went, the golden thunder snakes twisted and wailed, and even retreated automatically, not daring to compete with them.

Even the "Heaven's Condemn" shot by Swallowing Heaven, the terrifying golden electric pillar, was completely corroded in just an instant.

Swallowing Sky's wings spread out, and his eyes were filled with wildness that was no less than that of Huntian Xiaopeng King. It was obvious that he also had real fire. How could someone as unruly as him allow himself to end up in such a bleak ending?


The blazing golden light condensed from Tuntian's mouth again, causing the void around him to begin to twist.

I saw countless bead-sized drops of blood spilling out from under Tuntian's knife-like feathers. He was overloading the power in his body.

The roar was continuous, and Tun Tian seemed to have turned into an eagle-shaped turret at this time, consuming the life essence as if desperately, and at the cost, more golden electric pillars were sprayed out.

There were three golden light pillars, and the dazzling light rendered the dark bronze ancient palace incandescent, as if someone had sacrificed a small sun inside.

"Stop struggling, you can't crack the second form of the Demon King's Immortal Suppressing Technique."

Huntian Xiaopeng King shouted loudly, waved his arm violently, and the wildness in his eyes became even more wild.


In front of him, the figure that looked like an ancient demon king became increasingly clear. A scarlet crown appeared on Peng's head. It looked weird and majestic at the same time, which was very contradictory.

The invisible figure gently waved the scepter in his hand, and countless vicious bloody lights turned into a huge river and charged towards the three golden light pillars.

Three golden light pillars were instantly submerged in the bloody storm. The golden light was swallowed up, and the entire ancient bronze palace fell into darkness again. The terrifying bloody light continued to impact, covering the nearly exhausted swallowing sky.



Hanhan Xiaohuo spoke up together. They all saw that Tuntian had no choice but to hope that Su Fan would allow the two pets to go and help him.

The golden data flow in Su Fan's eyes was running very fast, but no matter how he calculated, he could only come up with one result: Tuntian had no means to compete with this attack.

"Then it's better not to take risks, you..." Su Fan's telepathy was interrupted by a sudden sound before the transmission was completed.

"Brother, no need!"

Su Fan's face darkened slightly, and he instantly turned his head to look at Tuntian, and found that his eyes were full of unbridled and wild brilliance.

However, in the next moment, all of this disappeared, because the body of swallowing the sky was already enveloped in the blood light like a huge river.


The "Immortal Thunder Field" that was still resisting was instantly shattered. The small and narrow thunder snakes scrambled and fled in all directions. Without the restraint of their masters, coupled with the fear of the devil-like figure in the field, this would eventually lead to this. kind of result.

The Little Peng King of Huntian stood in the void. He was looking at the wolves. The devil-like figure in front of him made him look like a real god. "It's me, I won!!"

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