National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 178 The descendants of the Supreme Sect broke into the ancient palace

"Who is so crazy?"

"Yes, those who can kill those geniuses must at least have the combat power of a first-level Holy Son."

"Do you think some of the First Saint Son-level figures will take action?"

"How is it possible? No matter what, you won't be crazy enough to kill your fellow disciples."

The contestants couldn't help but whisper and communicate with each other. It was rare for so many second-tier characters to be killed or injured in previous trials.

"Can you detect who it is?" Thor General said with a cold face.

It is extremely normal to kill someone during a trial, but if there are casualties in each religion, it is a big deal. You powerful people want to find someone to punish them.

Just a little punishment, it is impossible to kill him, otherwise this once-in-a-decade prosperity will really become a child's play. How does the world view the eight supreme sects?

Say they can't afford to lose, if the younger one dies, the older one will come?

"It's impossible to tell." Chen Zhou stood with his hands behind his back.

Xie Mei Wuxin in the crowd raised the corners of his mouth, feeling extremely happy when his murderous intent was released.

‘Hahaha, it’s cool, it’s so cool to kill! ’

‘It’s really great that so many prey come to my door for me to ravage! ’

Xie Mei Wuxin had an intoxicated look on his face. Since his face was highly recognizable, he killed all the opponents who had seen him along the way.

The purpose is to ensure that Monk Wuxin’s true identity will not be spread out.

‘That way I won’t trouble that boring bald ass. ’ Xie Mei Wuxin snorted coldly. "I'm not trying to help that bald donkey, but I'm afraid that my body will be affected. And since nothing happened this time, it will be easier to get control of my body from the bald donkey next time."

"Hahaha, I'm really a genius!"

Xia Jiuyou suddenly said: "The Ancient Bronze Palace is mysterious and extraordinary. I don't know how many great powers have fallen. I don't think the large or small number of people will have any impact."

"You want to say that only the strongest person in the sect can be sent in?" Demon King Peng asked with a strange expression. This proposal was also beneficial to him.

After all, Huntian Xiaopeng King's combat power is unparalleled, and ordinary No. 1 Holy Son is no match for him.

"That's it." The blood corpse said with a cold face. It seemed that he didn't want to get too entangled.

"Okay, I agree." Chen Zhou nodded slightly.

Tianjizi said: "I have no objection."

In this way, only Thor General was left in the audience without making a statement.

The God of Thunder twitched the corners of his mouth. He felt as if the whole world was targeting him, but in the end he could only squeeze out a few words through his teeth: "Okay, I don't have any objection."

In the end, the Great Xia Dynasty, the seven supreme sects and the demon clan finalized the matter of exploring the Ancient Bronze Palace.

The Great Xia Dynasty also sent Xia Mang, the inheritor of the royal line.

As expected, the candidates sent by the Monster Clan were Huntian Xiaopeng King and Pingtian Xiaoshengniu Zhuangzhi.

The remaining ones include Li Mu, the Holy Son of Heaven, Gu Changqing, the Holy Son of Forgetting the Dust, Tantai Xue, the Saint of Dayan, Zi Die, the Sword-wielding Taoist Li Ange, Shangguan Xingyun, the Holy Son of the Blood God Sect, and Jiang Cha, the third sequence of the Immortal Temple.

Since there are no powerful candidates in White Horse Temple, it has lost the qualification to explore the Ancient Bronze Temple.

As for Xie Mei Wu Xin, who has the ability to be a candidate, he is too lazy to explore the ancient bronze temple where countless practitioners can only find it, even though there is a chance to become an immortal inside.

From Xie Mei Wuxin's point of view, entering the Ancient Bronze Palace was no different than seeking death. He hadn't lived enough yet.

"The rules of this year's trial have changed." Chenzhou said in a deep voice: "The final ranking of the younger generation is determined by the Ancient Bronze Palace. The higher the value of the opportunity brought from the Ancient Bronze Palace, the higher the ranking."

Chenzhou paused for a moment, "As for the rewards, we will naturally not be stingy. No matter whether you bring opportunities or not, the sect will give you treasures. In addition, the greater the opportunities, the more valuable the treasures will be. high."

This is the result of discussions among the powerful people. There is no substantial reward. After all, they are afraid that these proud people will not do their best.

"One last thing, is there anyone who doesn't want to participate?" Chen Zhou said with a stern look in his eyes, "It's still too late to quit now. You can give the opportunity to others."


"Who would quit? What a shame."

"The opportunity to become an immortal is right in front of you, and it is impossible to give it away to others!"

The descendants of all the Holy Lands are all highly motivated to fight. They are the top beings of the major sects, and they have long displayed the aura of an invincible king.

How could such a being be afraid of fighting and competing with strong men of the same level?

On the contrary, their eyes were bright, their blood was boiling, and their bodies were blazing with divine light. They just wanted to fight right now.

"Very good." Chen Zhou nodded with satisfaction. With this kind of magnanimity, he deserves to be the top successor of each sect.

They communicated with each other with their eyes, and then stepped into the Ancient Bronze Palace quite proudly.

"Haha." The bloody corpse laughed dryly, "Thunder God General, are you going to die by letting that little girl Jiang Cha in?"

Indeed, in terms of realm, she was the lowest among the 10 people. Even leaving aside this, even Jiang Cha had almost zero combat experience.

Although this person is in the third sequence, he has a gentle personality and rarely fights with others. He is a freak in the view of immortality.

After all, everyone in the Immortal Guan is a tough guy, and they will speak out if they disagree with each other, but it is very strange that Jiang Cha, who has a gentle personality and a sweet appearance, is mixed in.

"Hmph." The God of Thunder blew out two dragon-like streams of air from his nose, "Then I won't bother you."

His tone was calm, as if he had some trump card.

The ancient bronze palace, in the void furnace.

Su Fan and the three pets were all taken into the Void Furnace. They discovered that the Void Furnace, a secret treasure of unknown level, was trying to refine them.

Su Fan felt something bad and immediately made a decision not to care about the "Desolate" trial and directly escaped into the login space "Under the Starry Sky".

Who would have thought that at this critical moment, the system's transmission power would fail.

Su Fan's greatest reliance has lost its effect in this void furnace!

Su Fan didn't have time to sigh that there was still a way in this world to restrain the system's teleportation before he was knocked unconscious by a mysterious force coming from the Void Furnace.

The moment he was stunned, Su Fan realized through telepathy that his three pets were not spared and were affected by the same mysterious force as him.


Looking from outside the Void Furnace, one can see that the furnace itself is trembling, and it is using mysterious and unpredictable power to refine the creatures in the furnace.

Su Fan, who was unconscious in the furnace, groaned subconsciously, seeming very uncomfortable.

But he didn't know that the levels of himself and his three pets were growing rapidly in the refining of the Void Furnace.

28, 29, soon, both Su Fan and the three pets sprinted directly to the peak of level 30.

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