National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 177 More than a dozen saint sons fell, who is the murderer?

"What happened? Where are we?"

"Wow, it seems like we are on floating clouds."

"Weren't you just fighting monsters in the God Refining Tower? How come you were teleported here all of a sudden?"

"Look, look, there are several powerful people there!!"

As soon as these words came out, all the practitioners who participated in the trial in the God Refining Tower did not care about anything else, and unanimously moved their sights to where the great power was.

"Lord Peng Demon King."

"Elder Tianjizi."

"Elder Chen."

"Lord Nine Nether King."

"Lord Thunder God General."

All of a sudden, voices came and went. Most of the practitioners who participated in the competition bowed to say hello to the great masters and gave them high respect. Even among these voices, many people had a little bit of flattery.

Even if it is the unruly Huntian Xiaopeng King, Niu Zhuangshou, or the indifferent and indifferent Tianji Holy Son Li Mu, with their status, although they are not as stern as others, they still Appropriate respect is also necessary.

After all, no matter how you say it, every great master has a profound realm and has practiced for many years. He has brought long-term and profound benefits to the sect and is definitely worthy of their actions.

The Thor general nodded proudly, responding to the greetings of his disciples.

"Huh?" General Thor seemed to have noticed something unusual and glanced at the crowd suspiciously, "Why didn't you see that boy Lei Qianlie? Didn't he participate in this trial?"

As soon as these words came out, the disciples of the Immortal View looked stunned at first, and then felt a thump in their hearts, feeling that something was wrong. They clearly remembered that Senior Brother Lei Qianlie was among the first few to rush into the God Refining Tower.

But not now...

Immortal View swallowed a mouthful of saliva, which probably only meant that the first-series Senior Brother Lei, who was invincible to Immortal View, was killed by a certain contestant.

what happened? "The Thunder God General saw the ugly expressions on the disciples' faces and immediately knew something was wrong. He immediately asked with a calm face and no anger.

King Huntian Xiaopeng frowned frivolously, took a few steps forward with dignity, and said in a tone that was neither humble nor arrogant: "My lord, Thunder God General, I was the one who killed Lei Qianlie."

"Buzz buzz!"

The void made an overwhelmed sound, and the Thunder God General's eyes suddenly became sharp, and a powerful aura, like a volcano erupting, rolled up into the sky.

The breath of Huntian Xiaopeng King went straight away. Huntian Xiaopeng King looked proud on the surface, but in fact he was miserable in his heart. The Thunder God General controlled the pressure just right, making him feel heart-wrenching pain, but not causing him to suffer. He was physically damaged.

After all, this is the punishment Thor will deliver.

Although the Thunder God General has a deep temper, he also has an extremely cruel temper. As a powerful person, if he simply punishes a junior, even if it is unreasonable, no outsiders will say anything.

But who is the elder of King Huntian Xiaopeng? He is the Peng Demon King who "I have soared to the world" and wants to compete with God.

With his arrogant and domineering character, General Thor actually dared to teach his most proud descendants a lesson as an outsider?

This is a naked slap in the face, snap!

"Thunder God General!" Demon King Peng also had divine light bursting out from his eyes. He was solemn and solemn. At this moment, he did not look like a demon king, but more like a detached Buddha holding a flower.


There was a deafening sound from the dome, the sky and the earth began to change color, and even the clouds in the distance seemed to split.

The power of the power is so terrifying that just the battle of breaths creates a scene like the end of the world.

"Damn it, can everyone please restrain their tempers!" Tianjizi, who has always been known for his high moral character, actually cursed and spoke extremely beautiful Chinese!

Obviously, a bloody corpse would appear at this moment, and a fight between two great powers would appear at that moment, which really made him unable to hold back and broke his defense.

"You are all powerful, yes! You are used to being the only one, but what time is it now? Is it the time for a conflict?" Tianjizi helplessly held his forehead, then turned to face the contestants, "First, let's count the casualties of important personnel. ”

"I'll do this." Chen Zhou took the initiative.

After all, as the organizer, no matter what, he knew the basic information of all the contestants in advance.

To be honest, for the other great masters, it is common for them to practice in seclusion for decades. People in their own sects are afraid that they may not be able to recognize them, let alone other sects.

As powerful men, they have seen vast seas turn into mulberry fields, and have seen amazingly talented people turn into withered bones. Ordinary geniuses are simply not qualified to enter their eyes.

Chen Zhou glanced at the crowd gently, his spiritual consciousness swept over them, and he understood everything in an instant.

Chen Zhou raised his eyebrows slightly, seeming to be surprised by the observed results.

This suddenly aroused everyone's curiosity. What happened made Chenzhou, who was calm and composed, a little moved.

The raised eyebrows only lasted for a moment, and Chen Zhou returned to his usual indifferent attitude, "Only Lei Qianlie died in the first echelon."

That's right. The First Saint Son-level figures are the top beings among the contestants. Those people fight against each other. Even if they lose, there should be no problem in escaping.

Many people thought of this, and they couldn't help but look at Huntian Xiaopeng King with fear. This guy, with Lei Qianlie's strength, couldn't even escape in front of him.

Suddenly, countless geniuses had the idea of ​​"turning their heads and running away as soon as they saw Huntian Xiaopeng King".

"The second echelon..." Chen Zhou paused slightly, "No less than ten people have died, from all sects, including the demon clan."


"ten people?"

"In the end what happened?"

All the contestants exclaimed.

Although the geniuses of the second echelon are not as good as the first Holy Son, they are still the second and third level Holy Son-level figures. It is really unbelievable that the casualties are so serious.

After Chen Zhou finished speaking, he remained silent. The most important thing the powerful people cared about was the second tier. As for the remaining casual cultivators and contestants from various factions, showing their faces would, at best, help them gain some face. At worst, they would Just pretending to be fake.

"Elder Chen, aren't you going to explain?" Tianjizi pondered for a moment, but couldn't help but ask.

If it weren't for the death of a holy son in the Wangchen Sect, they would even think that Chenzhou was deliberately using the name of the trial to weaken the strength of the younger generation of the other sects.

"According to the feedback from the God Refining Tower, they did not die in the trial. They were all killed by others, and it was done by one person." Chen Zhou stood with his hands behind his back, his voice and expression unchanged.

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience was shocked.

"The second sequence of our Immortality View is also dead!" Thundergod General received feedback from his disciples, looking ashen as if he had eaten shit.

Good guys, if the first and second are both dead, wouldn’t it mean that the battle for the Ancient Bronze Palace will end up at the bottom?

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