"Is it you?" Su Fan looked at the figure opposite him in surprise.

That was a woman who was as elegant as a fairy, as beautiful as a fairy, and not like the fireworks of the world. It seemed that she would ride on the wind at any time and ascend to the Nine Heavens Palace.

The woman standing opposite in the room was wearing fluttering white clothes, her black hair was dancing lightly, her eyes were like water, as if covered with mist, giving people a dreamlike feeling. She looked over here, and the moment she saw Su Fan, she revealed a trace of heterochromatic.

"Who are you?"

"Don't recognize me?" Su Fan raised his eyebrows.

The person opposite looked and acted exactly like the guy in my impression. He even had an in-depth exchange with her, so how could he admit his mistake?

"I'm also surprised that I don't know you. According to the strength of the monsters in the second level, everyone who can enter this level is the pride of heaven and the darling of the Supreme Sect."

The flawless woman's posture is elegant and her voice is as beautiful as the sound of nature.

"And this kind of people have some connections with me, but you are the one." The flawless woman looked at the pets behind Su Fan without any trace, and said in a soft tone: "But it's so weird."

Su Fan finally figured it out. Although the person in front of him looked exactly like Tan Taiyue and even had the same temperament, after a little contact, he would find that there were still differences in some details such as the way he spoke.

The mysterious woman said softly: "Since you said you know me, you probably know me in person."

Su Fan frowned slightly, "What is your relationship with Tantaiyue?"

The mysterious woman's eyebrows were picturesque and she sighed secretly: "As expected."

"My real name is Tantai Xue, the saint of Dayanluo Palace, and the biological sister of that useless girl." Tantai Xue explained softly.

Su Fan was slightly startled, but Tan Taiyue had never said that he had such a strong sister.

Moreover, Tantai Xue, who was opposite him, kept a low profile in the palace and did not say a few words. This made him not even notice that there was such a person who looked so similar to Tantai Yue.

Tantai Xue also has an excellent figure. Her graceful and delicate body is concave and convex, like a beauty carefully carved by God. She walks lightly, like a willow swinging.

The eyes of Tuntian Xiaohuo behind him moved slightly, as if he was considering whether to stop him.

Su Fan raised his eyebrows, telling Xiaohuo and the others to relax their vigilance.

He didn't find any murderous intention in Tantai Xue. Besides, this sister was an acquaintance, so there was no need for a big fight.

"You are Su Fan, right? I have heard of the glorious deeds you and Sister Yue'er experienced together." Tantai Xue looked plain, her hair was shiny, her skin was as white as jade, smooth and tender, and she exuded a holy and flawless aura. .

However, Su Fan felt that something was wrong. He suddenly noticed a hint of murderous intent.

"What glorious deed?" Su Fan explained with evasive eyes: "She and I are innocent and did not do anything unnecessary."

Tantai's snow gauze skirt mopped the floor, and she walked over nimbly. She put a jade hand on Su Fan's shoulder, lightly opened her red lips, and said, "But that's not what that little girl Duoduo said?"

Her words were quite soft, her pretty pink face was almost dripping with water, and her eyes were very moving, but it made people feel that there was a storm brewing under the calm.

Su Fan was completely stunned, "Good guy, why is Tantai Xue so angry? It turns out it's that bad girl Duo Duo who is fanning the flames behind her?"

"What...did she say?" Su Fan glanced at Tantai Xue with a guilty conscience. He wanted to test what the little girl said.

Although he did not do much, he did do something.

At least, Su Fan saw all the things that should be seen and the things that should not be seen on Tantaiyue.

You can’t blame me. Tantaiyue took the initiative to ask me to look at it. Although he was just looking at the map carved on the back of the jade, he didn’t even look at the map he sent to his door. Is he still a man?

Su Fan murmured in his heart and explained.

"She said you and that girl have been living together for several days." Although Tantai Xue's face was calm, his eyes were a little threatening as he looked at Su Fan.

"Oh, you are overthinking. You are simply exploring the secret realm. What does Duo Duo, a kid, know? It's all nonsense." Su Fan hurriedly explained.

"For no reason, how could that little girl talk nonsense?" Tantai Xue shook her head, obviously not believing Su Fan's explanation.

Xiao Huo, who stood aside and watched for a while, was a little dissatisfied. As the main palace... bah bah bah... as the master's right-hand man, she really couldn't bear to see that this face was similar to hers, but it was the first time he appeared in front of the master like this. Aggressive woman.

The master is the master, it’s your turn to make irresponsible remarks on what to do?

Thinking of this, Xiao Huo put his hands on his hips and said something that made both humans and gods angry: "Yes, Tantaiyue lived with the master for a few days, eating and living together."

"What are you talking about?!" Tantai Xue could no longer maintain her composure. She began to grit her teeth, stretched her arms hard, and clasped Su Fan's shoulders with her delicate hands.

Food and accommodation together? ? ?

Nothing happened, who would believe it.

Good guy, Tantai Xue thought Duoduo was on their side. Who would have thought that this little girl had something to hide about the situation at that time?

Su Fan felt a little bit of toothache. Come on, even if he jumped into the Yellow River, it wouldn't be able to wash it away. Xiaohuo, this little girl's stab was really just right.

Xiaohuo saw that Tantai Xue was showing a tendency to break his guard, and immediately said even more proudly: "I'm sorry, I said the wrong thing. What I meant is that they are so close. They have lived together for several days and have almost never been apart."

Su Fan covered his head helplessly. What on earth was Xiaohuo thinking? To make Taixue angry, he actually sold himself. Didn't he just buy a big green hat for himself in the system mall for no reason? Hat?

At this moment, after hearing Xiao Huo's words, Tantai Xue's black hair was dancing lightly, her face was flushed, her beautiful eyes were wide open, she had the urge to kill, and her crystal teeth were clenched. She could no longer stay calm.

Tantai Xue was a little unbelievable and angrily yelled at Xiao Huo: "What on earth are you talking about? How could Sister Yue'er be such a person, with someone who has only been in contact for a few days..."

"What people said in a few days is really nonsense!" Tantai Xue's pretty face turned red, and she didn't know whether it was because she was angry or something else. At this time, she didn't have the aura of the Saint of Dayan Luodian.

"Everyone knows that our Dayanluo Palace is a major sect of demons, and its disciples are all witches who kill people without blinking an eye, and eat people without spitting out their bones." Tantai Xue's face turned crimson, and she couldn't help but go crazy, and her jade fingers pinched her hair. Bai said.

"People who have met us, no, don't need to meet us, just hearing our name can make everyone fearful, regardless of men or women, but you...you..."

Tantai Xue pointed at Su Fan, already too angry to speak.

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