National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 163: Destroy the corpse infant, third floor of the God Refining Tower

"Ho ho." The corpse baby monster laughed a few times. What a stupid woman, relying on the golden flame to restrain herself, she actually tried to confront herself head-on.

Hahaha, how ridiculous.

The corpse baby's eyes were full of ridicule, and he continued to push forward with his palm, intending to kill the stupid woman instantly, including the monster lotus.

Wait, there's a burning sensation in the back... What's going on? There's only that human behind me!

A trace of doubt arose in the corpse baby's heart. He stepped on the spot with the soles of his feet and stayed in mid-air. Before he could turn his head to look, a golden light suddenly flashed in the corner of his eyes.

At the same time, Xiao Huo on the opposite side looked indifferently and gently pushed the golden lotus in his hand towards the corpse baby.

Two almost identical golden lotuses came towards the corpse baby, sandwiched between them, and he even felt the strong burning sensation emanating from the air.

That feeling couldn't help but make the hair on the corpse baby's body bend slightly, causing the corpse energy that unconsciously spread from his body to be burned away.

"Ho ho!" Corpse Baby cursed several times. The obstruction of the five-layer khaki shield had already caused him to lose the best opportunity to attack the little girl. There were golden lotuses in front and behind now.

We can only... retreat again.

A look of frustration flashed through the corpse infant's bright green pupils. He stepped on the soles of his feet and was about to avoid the two lotus fires, when suddenly something happened again.

I saw that under the corpse baby's small feet, countless quicksand condensed instantly, trying to hinder his movement speed.

"Ho ho."

Damn it, it was these two insignificant balls of sand that forced him to resist these two balls of golden lotus.

The corpse baby didn't care about anything else and spread out his hands to try to stop the two flying lotuses.

Su Fan raised his brows, and an khaki divine light flashed in his eyes. This was Hanhan in his body using his body to use his power.

Su Fan stretched out his hands, and a cage made of quicksand suddenly appeared out of thin air, trapping the corpse baby inside together with the two golden lotuses.

"Ho ho." Corpse Baby's expression changed. He changed his target like crazy, ignoring the lotus fire around him, and instead punched the quicksand cage hard.


The Quicksand Tomb was almost deformed by this blow, but it still held firm and did not dissipate.

"Explode!!" Su Fan and Xiao Huo shouted at the same time.

Although the two "red lotus fires" created by a small cluster of Golden Emperor's Burning Sky Flame have the advantage of restraint, after all, Su Fan and Xiao Huo are only at level 27.

It stands to reason that even if the zombie infant resists this attack with his level 31 body, he will be barely injured at most. He may be seriously injured, but he will not lose his combat effectiveness.

However, the situation is different now. The two lotuses are confined in a quicksand cage. With such a close explosion, although the cage will be torn apart in only a moment, the golden flame that can burn out all the corpse energy It will penetrate deep into the corpse baby's body to destroy it.

As the terrifying and violent sound of "rumbling~~" sounded, the Quicksand Prison only held up for a moment before being quietly annihilated.

"Ho ho!"

The corpse infant screamed several times, and its whole body was surrounded by strong corpse aura, but it couldn't stop it even for a moment, and its entire petite body directly turned into a ball of burning golden flames.

When Tun Tian in the distance saw this scene, he added a thick purple-black thunder in time.

The thunder struck the corpse infant instantly, causing it to scream in agony unconsciously. In the end, it fell to the ground without a sound, and its entire body turned into a piece of pitch-black charcoal.

A stream of golden data flashed across Su Fan's eyes. When he received the accurate information fed back by the "Eye of Deception", he let out a breath and reminded: "It's okay, the corpse baby has completely lost signs of life."

Hearing this sentence, the pets gasped a few times in unison.

Regardless of the battle, they almost never faced off against the corpse babies, and they all used long-range attacks to consume them.

But in fact, if they hadn't pulled together well and cooperated tacitly, when they were actually approached by the zombie baby, they would probably be killed instantly by its violent attack.

A strong person in the out-of-body realm (level 31-40) who has crossed a large realm is not so easy to defeat.

But no matter what, the final winner is still them.

Su Fan divided out a few pieces of medium-grade spiritual stones for Tuntian and the others to absorb and restore their strength, and then waited quietly for the entrance to the third floor to appear.

The challenge on the first level is to face the terrifying existence of the "Ghost King", but in fact, everything is like a mirror, and in the end you only have to face an alternative "Ghost King" who is not good at fighting-the Soul Crying Beast.

If the challenge on the first level only seems to be difficult, then on the second level, fighting against level 31 corpse babies is simply more difficult in the real sense.

This is a complete test of the contestants’ actual combat capabilities.

Thinking of this, Su Fan couldn't help but feel a little strange. Looking at the distribution of the second level, he guessed that it was a test of personal strength.

In other words, the rest of the people will probably encounter Level 31 Corpse Infants, or even worse, other creatures around Level 30.

After all, if the difficulty of the test fluctuates too much, it will not be considered fair.

Thinking about it in depth, the test set by Wangchen Cult this time is really strange. Even among all the contestants, Su Fan's team can be regarded as a very strong force.

But even they must be extremely cautious to pass the test. As for the rest of the people, I am afraid that nearly 90% of them will be kicked out.

And those who remain are definitely the elite among the elite.

In short, Su Fan narrowed his eyes slightly. Those he would have to deal with in the future must be those geniuses at the First Saint Son level.


Familiar fluctuations came out, and a portal containing divine light appeared on one wall of the room. The portal was hazy, and it was impossible to see the scene on the other side clearly.

But Su Fan understood that this must be the entrance to the third floor.

He took a deep breath and walked slowly towards the door.

The difficulty of the trial is beyond anyone's imagination. This is only the second level, and it can wipe out nearly 90% of people. Then I'm afraid it is really like what Gu Changqing, the first saint son of Wangchen Sect, said. , no one can break through the seventh floor.

With this in mind, Su Fan also stepped into the portal with his pets.

A familiar sense of spatial movement came out, and the surrounding environment became confusing and bizarre.

Soon, the dizzy feeling disappeared, replaced by an extremely heavy sense of oppression against the spiritual consciousness.

Su Fan has set up the second barrier. The five barriers are the limit of his mental power. Beyond this range, Su Fan cannot stay safely in the God Refining Tower.

The room teleported to this time was small and empty except for a door.

Su Fan was slightly startled, walked to the door and opened it.

"It's you?"

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