National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 122 How to prove that I am not mentally ill?

It is not accurate to say that he has been here before. In fact, what Su Fan wanted to express was that this place was very similar to the scene in a horror game he had played before.

"I didn't notice it when I first entered, but now this floor gives me an inexplicable familiar smell." Su Fan dusted himself off and looked around the hall a few more times.

"The furniture and decoration are all in the style of the 19th century, and the chandeliers on the ceiling are electric. Look carefully, it's exactly the game in my memory."

Su Fan's expression moved slightly, and he suddenly quickened his steps and rushed in one direction.

"If I remember correctly, the access card to the control room should be in that room." He said calmly to himself.

A few minutes later, Su Fan relied on his memory and came to the room where the access card was. If that thing really existed in this place, it would 100% prove his guess.

Su Fan took out his camera and activated the night vision mode, then prepared to open the door.

Even if you know part of the map, you can't be careless. Who knows what trouble the system will cause.

But just when Su Fan wanted to open the door, the door made a creaking sound, and then opened from the inside under his suspicious eyes.

Although the room was pitch dark, there was still a faint light in the corridor, so Su Fan could clearly see the appearance of the person who opened the door.

He was a very ordinary Westerner, wearing a blue and white striped hospital gown, with a strong build, short hair, and fierce eyes.

He obviously didn't expect that there would be other humans outside the door, and he immediately froze on the spot.

Su Fan blinked twice, somewhat confused as to whether the opponent was a neutral creature or a hostile creature.

"Who are you? The new supervisor?" The Westerner in hospital clothes asked with a suspicious look on his face.

He spoke in English, but due to the system's translation, Su Fan could completely understand it. Presumably, if Su Fan spoke Chinese, the system would automatically generate it into English.

"No... of course I'm not a supervisor." Su Fan quickly denied.

From the diary in the folder and the vague hostility in the eyes of the Westerners opposite, it is not difficult to see that the supervisor is not a friendly existence. If you really say so, the guy opposite may just take action.

"I'" Su Fan pondered for a few seconds and explained, "I'm the new attending doctor."

As expected, upon learning that Su Fan had nothing to do with the regulator, the Westerner opposite him became visibly relaxed.

He stretched out his hand and showed an excited and friendly expression, "Great, doctor, I'm 'Angus', nice to meet you."

Su Fan wanted to do the task, but the guy opposite was too enthusiastic, so it was hard to refuse him outright.

"Hello, hello, Angus, my name is Su Buyu." Su Fan also extended his right hand and said a few polite words.

Then he seemed to have thought of something, and his expression changed in vain.


Isn’t this the signature of the employee who wrote the diary?

Su Fan looked at this guy with strange eyes. The diary clearly stated that he was an employee participating in the "Bluebird Project". How could he be a mental patient wearing a hospital uniform?

Or is it to experience life in order to understand mental patients?

Angus didn't pay attention to Su Fan's expression. He was still full of joy and said to himself: "Doctor, you came just in time. The other doctors are all missing. I don't know what to do. ?”

"Not only missing, but probably missing permanently." Su Fan complained in his heart.

Just... are you so into the drama?

No, no, no, looking at Angus, he completely regarded himself as a real psychopath.

How could this happen? How could someone who wrote a diary with clear logic and evidence become mentally ill?

Is it just the same name?

"Doctor!" Angus suddenly looked ferocious, "Do you also think I'm mentally ill!"

Su Fan was startled and remembered a sentence for no reason: Mental patients generally do not admit that they are sick.

"How is that possible? We can't arbitrarily determine that you have a mental illness after first contact." Su Fan smiled slightly and tried to be more approachable.

After receiving Su Fan's affirmative answer, Angus' attitude returned to calm. He continued: "Of course I'm not a psychopath. I'm just pretending to be a psychopath so that I can get along with the real psychopaths."

Su Fan scratched his head. He really couldn't figure out whether Angus was mentally ill.

"Okay, doctor, let's not talk nonsense. It's actually very simple to know whether he is mentally ill. You can just do some mental verification." Angus looked confident, as if he couldn't wait to get rid of the title of "mental illness".

Su Fan was a little helpless. Judging from his appearance, he would not let him go until he completed the investigation.

So Su Fan pinched his eyebrows and searched for something to ask questions from his memory.

"By the way, I remembered a joke."

"Ahem." Su Fan cleared his throat and asked Angus, who was looking forward to it: "Then...the bathtub is full of water. Is it faster to get the water out with a spoon or a basin?"

Angus opened his mouth, made an exaggerated expression, and then remained silent for a while.

Just when Su Fan thought he couldn't answer, he sneered and said disdainfully: "Doctor, the question you asked is too simple, right?"

"Did you think I would say, 'It's faster to use a basin?', then you are too naive."

Su Fan's expression changed several times, and he actually felt like he was being shown off.

"Isn't it most convenient if I just pull out the plug in the bathtub?" Angus crossed his arms with a proud look on his face.

Good guys, I thought Angus was on the first floor this time, but he was actually on the fifth floor.

"This...this is indeed the correct answer." Su Fan was silent for a few seconds and continued to ask: "When eating scrambled eggs with tomatoes, do you eat eggs or tomatoes first?"

"Eat whatever you want."

In this way, Su Fan asked more than ten questions, and Angus found the answers very quickly and accurately.

"Well, Mr. Angus, congratulations. You passed the psychiatric examination. My test showed that you have no problem and can be discharged from the hospital." Su Fan said with narrowed eyes.

To be honest, he was a little curious about how Angus would leave this mental hospital.

Based on this, Su Fan has found a way out for himself.

"Really? Thank you, doctor." Angus's face was full of surprise, and he walked around Su Fan and prepared to leave.

He walked a few steps, then suddenly stopped, turned around, took out a card from his pants pocket, and handed it to Su Fan.

"Doctor, thank you so much. This is a little gift from me."

Su Fan lowered his head and took a look, feeling shocked.

It was an employee ID card. The name on the card was "Angus". The man in the photo looked exactly like the man in hospital clothes. The only difference was his hairstyle.

It was really Angus, the employee who wrote the diary!

Su Fan's eyes flickered, staring at Angus's leaving back in the distance.

Having said that, proving that you are not a mental patient is already very weird. Would a normal person do this?

Seeing what Angus did in the distance, Su Fan looked horrified. He took a few steps forward and asked loudly: "Wait, what are you going to do?"

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