"Please get them out! The doctor is dead! Get them all out! Please help me!"

Words full of fear came from the back of Su Fan's head, as if the speaker had seen extremely terrifying things before.

"You...what the hell...let me go first." The force coming from the arm around his neck was so shocking that Su Fan couldn't break it open even with all his strength, so he had to intermittently try to negotiate with the monster.

"Damn it." Su Fan cursed in his heart. The monster behind him was still mumbling those few words, and it didn't look like he could talk to him.

Su Fan turned over and faced the wall with his back. Then he used all his strength to slam into the wall.

With a bang, Su Fan's expression relaxed, and he clearly felt that the force on his neck had become weaker.

"It seems useful."

As soon as he thought about this, Su Fan showed a fierce look on his face and kept hitting the wall.

Soon, the force coming from the neck became weaker and weaker, and even the whispers of the unknown monster gradually became inaudible.

Su Fan used his arm strength, and when the monster was stunned by the impact, he pinched the arm attached to its neck, and then slammed it to the ground.

Taking this opportunity, Su Fan also saw the true face of the monster.

Since the monster rushed in from Su Fan's blind spot, it was difficult for him to detect what the thing was that wanted to strangle him.

However, during the process of hitting the wall, he still felt something strange. After all, the touch was not right.

"It's actually a head in a wheelchair?" Su Fan was a little surprised in his heart, but the movements of his hands and feet were not affected. He counted his feet and yelled at the curious head for fear that it would recover.

This thing looks small, but it is stronger than me who has the physical fitness of a special soldier?

Thinking like this, Su Fan became more and more merciless, crushing the head completely in a few clicks, and scarlet blood sputtered out from the broken place.

After taking a few breaths, Su Fan turned his head and looked at the wheelchair. Sure enough, there was nothing.

"It's really that thing. Why didn't it attack me when I first saw it? Why didn't it grow these strange arms?"

"Also...this thing is obviously out of the category of human beings."

Su Fan thought secretly.

Although the fat man just now was strong and tall, if you look closely, you can still see that he is obviously a human being, or at least a human-shaped creature.

But this thing...

"Except for this thing, everything I have come into contact with so far behaves normally."

"This alone is not enough to prove that I am in a magical world."

He smashed his mouth twice and checked the fallen camera first, and found that it was not broken. Then he turned around and groped around the dilapidated wheelchair to see if he could find any useful props.

Soon, Su Fan pulled out a container from the pocket on the back of the wheelchair. The container contained a light blue liquid with unknown effects.

The system gives the information.


[Medicine to treat mental illness, but after special treatment, it will cause unpredictable consequences. 】

"Fancy." Su Fan snorted coldly, dismissing the description of the system.

It was said in a vague manner, and no useful information was given at all.

The following is the perspective of opening the "Eye of Destruction of Delusion".


[Drug for treating mental illness (×)]

[Pharmaceutical used by senior executives for experiments ()]

[It has no therapeutic effect, but stimulates the patient's brain to cause mutations. 】

[Depending on the patient's mental status, physical fitness and other reasons, completely different changes will occur, almost all of which are physical changes. 】

"Looking at the description, although this potion worked, it was not successful."

And that "-7" seems to represent that there were six other failed formulas before this.

Su Fan put the potion into his pocket.

The things generated in this kind of script are generally not waste, and more or less have their own functions.

Like this potion, maybe the player is expected to take it and instantly turn into a Super Saiyan, killing the entire mental hospital.

Of course, this is an exaggeration, and Su Fan does not intend to actually take it, or will not take it now.

First of all, he is not a mental patient. Secondly, the method of taking the medicine, its efficacy, etc. are not clear. Blind drinking may cause adverse effects.

Su Fan was thinking as he walked along the corridor towards the front. Because the back was sealed, there was no need to consider the direction.

Tens of seconds later, Su Fan walked about twenty meters when a strange cry came from the corner ahead.

Su Fan's expression changed, and he immediately stopped. However, he waited there for a few seconds, but nothing appeared, including the rustling movements that had appeared before, and now they all disappeared.

At this moment, there was absolute silence, and the front suddenly became strange.

Su Fan squinted his eyes and took a few tentative steps forward. In an instant, he actually saw a shadow flash past and then disappear around another corner.

"Who?" Su Fan asked. Before he could catch up, the wooden board under his feet suddenly let out an overwhelmed scream, and then spread out to both sides in an instant.

Although Su Fan was always paying attention to the movements around him, he never imagined that the extremely solid wooden board under his feet was actually a trap.

A feeling of weightlessness came, and Su Fan tilted his body and fell straight down.

It was too late, but it was too soon. Su Fan's eyes were cold, and his hands touched the edge of the floor at lightning speed.

Now Su Fan was suspended in mid-air, in an extremely dangerous state.

He lowered his head and saw that the space underneath was tall and spacious, and there was a piece of furniture similar to a hospital front desk.

If it falls, I'm afraid it will cause a lot of trauma.

Su Fan didn't have any extra thoughts to observe. He exerted force on his arms and the veins in his neck popped out, trying to slowly push himself up.

But just when Su Fan was about to succeed, a pair of big hands appeared above him.

Su Fan's expression changed, and then he felt a cold feeling coming from the top of his palm, as someone or a monster was opening his fingers.

"Damn it!" Su Fan cursed secretly, being hung in the air with no way to stop him.

As the last finger was broken open, Su Fan also lost his point of leverage and fell helplessly from mid-air.

He reacted quickly, using the knowledge he learned before crossing over to slow down the impact of his fall.

It was seen that the joints of Su Fan's whole body were in a flexed state, and his arms were kept raised during the falling process.

The moment before landing, he changed the position of his arms to close to his chest to avoid chest trauma.

With a bang, Su Fan fell heavily to the ground, splashing a large amount of dust.

After his feet touched the ground, he immediately made a rollover action to quickly increase the contact area between his body and the ground and reduce impact damage.

Su Fan bared his teeth and felt a little stinging all over his body, but fortunately, no place was really injured.

He got up from the ground and looked up first to see if there were any clues.

"Tch, have you left early?" Su Fan spat softly, and then searched his pockets to see if anything had fallen out.

Finding that everything was there, Su Fan began to look at the surrounding environment. It was okay if he didn't look at it, but something went wrong when he looked at it.

"Why does it feel like I've been to this place before??"

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