The dark cave was completely silent, without any sound. Su Fan walked forward with his pets, taking his time and observing everything around him.

However, there are no more carvings on the rock wall, so it seems that the incident is over.

"Oh my god, that's it!" Tuntian, who has always been fearless, stood up with his wings as if he had been stimulated by something.

Su Fan's heart trembled, and his expression became extremely solemn.

On the path ahead, there was a large pothole that was twenty meters wide and forty meters long. There was nothing surprising about the pothole itself. What made Su Fan and the others change their colors was what was inside.

"They're all heads. It's so disgusting." Xiaohuo pinched the tip of his nose, his pretty face full of disgust.

I saw heads of different sizes and races placed under the pit.

There are both human heads and ferocious beast heads, mixed together, giving it an indescribable and eerie feeling.

"Why is it just the head and the body?" Su Fan was confused and wanted to take a closer look.

Su Fan lifted the reluctant tool man Xiao Huo over and asked her to activate the lotus fire in her palm to act as lighting.

Then he squinted and carefully observed the situation in the pit.

"There are probably hundreds of heads. Whether they are humans or ferocious beasts, the surface of the heads looks intact." Su Fan looked puzzled.

It's so weird. Why is the death so bizarre, with the head cut off, but no scars on the surface?

Hanhan also imitated Su Fan, cocking his head and staring at the pothole with a curious look on his face.

Tuntian suddenly flapped his wings and said telepathically: "Brother, something seems to be talking!"

"Is there something talking?" Su Fan couldn't help but be surprised. He tilted his head and pricked up his ears to feel it.

Xiaohuo's pretty face turned pale, "Tuntian, you stinky fart, I'm a coward, don't scare me."

They held their breath, and sure enough they heard rustling sounds coming from underneath the pit.

Su Fan listened carefully, trying to hear clearly what the voice was saying, but he couldn't make out the reason.

"Boss, the head is moving, that head is moving!" Hanhan seemed to have seen something and shouted anxiously with telepathy.

"What?" Su Fan looked in the direction pointed by Hanhan's tail. A human head with pale skin and bloodless body lay there quietly, showing no sign of moving at all.

Xiaohuo grimaced and hid behind Su Fan, not daring to look at the heads in the pothole.

"This pothole is a bit weird, Hanhan, can you create a dirt road so that we can walk directly through it?" Su Fan asked calmly.

The width of the road is about twenty meters, and there is a pothole. The remaining gap cannot accommodate a person, let alone a large Hanhan.

As for destroying the wall?

Su Fan didn't want to. This place was too weird, so it was better not to make too much noise. It would be bad if something weird were disturbed.

In fact, there are other ways, such as taking Hanhan Xiaohuo into the body and letting Tuntian catch Su Fan.

However, they encountered certain changes, and in this state, it was difficult for them to take action.

Hearing this, Hanhan nodded cautiously, his eyes reflecting an earthy yellow light.

Xiaohuo held the lotus fire with one hand and shook Su Fan's arm with the other. He said in a cooing voice: "Good master, can you hold me in your arms when crossing the pothole? I'm afraid I won't Be careful, I fell into a pothole, please help me.”

Su Fan was thinking about the meaning between the ethereal voice and the human head when he was suddenly interrupted by Xiao Huo, and several black lines suddenly appeared on his forehead.

"What you think is so beautiful!" Su Fan didn't say much and reached out towards Xiao Huo.

The corners of Xiaohuo's mouth raised, revealing two small tiger teeth. She smiled proudly and thought to herself: The master is indeed a sharp-tongued person, but he is still afraid that I, a capable "doer", will fall.

Unexpectedly, Su Fan grabbed Xiao Huo by the collar behind his neck and lifted him up.

"Yeah~" Xiao Huo struggled without any resistance, his white and tender calves lifted away from the ground, kicking one after another.

"Bad Su Fan, what are you going to do? You don't want to throw this girl down and feed her head to someone, do you?" Xiao Huo used his hands and feet, rolling around in a fit of rage.

"Be honest!" Su Fan said helplessly.

In this delay, a stone road forty meters long and five meters wide appeared in front of them.

This is the limit of Hanhan's ability.

Swallowing Tian's wings flapped and he took the lead to fly towards the opposite side. He was not flying very fast. He was alert to the movement under the pit along the way to see if anything weird would happen.

In the end, nothing happened. Su Fan's expression remained unchanged, and he walked slowly towards the stone road with Xiaohuo in hand, followed by Hanhan.

When he took the first step, a strange sound came from the bottom of the pit again, and it was obviously closer and louder than last time.

The sound was like the whispers of countless imps, which made people extremely uncomfortable.

Now even the little fire that had been noisy quieted down, and the atmosphere became extremely weird for a while.

In this tense environment, Su Fan and the others did not see that a head at the bottom of the pit slowly trembled, and then moved slowly as if it was alive.

The human head actually overcame gravity and rolled from the bottom of the pit to the top of the cave.

Su Fan's ears twitched. He seemed to have noticed something. He turned his head and saw the head slowly approaching him between the stone walls.

Xiao Huo couldn't help but tremble, but he also knew that now was not the time to move wildly, so he suppressed his mind and kept his shaking to a small extent, so as not to affect his master's movements.

Hanhan's expression was cold, his mouth was slightly opened, and a khaki divine light came out of his mouth and shot towards the head.

Su Fan's expression changed, and he lowered his voice and shouted urgently: "Don't be impulsive!"

But obviously, it was too late. The khaki divine light hit the head heavily. The head trembled slightly, failed to hold on, and was shattered with a snap. A stream of extremely unpleasant purple water shot out from inside.

Hanhan looked a little guilty. He was also worried that the head would roll towards Su Fan, so he took action rashly.

At the same time that the head was crushed, there was a violent vibration under the stone road.

Su Fan's expression changed, knowing that things had become difficult. He did not lower his voice and shouted loudly: "Quick, rush over!"

After saying that, Su Fan took the lead in speeding up the pace and rushed towards the opposite side of the pothole.

Hanhan at the back was not slow either, following closely behind Su Fan.

The ground shook and the stone road shook.

Hanhan's aura was deep, and a dazzling earth-yellow light erupted from his body, stimulating the power of the earth element to forcefully stabilize the shaking stone road.

But because he used his strength on this, it became very difficult to move, and he had no time to worry about other things.

The swallowing sky on the opposite side turned into a long and narrow thunderbolt, and in an instant, it was above them, guarding them silently.

At the same time, hundreds of heads from the bottom of the pit rose into the sky, blocking out the sky and the sun. A large group of heads shrouded Su Fan and the others, as if they were trying to swallow up the remaining light in the dark cave.

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