National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 102 The origin of the red-haired monster, the most powerful program in history?

The nightmare has begun?

Su Fan's brows twisted into a "Chuan" shape. This was not his imagination, but the actual words on the mural.

It is written in conspicuous, reddish-brown ink and evokes endless reverie.

Su Fan couldn't wait to look down, wanting to see what the so-called nightmare was and what kind of trauma it had brought to the two forces and the land.

After the agreement between the two parties was reached, the fleet leader led his men into the dust-covered area, which was the mining area where the red-haired body was dug up.

They dug for a long time and even dug out a shockingly deep mine that was bottomless.

But even so, the body of the second red-haired monster was not dug up.

Just as the leader was about to evacuate, his men dug out a stone from nowhere.

The stone looks very special. It is pale golden in color and transparent. It can be vaguely seen that there seems to be a creature embedded in it.

The appearance of the strange creature is pitch black. It does not look like the original appearance of the creature, but more like it was deliberately erased by the ancients who carved the mural.

The creature was sealed in the golden stone. Before it was born, the people around it collapsed to the ground and slowly turned into white bones.

Only the leader of the fleet, because of his superb strength, paid a small price and fled hastily, leaving the Jingtian Mine.

After despair, there is still despair.

The leader escaped and ascended to heaven. What greeted him was not the fleet members or the natives of the village, but one red-haired monster after another.

Su Fan could tell from the damaged decorations on the monsters that they were probably indigenous villagers when they were alive.

What shocked Su Fan even more was that not only the living villagers, but also those who were suspected of committing suicide or died suddenly, also turned into red-haired monsters.

On that day, the fleet leader was extremely crazy. He fought hard and desperately asked for support. In the end, he fell into the hands of countless red-haired monsters.

"What kind of existence is this red-haired monster? It can't be beaten or killed. It just killed the fleet leader." Su Fan looked fearful.

There was also the strange creature in the golden stone. It was its appearance that turned the indigenous villagers into red-haired monsters.

There is nothing much to say about the next few murals. One-sided massacre, many fleets poured into this place, like a mud cow entering the sea, never to return.

There are more and more corpses here, piling up into mountains, and the blood has gathered into a real river, winding its way into the distance, like a hell.

"Master, look at this!!" Xiao Huo was uncharacteristically uncharacteristic, his tone lacking the usual playful spirit.

Su Fan turned his head and looked where she pointed, his expression instantly becoming extremely solemn.

It was a small bunch of red hair, inserted at the bottom of the mural at an extremely weird angle.

If you don't look carefully, it's really hard to spot.

"Could it be the hair of a red-haired monster?" Su Fan squinted and suddenly had an idea.

"All the fleets that came here died, and the natives in the original area all turned into red-haired monsters. So who carved the later murals?"

Su Fan touched his nose, and there was another doubt.

That is where the mural changed from a simple black and white picture to a colorful painting. He guessed that it was a key place.

Xiao Huo took three steps and two steps at a time, and trotted all the way to another mural. She showed a real expression and shouted: "Master, there are red hairs under this mural too."

"And this one, that one, eh... there's nothing behind this one." Xiao Huo looked puzzled.

Su Fan looked away, and the dividing point of the red hair was the colorful mural. The front of the painting was a black and white engraving, and there were no red hairs underneath.

"Could it be that...the murals at the back were actually carved by red-haired monsters?" Su Fan asked himself doubtfully, but looking at the content of the murals, it was not revealed that the red-haired monsters had intelligence.

[The world view is cracked, and the exploration degree of the restricted area is increased, currently 10.3%]

Cain's voice suddenly sounded, startling Su Fan.

"World view cracked? Is your guess correct?" Su Fan took a few steps back and looked at the mural with an ugly expression. "In other words, this thing was really carved by a red-haired monster."

"Let's go, continue to explore forward and see if we can find anything interesting." Su Fan licked his lips, excitement showing in his eyes.

This time is different from the beginning. At the beginning, Su Fan only explored the restricted area for the sake of speed. But now, he is truly eager to unlock the secrets contained in the strange insect valley from the bottom of his heart.

After Su Fan and his party left the mural, they did not notice that a tiny red hair that was extremely difficult to detect grew on Tuntian's back.

Arena of Death, in the audience.

"Oh, shit!"

“Contestant No. 4 ‘Su Buyu’ came from behind and won the current first place with a crushing force!!”

"Damn it, you fw on the 3rd, all the Starry Sky Coins I put in are gone."

"Actually, we can't blame No. 3. Historically speaking, No. 3's level of exploration is still very high. It's a pity that No. 4 is just too perverted."

"Indeed, it has increased by 10% all of a sudden, which is really an unprecedented progress."

There was a deep aura of death in the guest seats, and will-o'-the-wisps flashed up and down in the depths of his eyes. I don't know what he was thinking in his heart.

As a god, he also has the qualifications to place bets, but as a subordinate of Pluto, he does not want to make any overstep.

In the eyes of the God of Death, it is a kind of transgression to gamble on others in advance while his boss has not placed any bets.

But now, it is basically confirmed that No. 4 "Su Buyu" is the target of Lord Pluto's bet.

So... do I need to place my bet down?

Go for this, the most luxurious gamble in the endless void.

The goddess of beauty raised her legs high, leaning on the stone statue with her whole turbulent body, supporting her head with one hand, looking at Su Fan on the screen with interest.

Since she was not very close to Pluto, she didn't notice anything unusual about Su Fan, but even so, this man attracted her attention.

Different from the two of them in ancient and modern times, he looked left and right, his eyes darting around like a restless child.

His attention was neither on Su Fan nor on Huangfuchuan. He didn't know what he was thinking. He was a freak among freaks.

His behavior now is completely different from when he first appeared. He is really too casual.

"No matter how good No. 3 is, she is better than Girl No. 2."

"There is indeed nothing wrong with that. Poor No. 2 encountered man-eating evil ants known as the 'Scarlet Legion'."

"Even the pure water elf with her was eaten to pieces."

"Yes, yes, it's such a miserable word, what's so big about it?"

In front of the Heavenly Mirror, the "Holy Burning Heart Bead" turned into a scepter again, and was held in the hand of the host Cain.

The corners of his mouth raised, and his eyes seemed to have passed through many obstacles, and he saw the red hair on Tuntian's back that represented the unknown.

"Haha, it seems that this show will be the most interesting one ever."

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