: Fully Automatic Ghost-killing Xuanmen Talismans and Seals

On Qingyun Mountain’s official website, the hundreds of millions of talismans that Daoist Jingchen had just put on the shelves were cleared in a second.

Daoist Jingchen can’t even be rectified.

It was too fast too.

Hundreds of millions of talismans were snatched away in this second?

Double 11 is not so fierce.

Compared with the happy atmosphere of grabbing talismans and seals in Longguo.

It is not so easy for Bangzi Country and Benzi Country.

People in the Dragon Kingdom have Qingyun Mountain talisman seals as amulets.

Usually encounter strange.

Pat the amulet on yourself, and then recite the Taoist mantra of purification.

Generally, there are no ghosts to invade.

The supernatural will not harm the people of the Dragon Kingdom.

But Bangziguo and Benziguo won’t work.

Before that, Qin Hao also opened up talisman friendship support for Bangzi Country and Benzi Country.

It’s just that it’s different from domestic ones. Of course, Qin Hao has to charge some fees for sending talismans to foreign countries.

But that’s the fee.

Let the people of Bangzi Country and Benzi Country call out profiteers.

And no one believes in any talismans from the Dragon Kingdom.

How dare you pay such an expensive price for a piece of useless paper?

Only idiots bought it.

In Benzi Country and Bangzi Country, many local netizens struggled to report.

Directly report and block the sales channel of Qingyun Mountain.

There is no way, since people on both sides are like this, Qin Hao is not a licking dog.

Do you like it or not.

Qin Hao directly asked the priests of Qingyun Mountain not to worry about outside affairs.

The Bangzi Country and the Benzi Country don’t want it, it’s better to support the inside.

Directly sent the talismans originally reserved for Bangzi Kingdom to the official website of Long Kingdom.

But at this moment, the supernatural erupted.

Long State OwnedFu seal protection.

In the past two days between Bangziguo and Benziguo, it is true that the small life is not going very well.

In this country, there was a gangster who had dinner with friends and walked at night, and was found dead in the river the next day.

People floated directly on the river.

After being salvaged, it was found that he had not drowned normally.

It’s like being sucked dry by something.

Everyone has become a piece of human skin.

The bones were turned into dregs.

But there is no trace of damage on the outside, not even a single wound can be found.

This situation cannot be done by manpower.

Many people in this country are panic-stricken.

Discuss it online.

“Do you all know the man who was found in the lake of Little Cherry Blossom Park yesterday? It’s scary!”

“I know, I know, my home is nearby, and I heard that the authorities in my country are suppressing the heat.”

“Why did that person disappear? It is said that a perverted murderer appeared?”

“Don’t listen to the official statement! How can there be any perverted murderer? I was at the scene today, and that person has turned into a piece of human skin, his internal organs are gone, his bones have been crushed into powder, and his appearance is not damaged at all. Tell me, can this kind of thing be done by a murderer?”

“Really? How did you do that?”

“I think it’s very likely to be a supernatural event. Humans can’t do this kind of thing!”

“I don’t know. I took a picture when the official salvage of this country was carried out today, and I sent it to you for a look. Don’t spread it.”

“It’s so scary, woo woo woo, I’m scared to cry! Baga!”

Of course, it’s not just this incident, there are many supernatural events happening in this country.

Many people died.

On the Bangzi Country, the situation is similar, and there are also large-scale supernatural events.

Someone was trapped in the toilet when he went to the toilet, and the cleaning staff found him the next day, and he was gone.

His death was terrible, with bloodstains all over his face.

It seems to have been grabbed by claws.

Someone behaved strangely, as if possessed by a spirit, took the elevator up to the roof, and jumped off the building while dancing on the roof.

When he was dying, the corner of his mouth was still smiling.

But later, according to the investigation, the person had no mental problems, and the next day, she was even going to get married.

These things made everyone nervous.

Just when many Bangziguo and Benziguo people asked for help online, how to save themselves if they encounter supernatural events.

On this day, something happened in Bangzi Country, which quickly became a hot search topic and aroused large-scale heated discussions.


Inside a Bangziguo convenience store.

A few young people hurried in, bought some instant food, and then checked out to leave.

There has been a lot of spooky incidents recently.

Everyone is wise and safe, and they dare not stay outside during the day, and they dare not come out at night.

Many people even turn on all the lights at home in broad daylight, for fear that something dirty will come in.

These young people turned back after buying some instant food. They wanted to go home before dark.

However, what they didn’t expect was that they hadn’t walked out of the convenience store yet.

No matter how hard you push the door of the convenience store, it won’t open.

The glass door, which could be opened with a light push, now seems to be welded dead.

No matter how many people pull or push, they can’t move it.

At the same time, in the convenience store, there was a whistling electric sound.

The lights in the convenience store began to flicker and dim.

Seeing this scene, these young people, including the convenience store clerks, were shocked.

No way!

It can’t be such a coincidence, can it?

Did this hit a ghost?

But after waiting for a while, the store was safe and sound, as if nothing happened.

The group of young people just breathed a sigh of relief and thought it might just be a coincidence.

It is the convenience store voltage instability.

The clerk was just about to go fix it.

At this moment, someone in the crowd screamed.

Everyone was shocked.

Only then did they realize that there were no ghosts.

But ghosts, right beside them!

Many people realized later that, at some point, there was a strange woman beside them.

The woman was dressed in red, and her hair was so long that it fell to the ground.

she looked up,

His mouth lightly grinned.

The dozens of teeth in the mouth were all exposed, and the corners of the mouth stretched all the way to the back of the ears.

Just looking at it makes one’s scalp tingle.

This is obviously a rip girl.

At this moment, the gap girl let out a piercing and extremely sharp laugh.

“Hehehehe! You guys discovered it! Now that you’ve discovered it, let’s all die, Smecta!”

The rip girl said it.

Her long hair was scattered on the ground behind her, as if she had come to life.

It exploded suddenly behind the gap girl.

It’s like turning into hair tentacles.Directly wound around the neck of one of the young people from the Bangzi Kingdom.

Countless strands of hair were wrapped around the necks of these young men.

This slit female ghost wants to strangle these people to death.

Some of the girls present were timid and screamed in fright.

Just then.

An international student from Longguo suddenly remembered something.

He looked at the hair tentacles that were also winding towards him.

He quickly took out something from his chest clothes.

He took out a piece of mountain ghost money.

This piece of money spent by mountain ghosts was when Longguo students returned to China two years ago, they went to Qingyun Mountain to burn incense.

At that time, it was given by the Taoist priest of Qingyun Mountain.

It is said that it is a benefit from the Taoist temple.

One hundred consecrated mountain ghosts will be randomly given to lay Buddhists with money.

This international student was lucky and was randomly selected.

In fact, the foreign student did not believe this.

The international students were very conflicted at the time.

I really believe in science, do you believe in this?

But there is no way, foreign students don’t believe it, but damn believe it!

After returning home, I made a rope and strung it up for the foreign students to carry with them.

And he was strictly prohibited from taking it down.

The priests gave it to you, so it’s good to keep it on your body to ward off evil spirits.

Later, the international student forgot about it.

It hasn’t been taken down for a year.

Now look at the hair of the slit girl winding towards her.

He suddenly remembered this.

Hurry up and take out the mountain ghost’s money.

My heart is ruthless.

Whether it works or not.

Oh shit!


The foreign student wrapped the rope tied with the mountain ghost’s money around his hands.

Then facing the strange hair of the female ghost, the international student punched it.

The mountain ghost spends money to hit the female ghost’s hair.

In an instant, a golden light was emitted.

The female ghost’s hair seemed to melt.

It was directly cut off by the mountain ghost in the hands of the foreign students.

The female ghost was also frightened.

Obviously, the mountain ghost spent money to cut off her hair, which also hurt her body.

The female ghost looked at the foreign student with a surprised look.

She couldn’t understand, how could there be a way to counter her among a group of students?

At this time, the foreign student found that his mountain ghost spent money, which seemed to be really useful to ghosts.

He was stunned.


It’s true!

It is really useful to find that the mountain ghost spends money.

The foreign students immediately became nervous.

With three punches and two kicks, he cut off the female ghost’s hair and saved several young people nearby.

At this time, several young people from the Bangzi Country looked at the student from the Long Country with shocking eyes.


When did this guy become so awesome?

The foreign students repeatedly cut the hair of the girl with the incision.

This behavior also directly angered the female ghost.

The female ghost saw that her hair attack was ineffective.

Angry and angry, he directly culled and killed the foreign student.

He opened his bloody mouth wide open, intending to bite this kid to death.

Watching the rip girl rush towards him.

The foreign student remembered that his mother asked him to buy the Qingyun Mountain talisman seal online a few days ago.

At that time, the Qingyun Mountain talisman had not been removed from the shelves by Bangzi Kingdom.

Foreign students bought a few.

But at that time many people said IQ tax.

The foreign students felt a little ashamed, so they didn’t show it.

At this moment, I suddenly thought of Fu Zhuan.

The international student also turned directly out of the schoolbag.

A ghost-killing talisman was pinched in his hand.

At the same time, there is a spell.

The foreign students tried to read it.

“Taishang Laojun, and my god. Calling on the jade girl, it is ominous to take pictures. Climbing rocks are cracked, wearing a seal. Wearing a canopy on the head, walking on the feet of Kuigang, supporting Liujia on the left and Liuding on the right.

There is the Yellow God in the front, and the Yuezhang in the back. The god master kills, does not avoid the powerful, first kills the evil spirits, and then kills the night light. What kind of god is not subdued, what kind of ghost dares to be it?

Hurry like a law! ”

The foreign students finished reciting the mantra.

The ghost killing talisman in his hand immediately turned into a red light and flew out.

The red light was invincible, and instantly penetrated the gaping girl’s big mouth.

Destroy it directly!

Before the Gap Girl died, there was still disbelief in her eyes.

How can a young man have such a thing?

It’s really crazy.

The Longguo foreign student looked at the ghost-killing talisman in his hand.

Really killed a ghost in front of him.

Not only was he stunned.

The young people in Bangziguo who witnessed the whole process were all stunned.

“Hey! How did you do it?”

“Xiba, it’s too strong, Xiba! What was that thing just now?”

“Master, master! Master, please accept me as disciple Smecta!”

Companions are full of praise.

And the students from the Dragon Country.

The excited mood has not calmed down for a long time.Because he understands.

How could this be his supernatural power?

This is the strength of the Taoist priests of Qingyun Mountain.

He is just an ordinary person, how can he kill ghosts and catch demons?

The money spent by the mountain ghost just now belongs to Qingyun Mountain.

The ghost-killing talisman was also bought from Qingyun Mountain’s official website.

He just read it.

Fully automatic ghost killing.

At this moment, the Longguo international student said: Science? What science? Really unfamiliar, metaphysics is invincible! Daoist is awesome!

At the same time, he was also grateful to his own mother.

“Mom! I believe it, I really believe it, you are right, thank you for forcing me to spend money with mountain ghosts, thank you for forcing me to buy talismans! If it weren’t for you, old man, I would really die here!”

The foreign students felt emotional in their hearts.

At the same time, the monitoring in the convenience store was quickly spread to the Internet.

Once released, it directly rushed to the top of the hot search in Bangziguo.

“#龙国国际学生 Fu Zhuan chops ghosts, full of high energy!”

“#After the interview, the foreign student denied that he knew spells, saying that he was really an ordinary person, and the talisman was bought online, produced by Longguo Qingyun Mountain!”

“#龙国青云山 Where can I buy the talisman?”

“#qingyunshanfuzhuan was reported off the shelves, and the sale to Bangzi Kingdom has been stopped?”

Accompanying the incident brewing more and more intense.

On the Internet, netizens from Bangziguo were also arguing.

“Xiba! I’ve watched the video. The talismans in the video are so powerful! But why can’t I buy them now in Bangziguo?”

“Fuck! I really need these talismans urgently now! I can buy them for 10 million stick coins! Where can I buy them?”

“Brother, you can’t buy it, let alone 10 million stick coins. You can’t buy 100 billion stick coins now. Qingyun Mountain opened the purchase channel of our Bangzi country a while ago. At that time, the asking price was 40,000 stick coins. , As a result, idiot netizens reported that the purchase channel was blocked, and then they stopped selling it, and now you have no place to buy it if you want to buy it.”

“Fuck! Netizens are so stupid! Such an awesome talisman is only 40,000 stick coins, and now it seems like a conscience! I am really convinced, what idiots reported the purchase channel at the time? Now go to hell you.”

“Hahaha, I bought it. I came to travel in Longguo. At that time, I saw the priests of Qingyun Mountain selling talismans and seals in Bangziguo. I knew something must happen. I bought a hundred copies backhandedly. Too bad It’s cool, now I’m sleeping with the talisman, feeling full of security!”

“I’m crying with envy, can you sell it? Sell me one, and I’ll give you 100 million stick coins Smecta!”

“Fuck, what is 100 million stick coins? I’ll give you 200 million! What the hell are you buying, not talismans, but life!”

On the Bangziguo website, many netizens from Bangziguo regretted it.

I knew this talisman was so awesome.

40,000 stick coins and a talisman should be bought hard at that time.

Now many netizens are spending a lot of money to buy talisman seals.

Even the highest one was fired for a talisman, more than one billion stick coins.

It is equivalent to 5 million soft sister coins.

The top richest people in Bangzi Country are also terrified to death.

Life is more important than money.

And in this situation, talismans are life!

What’s more, at this time, if you want to spend money, you may not be able to buy it.

It can be said that with the explosion of supernatural powers, the Longguo talisman became crazy in Bangziguo.


Write 20,000 words today! !

This is the first update!

It’s over guys! ! !

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