Don’t Run, Lay

Yang Ye whipped down and whipped towards William.

William was taken aback.

He didn’t expect that Yang Ye was so murderous, there was no ghost to kill, it would be outrageous to kill him as a ghost!

This is Qingyun Mountain!

Killed him in public, isn’t Yang Ye afraid of the law?

Yang Ye: Die laughing, the law? I’m a worker in the underworld, the laws of the underworld can’t control the people in the underworld! And in the underworld, my Yang Ye is the law!

The whip fell on William.

In the next second, William’s soul was pulled out of his body alive by a whip.

Yang Ye: You were not a ghost just now, but now you are! Surprised or not?

He rolled William’s soul back with a whip, folded it into a small paper doll, and put it away.

Yang Ye said: “This kid is a talent, suitable to come to my underworld to participate in work, I accept this person!”

It has to be said that this kid William has the ability to control the ghosts with one hand.

It is also a rare talent.

Talent is rare these days.

The underworld also has to be robbed.

Yang Ye thought, after this kid gets to the underworld, give him a cleaning team leader. After all, the underworld also needs to be cleaned.

Can’t this kid control ghosts?

It’s just right for him to control the ghosts in the underworld to clean up!

The arrangement is clear.

A Whip arranged for William afterwards.

Yang Ye looked at the other person.

That Davis who was still holding the live broadcast on his mobile phone in a daze.

Yang Ye: What? You kid also want to come to my underworld to develop and develop? Your ability to start a fire with one hand is not bad.

Why don’t you come to my underworld and be a lamp-lighting boy?

Davis was terrified.

Never seen anything so horrible in my life.

In the group, those sss level power users are not so scary!

A whip drags away the soul of a person.

Looking at Yang Ye, he touched the whip again.

Looks like he’ll be next.

How dare Davis stay here longer.

turn and run.

Qingyun Mountain is too frightening.

Simply murderous.

It’s outrageous for a soul to go to work after death.

Can Davis not run?

Watch this thing run away.

Yang Ye shook his head.

This guy has no wisdom.

follow him to

Runs really fast.

At this moment, Qin Hao saw that Davis didn’t even have time to pick up his phone, so he ran away.

looking at his back,

Qin Hao grabbed the void with his hand.

Stab it!

Mysterious thunder fell from the sky.

A huge thunder and lightning sword was condensed by him.

Above the dharma sword, purple lightning arcs surged.

After ten years of sharpening a sword, I have never tried the frost blade! Show the king today, who will not serve?

Qin Hao’s thunder sword is three feet long.

He slashed with a sword, but the sword energy of the Thunder Sword turned into a 50-meter-long blade!

Cut behind Davis.

Qin Hao’s voice came leisurely from the mountain.

“Supreme Heavenly Venerable, Layman, what are you running for? Aren’t you looking for a one-on-one fight in purple robes? Come here! The poor will not bully you, I will only use one sword!”

Davis looked at the fifty-meter guillotine cut behind him.

With one blow, he almost cut his head in half.

The Thunder and Lightning Sword in the Celestial Master’s hand cut down the mountain path one after another like a guillotine.

Davis’ pupils constricted.


Who dares to look back!

Is there still life to turn around?

This time he didn’t even take the stairs.

Rolling and climbing all the way out of Qingyun Mountain.

Looking at Davis’ embarrassed look.

Qin Hao sighed, and the magic sword in his hand dissipated.

Qin Hao said: “This layman said one-on-one again, and ran away after he finished speaking. He has no martial arts at all. Forget it, Jingchen, you go and take him down! Since you came to Qingyun Mountain, how can you just leave as soon as you say it? Grab it and go to the kitchen to cook western food!”

Qin Hao looked at Davis who was running away, and with a sweep of the whisk, he asked Taoist Jingchen to catch the kid back.

After coming to Qingyun Mountain, how can there be any reason to leave immediately?

Although there is no shortage of handymen in Qingyun Mountain now.

But this kid is a foreigner, isn’t he?

Catch them back and send them to the kitchen. It would be nice to have more foreign cooks in Qingyun Mountain in the future.

In the future, lay Buddhists who go up the mountain to burn incense will eat on the mountain by the way, and Qingyun Mountain Kitchen can provide an additional western food service.

It can be regarded as being on track with the international community!

As soon as the words of the heavenly master came out.

Daoist Jingchen flew out and grabbed Davis.

Daoist Jingchen: “Boy, do you still want to leave after offending Celestial Master? Celestial Master is stingy! Come back!”

Down the mountain, just as Davis fled here, he saw Daoist Jingchen flying down from the mountain.

As soon as Taoist Jingchen landed, he stood in front of Davis.

Jingchen said: “Blessings are boundless, layman, don’t leave when you come, you have evil spirits in your heart, and your way of doing things is not right, you should go back and read the Taoism for a few years, and cook in my Qingyun Mountain, which can wash away your evil spirits! ”

Davis saw that the one chasing him was a man in a red robe.

Davis was terrified, and cursed: “Fake! Damn stinky Taoist priest, get out of the way, let me go, or don’t blame me for being rude!”

Now Davis just wants to run away quickly, and doesn’t want to see people in purple and black robes again for a second.

He didn’t want to get entangled with the red robe priest.

However, who is Taoist Master Jingchen?

Daoist Jingchen: “Bastard, do you think I don’t understand foreign language? The poor Taoist kindly asked you to go up the mountain to practice, but you uttered wild words and didn’t pay attention to me at all! Taishang Wuji! Start catching monsters!”

Taoist Priest Jingchen threw off his Taoist robe.

Put the fingers of the left hand together and turn them into finger pens, and draw a talisman seal on the palm of the right hand.

Then, Taoist Master Jingchen recited in his mouth: “Where can I find the power of heaven in panic, the sun will wipe out the eight strange clouds. The thunder of heaven and earth is about to move, and the eight treasures and five thunders descend to the sky. Fire burns all evil things, and thunder punishes all poverty Villains!

The curse of Yehuo is coming! ”

Jingchen said a long word.

A palm blasted out.

From his palm, a fire dragon rushed out.

Then Davis saw that the red-robed priest could use fire.

With a glint in his eyes, he backhanded, and a flame was also pushed out.

Wanting to resist Taoist Jingchen’s Blazing Fire Curse.

However, when two flames collide.

Only then did Davis realize how outrageously weak he was.

A fire dragon released from Dao Jingchen’s Changye Fire Curse.

After touching Davis’s flame, he didn’t stop at all, and the fire dragon swallowed his flame in one gulp.

And it became stronger and rushed towards him.

Daoist Jingchen looked at this scene and said, “Western European super power? It’s just a small technique, how can it be compared with the Sanqing magic method? You are not worthy of it!”

A searing wave of fire engulfed Davis.

If it wasn’t for him being a fire power user.

I’m afraid that this blow will burn him alive.

But even so, Davis was seriously injured.

Already burnt by the palm of the flame-cursing dragon, unable to take care of himself, lying on the groundup.

Daoist Jingchen looked at this scene, made seals with his hands, and said: “The Supreme Heavenly Venerable, the sinner has been executed, follow me up the mountain to meet the Heavenly Master.”

Daoist Jingchen picked up Davis, who was so burned that he couldn’t take care of himself, and rushed back up the mountain.

EF Group.

Some group executives also watched the live broadcast.

They were shocked by the power of Qingyun Mountain.

This shit!

Davis and William are not considered weak in their EF group!

Especially that Davis.

The first-hand fire superpower was even rated as a1 level.

It is the top level among all A-level power users.

In another two years, there might be a chance to reach the s level!

But even so, it was in the opponent’s hands, just like a newborn chick.

Being manipulated casually.

William was whipped out of the soul.

Davis was even worse, losing to his best flame.

It’s just murderous.

The senior management of EF Group was silent.

I thought that Qingyun Mountain was not strong.

Unexpectedly, it is so strong!

Ridiculously strong.

Needless to say, wearing a purple robe.

Just say the one in the red robe.

With the ability shown, even the group’s top sss-level power user may not be able to win in the past!

Before, the ef group felt that the force of Qingyun Mountain ranked fourth, and it was watery.

Now it seems that there is indeed moisture.

so strong.

Doesn’t this fucker make the top three?

What a mistake!

William and Davis who went to Qingyun Mountain to make trouble.

One soul has been taken away, and the other is now familiar with the kitchen process.

Longguo netizen: ”

! 6 turned over! Qingyun Mountain is still Qingyun Mountain! It is easy to go up the mountain to challenge, but I have never seen one who can walk down completely. ”

“After so many years, the stinginess of Tianshi is still the same as before! But I like it!”

“In the past, when Daoist Jingxuan and Daoist Jingfeng were still there, Daoist Jingchen was a little more modest. Now that Daoist Jingxuan and Jingfeng have gone to the outer city, Daoist Jingchen sees everyone as a fool, and everything he sees is a trick. !”

After Taoist Jingchen brought Davis back to Qingyun Mountain.

Qin Hao sent Yang Ye away.

Yang Ye said: “Brother Qin, then I will go back to repair the ghost gate first, and I will leave the side of Yangjian to you, Brother Qin first. When I repair the ghost gate, I will definitely come back to help as soon as possible!”

Qin Hao nodded: “Don’t worry.”

After finishing speaking, Yang Ye used the Nine Dragons Yama Whip to break open a ghost passage, walked into it, and went back to the underworld.

After Yang Ye left.

Qin Hao turned back to Qingyun Mountain.

For the upcoming tide of ghosts, Qin Hao still needs to make more preparations.

After Yang Ye left for a few days.

In the past few days, there have been more supernatural events in various places in the Dragon Kingdom.

For example, in a certain supermarket, the employees cleaned up well before leaving get off work the day before.

The next day, when the employees went to work, they opened the door early in the morning and found that the supermarket was in a mess.

All kinds of goods were thrown on the ground in a mess.

At first I thought it was a thief entering the supermarket,

It was discovered by the staff inspection and monitoring.

It was found that these commodities had fallen on the ground by themselves at night.

No sign.

Looking at the picture on the surveillance camera, I get goosebumps all over my body.

This is so clearly a ghost.

For another example, in the corridor of a certain community, at twelve o’clock in the middle of the night, there were ghosts crying and howling wolves on time, as if a group of people were crying.

It was so loud that the whole building couldn’t sleep.

Entering the corridor to search, someone saw the back of the white clothes and the terrifying grimace, which was extremely frightening.

There are also girls who share posts, go home from night work by themselves, sit on the bus, and find that there are more and more people around them.

At this time, she took a look inside the bus, not knowing when a whole bus of people got on it.

The car I was sitting in was obviously the last bus, and usually there were no more than two or three people in the whole journey.

This time, there were dozens of people in the car together.

The girl didn’t take it seriously at first, it was just a coincidence.

But soon, she accidentally discovered something that made her back sweat instantly.

She suddenly saw a middle-aged man sitting next to her, a piece of money fell out of his bag, and the money was printed with Tiandi Bank, which was a Ming note.

Then the girl carefully looked at the passengers around her.

I found that the faces of these passengers were very dull, and none of the people in the car were playing with their mobile phones.

This kind of thing is outrageous in this day and age. M..

Who doesn’t look at their phone when taking the bus?

At this time, the girl suddenly remembered the talisman seal she had received for free on the official website of Qingyun Mountain some time ago.

With trembling hands, she took out this talisman.

I just hope this talisman is useful.

After she took out this talisman, she ruthlessly stuck it on her body.

Then, according to the tutorial on the official website of Qingyun Mountain, I said silently in my heart: “Lingbao Tianzun, comfort the body. The soul of the discipleSoul, five internal organs mysterious.

Green dragon and white tiger, the team battles are diverse. Suzaku Xuanwu, I am a real bodyguard! ”

This is one of the eight great divine mantras of Taoism, the cleansing mantra, and one of the most commonly used mantras.

Chanting can bless itself.

The girl read it several times when she was free, so she memorized it.

Now comes in handy.

After the girl has chanted the mantra.

She was surprised to find that the evil-breaking talisman she had attached to her body burst into a golden light.

After the golden light shone around.

The surrounding illusions are instantly shattered.

The girl opened her eyes again and found that she had been sent out of the car in a daze.

She didn’t know when she was sent to the side of a deserted road.

And the one that carried her before was a paper bus.

The girl called her roommate later, and the taxi taken by the roommate rescued her.

The girl repeatedly emphasized in the post.

“Brothers, believe me, the talisman seals of the Taoist masters of Qingyun Mountain are really useful! If I didn’t wear the talisman seals that night, I don’t know what would happen. Scary.

If you have to go out, you must carry a talisman with you, and I have memorized the cleansing mantra by heart! I see who doesn’t recite it? ”

This post is just an earlier post.

In the next few days, there were more and more supernatural events.

Similar posts are also released in a blowout style.

Countless people have personally practiced it.

The talismans that Qingyun Mountain received for free are really effective!

Many people go out to bump into ghosts, and supernatural events happen at home, as long as they are not too serious.

Once the talisman is pasted, the danger can be saved.

The kind that symbolizes evil.

Many netizens called it awesome.

“Damn it! It’s so fucking awesome! The celestial master will always be a god!”

“Is it true that I can get these talismans without spending money?”

“The Taoist priests of Qingyun Mountain lead good people! I was moved to tears! This is the real state religion!”

“I still remember when Tianshi dared to announce that there were talismans on the official website that could be obtained for free, and said that it was useless. It was auspicious. Now it seems, what a guy! The auspiciousness that Tianshi said was auspicious, but the auspiciousness was my own little Life!”

“What the celestial master says is not very useful, but in fact, you will die without a talisman. The celestial master says it is auspicious, but it actually means saving your life! You are too modest, celestial master! Let’s just say that you don’t have to be so humble in the future!”

“Not much to say, brothers, Qingyun Mountain’s new batch of talismans has started to be stocked again. My family ran out of talismans a few days ago, so hurry up and grab another batch!”

“Hands are fast, hands are slow, brothers! Go grab it!”

At this moment, the Qingyun Mountain talisman has become the best-selling item in the Dragon Kingdom!

In this case, there is nothing more useful than a life-saving talisman.

Tens of millions of people are robbing online at the same time.

The hundreds of millions of talismans that Daoist Jingchen had just stocked up.

Daoist Jingchen just clicked on the talisman on the shelf.

In the next second, Daoist Jingchen saw the network card of the computer.

Then, a notification displayed: “The talisman is sold out, please replenish it as soon as possible!”

Daoist Jingchen stayed in Bengbu on the spot: “Ah???? No, no?”

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