Four perception ninjas are pressing their hands on the ground to control their concentric puppets to scout in four directions.

One of the attacked perception ninjas immediately returns.

"An enemy appeared one kilometer ahead."

The captain ordered immediately.

"You immediately switch attack mode to hold them back."

"The other scouting puppets move closer to the point and scout the surrounding situation."

"The long-range fire team set off."

"The melee team starts immediately."

"The medical team and perception team are waiting in place."

The six members of the long-range fire group and the six members of the melee group quickly rushed to the black land point.

On the way, they each released their concentric puppets.

The number of people suddenly changed from twelve to twenty-four.

Heitu and the others were still wondering what happened to the sand ninja on the opposite side.

The drones in the sky began to attack them.

The attack method of this drone is extremely simple and rude.

It is to fly down from the sky and detonate the detonating talisman in his body.

Heitu and the others knew it was not good when they saw the drone flying.

The drone crashed into their original location and exploded.

They dodged the first wave of attacks.

Still haven't caught my breath.

Another drone rushed in.

The team member pointed to the sand ninja who was being pierced by a rock spear and stuck in place.

"Look behind him."

A drone is flying out of a metal box on his back.

The concentric puppet is that the main body is mechanical.

The battery currently used as the power source.

Plus a chakra tank for the auxiliary control unit.

To completely paralyze him, he must either destroy the control unit in its body, or destroy its battery.

Otherwise, as long as the function is still there, he can continue to control the drone attack.

The black soil can also be seen.

The opponent may not be an ordinary ninja.

Earth escape · earth flow gun.

Another spear pierces the Concentric Golem.

Bad luck.

The long gun brushed past the battery.

The drone attack continues.

Drones are small and numerous,

The explosions continued.

Heitu and the others were in a panic.

Black Soil simply came up with a gray stone sealing technique.

Use gray stones to trap enemies directly.

This stopped the drone attack.

There is no directing the drone to fall automatically.

Black Earth let out a sigh of relief.

"Come on, let's take him back."

Such a strange ninja needs to be studied.

Hei came to the gray stone group.

They were going to carry the gray stones back.

The perception ninja smiled evilly one kilometer away.

He clasped his hands together.


The bomb inside the concentric puppet explodes.

The huge explosion rushed away the gray stone mass and caught Hei off guard.

One person was hit in the eye and fell to the ground.

The other four were also wounded.

The concentric puppet was destroyed, the flesh and blood control center was blown up, and there were side effects.

The sentient ninja had a splitting headache.

He spat out a mouthful of blood.

The medical ninjas around him stepped forward to treat him and record his physical condition.

These data can be used for the next improvement.

Suddenly, Heitu and others from the blast were at a loss.

Black Soil still has the qualities of a captain,

"Bring Zitu, we will withdraw immediately."

Sand ninjas are so weird.

Weapons are weird.

Also inexplicably blew himself up.

I still have to evacuate quickly.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

They have been surrounded by sand ninja attacking teams,


Whoosh. ,


Open all kinds of ninja tools, detonators, small shells, etc. from all directions.

not good!

Black Soil yelled.

Melting escape·lime coagulation.

She spat out quick-acting cement from her mouth, and the cement quickly enveloped her and the team members.

These long-range weapons all hit the concrete wall.




Heitu and the others listened to various sounds outside.

The team members were terrified.

"Captain Black Soil, we'll be fine."

The black soil feels the intensity of the attack outside.


"They can't break my cement."

"We just need to wait here for help."

Another round of long-range attacks came.

The cement wall was cracked.

The black soil continued to strengthen.

For a while, the long-range fire team really couldn't break through the concrete wall of the black soil.

"Let's go to the melee attack group."

The leaders of the two groups discussed together.

The melee attack group controlled the concentric puppet to move forward.

Six concentric puppets surround the concrete circle.

Heitu and the others sensed that someone was outside.

Heitu comforted his team members.

"They're unbreakable."

Sand ninja's melee attack group concentric puppets raised their hands, palms facing the concrete wall.

A transparent liquid started to spray out from the palm of the right arm.

If the driver smells it, he'll know it's gasoline.

The left arm is Fire Escape. fire.

The fire quickly ignited the gasoline.

A raging fire burned to the concrete wall.

Heitu and others felt the temperature of the cement wall rise.

Sand ninja outside is using fire escape.

Heitu comforted the players again.

"They won't burn."

"My cement is resistant."

"They definitely don't have enough chakra."

Black Soil is still too young.

When the gasoline ran out, the ninjas in the melee group took out the scrolls and replaced them with new oil barrels.

If the battery is not enough, replace it with a new one.

There are not many other things in Sand Ninja Village, but there is a lot of oil and electricity.

Black Soil desperately used his own chakra to maintain the concrete wall.


She found that the opposite chakra seemed endless.

Not only did the fire not decrease in the slightest, but it got bigger and bigger.

The temperature of the cement wall is getting higher and higher.

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