Ye Gui came back from the Kingdom of Rain.

"My lord, I have already informed the daimyo of the Land of Earth and told him our plan to march."

Mu Feng: "What did he say?"

Ye Gui: "He just returned one."


Ha ha.

This is the tragedy of a small country.

When a big country is fighting on its own territory, it should be ignored.

"Then Yuren Village?"

Ye Gui: "I didn't see Yuying. They don't seem to care about things outside the village."


Focus on building nuclear bombs behind closed doors.

"So where is Onoki?"

"With more than 4,000 ninja troops, he has reached the border between Tuyu and Tuyu."

Mu Feng chuckled.

"It's ten times our strength."

"Then there are a dozen more."

"Then let's go!"

Following Mu Feng's order.

The 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th divisions of the Ninja Army were dispatched to the Land of Rain.

The most energetic and handsome team is naturally the 1st and 2nd team.

A water off-road vehicle, a troop carrier.

The weirdest thing is the third team.

They only have one tightly sealed truck with the third team in it.

The most chaotic is the fourth team.

The 4th squad arrests a hundred strong men, and there are ninjas from all over the villages, of course, the main ones are from Yuren Village.

The group of people stood together in a mess.

No one dared to shout.

Everyone knows that Captain Sasuke of Division 4 is a cold-faced killer.

Who dares to refuse.

That's a thunderbolt.

Keep going until you die.

Dead to receive money.

Sasuke gave the group of people a cold look.

"You have to find out where Iwanin is before the first and second divisions, and pass the information back."

"Whoever dares to be lazy, be careful of the ruthless military law."

The combination of dried fish in the crowd.

Dried persimmon and ghost shark complained: "Mr. Itachi, isn't your younger brother overqualified?"

We are also S-rank rebels anyway.

All caught are tail beasts.

You now let us catch the Yannin soldiers and ask for information.

It's too much talent.

Uchiha Itachi is rarely humorous.

"We are now the dried fish of Yuren Village,"

"Do you understand dried fish?"

Sasuke waved his palm down.


These strong men tear their legs and run away.

A rally of ninjas and cars begins in the land of rain. ..


After a few days.

Sand Ninja Village and Iwa Ninja Village finally meet.

Onoki was extremely satisfied with the fighting situation at the beginning.

The mercenary ninja army of Sand Ninja Village is vulnerable to the organized and well-trained ninja army of Iwa Ninja Village.

As for the dried fish combination, you can fish happily in it.

Feel free to deal with it twice.

Three hundred yuan a day is really not worth risking your life for.

The fronts of both sides advanced from Yanren Village to the vicinity of Yuren Village.

Onoki is holding a combat meeting in the barracks.

Onoki was very proud of the melons and vegetables he had dealt with a group of mercenaries in the past few days.

"Haha, Fengying is still too young and too arrogant."

"He thinks he has the truth and opportunity to do ninjutsu so he dares to mess around."

"With 400 people and 100 mercenaries, come to fight the old man."

"The old man was also a person who talked and laughed happily with Qianshouzhujian and Qianshoufeijian."

"Hmph, can he still be as strong as Senju Bashirama!"

Mu Feng's big move is full of truth.

Huang Tu had already reported it to Onomu.

After listening to the description, Onogi felt that although this move is strong, it can only deal with the strength of the middle and lower ninja.

It's still a bit short of wanting to play against a master like myself.

Offended the old man.

This old man solved you with a Dust Escape·Original Realm Stripping technique.

Onoki laughed and sighed at the same time.

Today's young people are still too young.

The other sand ninjas who were present at the scene echoed what they said.

"Fengying is really crazy."

"Bring four hundred people and dare to come."

"Wait until we completely defeat him."

A group of people are talking and laughing.

Loess hurried in.

"My lord, it's not good."

"We have another group of ninjas disappearing."

Ohnoki and the other Jonin frowned upon hearing this.

The battle situation changed after the front line pulled down Yuren Village.

Iwanin sent out a group of reconnaissance teams that disappeared one after another.

Send someone to the scene to check.

Only scorched ground and explosion craters were seen.

Onogi said in a deep voice: "Well, it seems that Sand Shinobi has some skills. Then order the reconnaissance team to return first. Our army will directly press up."

"Huang Tu, you go and pass on your life."

Huangtu went out to pass on orders.

at this moment.

Onoki's granddaughter, Huangtu's daughter Heitu is hiding in the woods with a team of four, preparing to launch a reconnaissance campaign against the Sand Ninja Army.

"Black soil team leader, a ninja from Sand Ninja Village has appeared."

Black Soil looked through the trees into the glade.

A ninja wearing a sand ninja village costume is approaching.

He was alone, with a large metal box on his back.

Hovering above his head was something that looked like a bird.

He seems to be looking at something.

The head is shaking from side to side.

Black soil is weird.

Why did only one person show up?

The team member suggested: "Team leader, let's take him down by himself."

Heitu thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

"Then do it."

She made mudras with her hands and slapped the ground.

Earth escape · earth flow gun.

The ground rolled.

A spear made of rock was thrust into Sand Ninja's chest.

The strange thing is that he didn't dodge.

The spear pierced his chest.

not a clone,

Not turned into wood.

Instead, sparks shine from the chest.

Some metal parts flew out of the chest.

Heitu and her team members were stunned.

what is that?

Chapter 141 Sand Ninja Village has a lot of oil and electricity

Just when Heitu and others launched an attack.

One kilometer away from here.

A team of twenty people is gathering together.

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