Chapter 137 All Thunder is My Voice; All Electricity Is My Blade! Jianyu Thor

"Pierce through, Thunder Gun!"

Uchiha Sasuke fired a thunder gun with Jianyu Leiya and directly pierced Uchiha Itachi who was stunned in place.

Thunder and lightning pierced through his chest and then deeply into the ground.

Uchiha Itachi vomited blood.

Lightning flashes from the wound.

His whole body trembled from the electric current.

It seems that it is not working.

Uchiha Sasuke just felt overjoyed, and immediately noticed something was wrong.

He turns around.

Itachi Uchiha was standing behind him.

Uchiha Itachi said contemptuously: "Your strength has increased a lot, and I almost died in your hands. It's a pity that you, the Sharingan of our Uchiha family, have not improved."

Uchiha Sasuke was startled.

It turned out that I had been hit by an illusion just now.

His heart palpitated.

Is Uchiha Itachi's Sharingan so strong?

Did you get caught in an instant?

Itachi Uchiha began to popularize science for Uchiha Sato.

"Our Uchiha's Sharingan can be opened and evolved through strong emotional stimulation."

"My name is Kaleidoscope Sharingan."

"This is in exchange for the lives of the whole family and the pain of those who lost their loved ones."

"However, it also has side effects. If you overuse your eyes, you will lose your vision forever."

"Why haven't you evolved into a kaleidoscope Sharingan yet?"

"Aren't you suffering enough?"

Uchiha Itachi looked disgusted.

"do you know?"

"I always hope that you will evolve into a kaleidoscope Sharingan as soon as possible."

"Then I can **** your eyes to evolve ie Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan."

"Then my eyes will remain bright forever."

Uchiha Itachi's words made Uchiha Sasuke unbelievable.

he roared in anger,

"It turns out that you killed your father, mother, and the entire clan just for your own strength."

Uchiha Itachi was expressionless.

"Aren't we ninjas just so ruthless?"

"Emotions are pain for a ninja."

Hearing Uchiha Itachi's ruthless words, the last trace of luck in Uchiha Sasuke's heart disappeared.

It turned out that my once gentle brother was such a beastly guy.

Sasuke Uchiha felt as if his head was going to explode.

Blood poured into my mind all of a sudden.


The soul feels like tearing pain.

This is a grief that touches the soul!

it hurts!

I want to cry!

Sasuke's soul began to cry.

in the real world.

Kisame Kisame saw Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke staring at each other across the air. .

Assistant Uchiha Sa pressed on the handle of the knife.

The whole body stood still.

He knew that it was Uchiha Itachi releasing illusion,

Kisame Kisame will not interfere with Mr. Uchiha's brother's affairs.

He was watching from behind.

After a while.

He found movement.

The knife in Uchihasa's assistant began to shake.

Shaking faster and faster.

Simultaneously there was a sizzling sound.

Dazzling thunder burst out from the handle of the knife.

It was the blade emitting thunder.

Thunder and lightning overflowed from the blade and traveled all over Sasuke's body.

Sasuke turned his eyes sharply.

Waking up from a stupor.

Uchiha Itachi was startled.

"Your knife still has this ability."

Sasuke walked around with lightning all over his body, as if he was wearing a clothes woven by lightning.

His eyes were blood red, and the outer rings of his sharing eyes also began to shine with lightning white light.

Red and white are particularly eye-catching.

Sasuke spoke.

"Swastika solution!"

"Thunder is my voice; electricity is my blade!"

"Jianyu Thunder God!"


Endless lightning burst out from Sasuke.

Dazzling like a thunder explosion.


Thunder and lightning dance like silver snakes.

Thick lightning strikes in the void.

The entire tent and the items around him were directly penetrated and shattered

Itachi Uchiha and Kisame Kisame quickly retreated out of the lightning range.

Thunder flashes.

Sasuke walked out of the thunder group.

He holds Jianyu Leiya in his hand.

Behind him is a pair of wings made of thunder and lightning.

Between the wings is a round purple blue thunder pill.

There is a faint thunder and lightning armor on the surface of the body.

Kisame Kisame looked at Sasuke Uchiha, who had completely changed form.

He worried: "Mr. Itachi, your brother is not easy to deal with."

Uchiha Itachi: "That's interesting."

Uchiha Sasuke looked at Uchiha Itachi.

He said coldly: "Itachi Uchiha, let's die here today."


He held up Jian Yu Lei Ya.

Roar to the sky.

"My seat, Lei Tian!"



The originally clear sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, thunder and lightning.

Thunder wanders, rolls, and breeds within the dark clouds.

Uchiha Itachi took a look.

"It is indeed somewhat extraordinary."

"Then give me a hand."


The pupil technique residing in Itachi's right eye.

The highest-level ninjutsu of the fire escape system, which can be manipulated by very few eye-openers of "Kaleidoscopic Sharingan", was once hailed as the strongest physical attack. By adjusting the focus of the eyeball, a powerful black flame can be burned at the focal point, which has the characteristic that it will not go out until the burning object is completely burned. The disadvantage is that it needs to consume a lot of chakra, and this technique puts a huge load on the eyes, and the user's eyes will bleed and feel pain.

Uchiha Itachi's right eye was bleeding.

A powerful black flame burned on Uchiha Sasuke's left shoulder.

The black flame is extremely powerful.

The lightning armor on Sasuke couldn't bear it.

Lightning began to dim.

Chapter 138 Do you want to be a good person or a bad person?

Sasuke didn't expect Uchiha Itachi to have this instant ruthless move.

He is also going to summon Lei Tian and kill Uchiha Itachi with lightning.

Face never seen ninjutsu.

Sasuke reacted quickly.

instant body.


fly up.


Amaterasu follows like a shadow.

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