Kakuto: "The daimyo of the Land of Earth."

Payne: "Then you and Hiduan will complete the task together."

As a bounty organization, Xiaoqian's reputation for these transactions is well-known.

Payne: "Then if you kill the daimyo of the land country, then you can catch the four tails along the way."

Kakuto and Hidan accept the mission and leave.

Uchiha Itachi spoke.

"Scorpion and Didara went to Sand Ninja Village to catch a tail for so long and there is no news."

"Is something wrong?"

Payne's twin-spin turbine looked back.

After the Xiao organization issued the task, it did not pay strict attention to how to complete the task.

Everyone is free to play.

The relationship between members of the organization, apart from those who share similar interests and often form teams, the relationship with other people is also average.

Uchiha Itachi suddenly cared about Scorpion and Deidara.

This is surprising.

Uchiha Itachi was expressionless.

"Sand Ninja Village Kazekage Mufeng is a tough person."

"I'm afraid that the two of them will have an accident and leak our organization's secrets."

Payne nodded.

"Then I'll trouble you and Kisame to take a look."

Chapter 136 Dried Fish Combination

Uchiha Itachi naturally has no friendship with Scorpion and Didara.

He was just looking for an excuse to go to Sand Ninja Village to check on his brother.

He gets the message.

Sasuke was caught and sentenced by Fengying Mufeng. ..

He was very afraid that something would happen to his younger brother, so he had to go to Sand Ninja Village no matter what.

Dried Persimmon Kisame is looking for a chance to get back his big sword "Same Muscle".

Without shark muscles, he feels that his life is not complete.

Dried persimmon ghost shark: "Mr. Itachi, can I get back the shark muscle?"

Uchiha Itachi. . .

Look at the last fight.

There is little hope.

Itachi Uchiha still offered a word of comfort.

"There is still hope."

The two set off for the Land of the Winds.

This time the two are very pragmatic.

Instead of wearing a black windbreaker embroidered with red clouds and a bamboo hat with wind chimes on his head, he chose the ninja costumes of Yuren Village.

The two of them also honestly went to River Bend City, the city at the junction of the Land of Wind and the Land of Rain, to register.

Uchiha Itachi's plan is to go to Sand Ninja Village after registering with Sand Ninja Village's requirements.

Uchiha Itachi: "We still try to keep a low profile."

Dried persimmon and ghost shark feel the same way.

Can't pretend.

Pretend to have serious consequences.

The two honestly went to the foreign ninja registration office in the city, which is also the product sales point of Sand Ninja Village.

The two of them waited in line to register.

After the Kingdom of the Wind changed from one big name to forty-six nicknames, the amount of tasks really skyrocketed.

Ninjas from all villages in various countries come to beg for life and work.

Line up to two people.

The ninja in charge of registration saw the Yuren village mark on the foreheads of the two, and his eyes lit up.

"Are you from Yuren Village?"

Uchiha Itachi nodded: "The ninja fish in the rain ninja village."

Dried persimmon ghost shark: "Ninja in the rain ninja village."

Dried fish combination.

Registration Ninja gave them two forms.

"Then you register."

The two of them write the information they compiled and then register. The ninja takes out the Chakra storage box and asks them to enter the Chakra.

"Be careful not to break the law in the Kingdom of Wind, we will track you down based on Chakra information."

The two honestly entered their own chakra group.

The registered ninja asked: "You two didn't accept the mission, did you?"

Uchiha Itachi: "We are going to look for it."

The registration ninja nodded.

"That's fine."


The combination of dried fish froze for a moment.

Registered ninja: "You don't need to look for tasks anymore, you have been recruited by Kazekage-sama now."

The combination of dried fish takes two steps back.

The two exchanged glances.

How is this going?

Registered ninjas: "You two, don't let your imagination run wild. Kazekage-sama will enter the Kingdom of Rain and fight against Yannin Village. Since you are ninjas in Rainnin Village, you must be familiar with geography."

"According to the law, all ninjas within the Kingdom of Wind must be under the management of Master Kazekage."

"Now that you are being recruited, if you think you want to resist, then you are disobeying the law, and you are ready to be arrested and sent to prison."

Itachi Uchiha and Kisame Kisame were very surprised.

Are Sand Ninja Village and Iwa Ninja Village going to the Land of Rain to fight? !

"Okay, I'll send someone to take you to the barracks."

"By the way, during the expropriation period, you will also earn money, and the daily salary will be interviewed."

"If you die in battle, there will be a pension of one hundred and eight thousand to your family."

The two followed the guide to the barracks in a daze.

The so-called military camp in Sand Ninja Village is not that big.

A big tent plus a hundred small tents.

The Fengying banner fluttered high above the big tent.

It seems that there are only seven or eight hundred people.

Itachi Uchiha said in his heart: Are there so few people going to fight Iwanin Village?

Kisame Kisame was very excited to see Kazekage Daqi.

"Mr. Itachi, it seems that Kazekage is here, so when we fight, we will find a chance to steal the shark muscle back."

Lead passers-by back.

"Don't whisper, you two."

"The captain of the fourth team is a cruel person, and he doesn't like gossip the most."

"Be careful with me."

The dried fish combination nodded tacitly.

This behavior of concealing their identities and sneaking into the enemy camp made them regain their ninja feeling in the past.

Now that he is powerful, he can go straight to everything and doesn't feel like a ninja at all.

The two decided to make good use of their latent kung fu as ninjas.

Lurking in the wind and shadow army.

One is looking for a chance to see his younger brother.

One looks for an opportunity to steal a fish.

The guide took the two of them to a large tent with a diamond pattern and four characters written inside the pattern.

"The captain of the fourth division is inside,"

"You go in."

"We have transferred your information to the captain of the fourth team."

"Go and talk to him about salary."

The guide ran away after speaking.

The dried fish combination opened the curtain and went in.

Uchiha Itachi spoke.

"Captain of the Fourth Division, we are Yuhe Gan from Yuren Village."

He raised his head and met Sasuke Uchiha, the captain of the 4th team sitting at the desk.

Enemies meet.

Extremely jealous.

Sharingan vs Kaleidoscope Sharingan.

It was even more red than red.

Uchiha Itachi was startled.


Didn't he say he was sentenced?

Why do you sit here and be the captain of the fourth division?

Uchiha Sasuke doesn't care about this.

Jian Yu Lei Ya.


Pulled out.


"Uchiha Itachi!"

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