"Don't be like this, after all, I'm not a devil!"

"No, no, you are clearly the devil!"

"No no no, I'm not!"

"No no no no, you are you are!"

Veins popped up on Shuoyue's forehead, a flash of scarlet suddenly appeared in his eyes, and the three Magatama Sharingan appeared instantly!

"Return, ten times!"

Obito's face changed, and his whole person's tone darkened a bit,"Okay, no problem, whatever you say will be what it is.……"

"Don't be like this, it makes me seem like I'm blackmailing you. Eat good noodles and don't think too much. Ouch!"

"Yes Yes……"

"Okay, I'll go and handle the discharge procedures for you now. Stop eating and drinking here. Hurry up and train. It's time to graduate!"

After saying that, Sakuyue walked out of the ward, leaving behind a petrified Obito, eating noodles with tears streaming down his face.

This is just out of the dragon's pond and into the tiger's den!

It's called training, but it's clearly hell!

Wow! Woohoo!


"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

A huge fireball struck towards the lake, reflecting one-tenth of the water surface red.

Obito took a breath, this is the only fire escape he can use currently, and it is still too strenuous.

But he can stand here and learn Ninjutsu, he was already satisfied!

This was all thanks to Sakuyue.

Sakuyue found that no matter how rude his request was, the people of the Uchiha clan would agree to it, except for inviting Uchiha Fugaku's wife to go shopping.

I went to ask someone for ten B-level ninjutsu, but what I got was a crisp"Go away".

And now, that person has been transferred from his post.

As for giving Obito a ninjutsu teacher, that's even more casual. In a word!

Therefore, Shuo Yue is now considering whether to dye her hair red to show off her face!

But after thinking about it, I think about it. Her black hair looks quite pleasing to the eye, and she looks like a normal person. Dyed red hair, uh... the prince of the murderous family?

Just thinking about it gives me goosebumps!

"Uchiha Style·Sword Jumping Flame!"

Giving up the greater face, Sakuzuki did the next best thing and asked Fugaku for a beautiful Jounin sister!

There are not many Jounin in the Uchiha clan, and female Jounin are even rarer. Among female Jounin, there are only a few. The appearance area is more like a ghost area!

Fugaku's Sima face is not willing to contribute his wife, so he can only take the most beautiful woman in the clan under the murderous eyes of all the single young men in the clan. The jounin was sent to be Sakutsu's sparring partner!

With his sparring partner, he no longer had to fight in the air. The female jounin was named Uchiha Nanami, a three-magatama with two attributes: fire and water.

Even if she wears her hair and forehead protector around her neck, she's not afraid of strangling herself to death.

Oh, what a stupid woman!

The ninjutsu didn't hit the little girl at all, because she has the three Magatama Sharingan, and all her movements were completely blocked. Caught!

After a failed attack, Sakuzuki flexibly changed his mind.

He directly used the teleportation technique he had learned not long ago, and instantly appeared behind Uchiha Nanami. Immediately, the fire attribute chakra burst out, and the famous sword in his hand, Flame, appeared. , it turned into a 40-meter giant flame blade in an instant!

"Uchiha Style·Blast Sword!"

Although the name of this technique is called Wild Wind Sword, it is actually a complete fire escape ninja taijutsu!

Anyway, people in the ninja world are not so responsible for choosing names. For example, Shippuden has little to do with Moonlight Hayate.

Four The ten-meter sword was far beyond the expectations of her companion Nanami. How could she expect that this boy who was ten years younger than her would be so powerful?

Fortunately, she was a real-name certified Jonin, not the kind of person who was stunned and impatient. She immediately made a judgment - Substitution Technique!

Her Substitution Technique was very good, and her speed was infinitely faster than Kakashi's before.

Therefore, Sakuyue's sword only burned part of it! Wooden pile!


Not far away, Obito, who had just released a powerful fireball technique, took a deep breath and subconsciously turned his gaze to Shuo Yue.

Looking at the 40-meter flaming blade, my dog eyes suddenly widened!

He never imagined that the Uchiha clan had such a powerful technique!

"Coach, I want to learn that!"

The fat ninjutsu teacher didn't even think about it, and just gave Obito a big mouth," I want to learn from you and continue your fireball. If you don't evaporate this lake today, you will be trash.!"


"Look at others, three months ago, lakes larger than this were already evaporated!"

"Sorry, I'm not Uchiha Sakusuki!"

"Stop talking back there. Seeing you open the second magatama, I thought you were the same as others, but I didn't expect you to be so bad!"

"Sorry, I didn't realize I was so bad……"


In the training ground, Obito has obviously become a funny background.

Sakuyue reluctantly put away the short sword and looked at the female companion opposite...the female companion. The two agreed not to use escape techniques, but what they never expected was that this woman was obviously a jounin, but her physical skills were so bad.!

"Nanami-san, are you okay?"

The female sparring partner stretched out her hand to cover her abdomen, and used green medical ninjutsu to repair her wounds.

At the same time, she also replied to the little boss,"It doesn't matter, although my medical ninjutsu is very poor, I can recover soon."

Hearing this, Sakuyue was very unhappy,"Tsk, women are really troublesome. They clearly said that their medical ninjutsu was not good, but they still insisted on saying that they would recover soon."

Uchiha Nanami:"……"

"Do you need to be sent to the hospital? I'll ask Fugaku-senpai to pay for your medical expenses"

"No need, I can do it myself!"

"Alas, your jounin certificate cannot be bought with money, right?"

"Really not, I am really a jounin!"

"How did you become a jounin?"

"I! Actually I'm good at illusions!"Uchiha Nanami gritted her teeth and replied,"Why can't a handsome young man say a few words to make a woman happy?

Even the simplest concern is enough!

This kind of person will be able to find a wife in the future. Well, it’s a different story if you’re a female licker.

After all, people say you have ability, but you also have looks.

"Hey, are you feeling better? How about we try the illusion?"

"It's almost ready. Just wait.……"

"Hello! Hello! Don't die!"

Sure enough, her medical ninjutsu is as good as that of a basketball star! She lost too much blood while treating herself, and she fainted!

Sakuyue ran over helplessly, once again put a person on the young shoulders, and faced Running towards Konoha Hospital

"Madan! I didn’t do anything else all day long, so I just contributed to the hospital’s performance! Depend on! Women are so heavy! Heavier than Obito!"

This woman is estimated to weigh 100 pounds, and Obito is only sixty or seventy!"

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