Just like three and a half months ago, as soon as he entered Konoha Hospital, someone helped him carry Nanami Uchiha away.

Not related to this woman, Shuoyue did not plan to stay and take care of her, handed it over to the hospital ‘acquaintance’, and left alone.

The moment he stepped out of the gate of Konoha Hospital, his eyes were suddenly blinded by something!

What blinded me?

Could someone dare to kidnap in Konoha Village?

No, the car owes the car, warm….

“Hey, are the imps in Konoha Village so reckless now?” A queen voice came into my ears.

Shuo Yue suddenly came to his senses and hurriedly took a few steps back.

In front of him, it was obviously a giant wave beauty with blond hair!

If unsurprisingly, he should have just hit someone’s Audi headlights!

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”

“Huh? Is it the imp of the Uchiha family? I’ll just say it! ”

Hearing this, Shuo Yue’s heart did not fluctuate at all, because he had been blinded.

“That, female bodhisattva, are you not wearing that?”

“Huh? Why are you little imp full of H looks? ”

“Real men dare to face their hearts! Dare to…”

Shuo Yue felt that the woman in front of her was a little familiar, but there was a big difference between real and 2D, and she knew that when she saw a diamond-shaped mark on her eyebrows, she suddenly fogged!

Isn’t this Tsunade-hime!

He was actually looking at Tsunade-hime tactically!

I don’t know how many times a strange power fist can kill him!

“Dare what? Why don’t you continue? Tsunade asked with a smile, if the person in front of her was Jiraiya, she would definitely let him break a few ribs.

But this is still a child, even if the eyes are a little H, it is not taken seriously.

This is the same as the uncle likes the loli of the H attribute.

Shuo Yue paused, his brain was running at a speed of eight thousand revolutions per second, how could he keep the words round without being beaten!

Previously, he said that in the Konoha Ninja Village, the most important thing to provoke is a woman, that is, Blood Red Chili Pepper.

That’s because Tsunade-hime ran away from home.

If Tsunade returns, then this woman will still be ranked ahead of the blood red pepper!

Beaten by blood-red pepper, at most, the head is swollen into a pig.

But if he was beaten by Tsunade, think that Jiraiya kind of person would break a few ribs, let alone him!

“Dare to… Huh, are you Tsunade-sama? I see you are so beautiful, it must be Tsunade-sama, right? ”

The actor is online!

“You know me? I didn’t expect that there were still children in this village who knew me? Tsunade was interrupted by Shuo Yue.

“The only woman among the three Shinobi, everyone in Konoha Village should know her!”

“No, I didn’t recognize it a lot of people along the way.” Tsunade replied with a somewhat unnatural expression.

Before she left the village she loved so much, now she is embarrassed to come back with great fanfare, which can be regarded as avoiding the enchantment of Konoha and sneaking in!

She refused to see anyone, naturally no one recognized her.

It’s just that when passing by Konoha Hospital, I happened to be hit by a little ghost!

Otherwise, she wouldn’t even bother to talk to anyone else!

“Nobody recognized Tsunade-sama? That’s impossible, I used to hear the silent mention of Tsunade-sama in our school! Shuoyue said.

Shizune, niece of Kato Broken.

Shizune is still in the ninja school and has not yet followed Tsunade.

If anyone else could make Tsunade worry about returning to Konoha Village once, it would probably be only Shizune.

“Are you a silent classmate?” Tsunade asked as she wrapped her arms around her arms and looked towards Shuo Yue, but she was more concerned about the Konoha forehead and Konoha vest on her body!

At such an age, she has been promoted to Zhongnin, which is even better than she was back then.

There was such a seed ninja in the Uchiha clan, and as the princess of the Senju clan of Mori, she instinctively felt a little uneasy.

This uneasiness forced her to want to know more.

“Before.” Shuoyue replied, “But I thought the school was too boring, so I applied for early graduation. ”

“Who is your teacher?” Tsunade really couldn’t have imagined that even if he was a ninja who graduated early, who could teach him to be promoted to middle ninja so quickly?

Hearing and asking about the teacher, Shuoyue was a little helpless, he didn’t have a long time in the ninja school, and he didn’t communicate much with the teacher, and in addition to listening to the ninja-related knowledge he was interested in, he was napping the rest of the time.

He really doesn’t know the teacher’s full name!

“It should be called Tagawa Okaba, right? He is my homeroom teacher. ”

Tsunade raised his forehead and reiterated helplessly, “I mean, after you graduate, who will be your guide to Shinobu?” ”

“Guide Shinobi? I didn’t! ”

“So, is that kid from Uchiha Fugaku teaching you?”

“Fugaku that kid? No, I see that Fugaku-senpai has an eighty years old face, and Tsunade-sama is eighteen years old! ”

While Tsunade was annoyed, he was praised darkly and smiled straightly!

“What’s your name?”

“In Shimoku Uchiha Shuotsuki is also.”

“So, Uchiha Shugetsu, is Uchiha Fugaku teaching you?”

Shuo Yue shook her head expressionlessly and answered honestly, “No.” ”

Tsunade felt like he was really going to run away, and the children now are all so skinny?

“Then tell me, how did you pass the Zhongnin Examination?!”

“It’s assessed by hand!”


Black lines were faintly visible on Tsunade’s forehead, and his teeth were crunching, as if he was holding back some kind of anger or something.

This woman is not very good-tempered.

It’s already remarkable that you can endure it all the time.

“Forget it, it’s just a middle patience.”

7 year old Naka Shinobu, is he brilliant in Konoha?

It’s really outstanding.

But it’s not a big event that shocks the world and cries ghosts!

Because of the same genius, there are many more in Konoha.

But what Tsunade didn’t know was that this 7-year-old Naka Shinobu did not get the qualification by forcibly opening with his opponent, but the Naka Shinobu who completely crushed and almost killed his opponent in seconds!

Moreover, his opponent is the strongest and most talented son of the White Fang in the legend of his generation – Kiki Kakashi!

He stepped on the face of Kakashi Kiki and ascended to the position of Naka Shinobi!

“By the way, little ghost, you have seen me, don’t say it to anyone, just because I never appeared! Got it?! Tsunade was about to leave, but suddenly turned around and threatened Shuo Yue with a shake of his fist.

She had sneaked in, just to see the niece of the deceased, who had been wandering outside all year round, and she had received a lot of news, so she wanted to come back to make sure the girl was safe.

That should be the last wish of the deceased!

And she secretly came back about it, not wanting anyone to know.

Including teacher Ape Flying Sun, including former teammates.

Unexpectedly, not only was Shuoyue not shocked by her momentum, but he quietly attached it to his ear and asked, “Tsunade-sama, did you steal money?” Don’t worry, you only need to divide me half, I promise to keep my mouth shut! ”

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