
[Congratulations on the successful host fusion! ] Obtained the magic of the Sharingan! Illusion Level – Not Evaluated! 】

As the information of the fusion illusion poured into her mind, Shuo Yue couldn’t help but close her eyes and savor it.

The difficulty of this fusion illusion technique was higher than all the techniques he had learned before!

But what makes Shuoyue want to complain is that the naming ability of this system has really been exhausted!

Fusion illusion, the name is casually taken from the names of two illusions assembled together?

However, before complaining, he still had to digest this extremely complicated illusion first!

According to the information in the mind, the specific effect of the technique can be judged as: the middle magician will constantly make wrong judgments in the illusion world, thinking that he has broken the illusion, but in fact he is just repeating the mistakes of the past!

This is simply a copy of Izanami!

And there are no side effects!

It is not the kind of forced whitewashing that can be cracked by whitewashing!

This illusion, as long as the middle magician can’t crack it, it will go on forever!

If you say that Izanami leaves only one way out for the middle magician.

Then, this technique is a completely closed dead end!

Unless Shuoyue cancels the illusion himself, or the middle magician is strong enough to forcibly break the illusion, otherwise, it is infinite reincarnation!

Of course, compared to Izanami’s forbidden technique, this illusion technique is also inadequate.

After all, this is not the forbidden technique of Izanami, and it is naturally lacking in the quality of the technique.

However, being able to use two ordinary illusions plus his pupil power to reach this level was already an unexpected gain!

He originally just wanted to get a finished version of the illusion that Daytime unleashed on Kyoko Hinata, and it turned out to fuse into such a powerful illusion!

“System, name change, pseudo Izanami.”

【Ding! Name change successful! 】


After getting such a harvest, Shuoyue was so excited that she didn’t sleep all night.

Before dawn the next day, Uchiha Fugaku’s dogleg came to call the door.

He’s used to this timed wake-up call!

When he arrived at the familiar cultivation field, he found that Uchiha Fugaku, who had been busy with official business, was already waiting in place!

“That, Fugaku-senpai, do you have any instructions today?”

Uchiha Fugaku stared closely into Shuoyue’s eyes and asked, “Shuoyue, you fought with someone from the Hyuga family yesterday?” ”

“Yes.” Shuoyue replied honestly, anyway, this is not a secret, there are more people in Konoha Village in broad daylight!

“Well, pay attention to safety in the future, the people of the Hyuga family are not good things, that girl is a member of the sect family, be careful of the slaves who divide the family and fight hard with you.”

This is a bit of a tactical mockery!

Although Uchiha and Hinata are needles to Maimang, they won’t be so hilarious about it!

However, Uchiha Fugaku was also thinking about his safety, and there was nothing to say.

“Yes, I know Fugaku-senpai!”

Hearing this, Uchiha Fugaku nodded gratifyingly, and Sima’s face rarely held back a smile, “You can defeat that girl, it means that your current strength has made great progress, today, I plan to let you and Shangnin duel, just as an acceptance exam!” ”

“Huh?” Shuo Yue was stunned, people who came out of nine years of compulsory education did not have any resistance to learning, but for the word ‘exam’, it was out of instinctive resistance!

“Why, don’t you have confidence?”

“No, I mean, how many Kami-Shinobi?” Shuo Yue asked.

“How many Kami-Shinobi?” Uchiha Fugaku subconsciously touched his forehead, yes, this kid has never played cards according to common sense, and always does something eye-catching, “Then one upper ninja plus three middle ninja!” ”

This lineup is already an elite squad in Konoha Village!

The entire Konoha village is the number one in the row!

Give a trial like Naka-ninja, that is purgatory-level difficulty!

Even Uchiha Fugaku himself, without using hole cards, can not be said to be easy!

Unexpectedly, Shuoyue nodded nonchalantly and said, “Then come on!” Better hurry, I lost sleep last night, and I went back to sleep after the fight. ”

Fugaku Uchiha: “…”

Listen to this is human language?

Immediately, he beckoned towards the shadows, and a squad appeared.

The Uchiha clan members of the Qi brush, an adult male Shinobi, two fifteen or sixteen-year-old male Shinobi, and a female Naka Shinobi.

“This is…”

“Let’s go!”

Uchiha Fugaku was about to introduce the direction of each of the squad’s specialties, but he didn’t expect Shuotsuki to directly interrupt his train of thought.

Just let this kid suffer a little!

He exchanged glances around, then jumped away and shouted, “Start!” ”


The first to do it was not the one Shangnin, nor the other three Naka-Shinobi, but Shuoyue!

I saw that his one-handed seal was a purple ‘Ninjutsu Thunder Flame Explosion’!

That terrifying Chakra made several people on the opposite side not even have the mind to defend head-on, and they scattered directly!


The thunder explosion exploded in the cultivation field, and for a while the dust was flying and the smoke was filled!

Several of them are Uchiha clans with chakra eyes, and smoke and dust cannot effectively disturb their vision.

However, this ninjutsu was not originally designed to create visual barriers!

It’s just that it didn’t hit people, and the incidental effect was just that!

Shuo Yue immediately made a decision, since the four of them were scattered, then look for the weakest of them as a breakthrough point!

That’s the girl!

It’s not that people look down on women, it’s just that the girl is indeed the bottom of the four!

A woman like Tsunadehime, he is quite respectful!

The target was selected, and the next moment, Shuo Yue’s body disappeared in place.

When she reappeared, she was already behind the female ninja!

A Naka Shinobu who had not yet gained a foothold in order to avoid the explosion, where would he have expected that Shuo Yue would attack her first?

“Konoha Spirit!”

Shuoyue didn’t even pull out the knife, but directly raised his foot and hit the back of the female ninja with a heavy blow!


The female ninja who was kicked instinctively raised her hand to block, but she didn’t expect that Shuoyue’s power was so huge, and this blow actually kicked her out in a right angle!

A sharp pain in his arm followed, apparently a broken bone!

With just one face, he killed an opponent who was just as Naka-ninja as him!

With both arms broken, she is no longer the slightest threat, like a dead person!

It’s not an exaggeration to say it’s a flash deal!

At this time, no one had time to care about the seriously injured female ninja, but stared at Shuoyue cautiously!

This is really terrible!

Obviously, they should have the advantage of strength based on their age, but they didn’t expect that Shuoyue’s small body contained such terrifying power!

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