"A bunch of idiots!"

"The real sleepover Xiaochun has long since run away, only you idiots have been left behind."

Liu Yu said casually, and glanced at the surrounding Konoha Anbu with a look of disdain.

"Now I'll give you three seconds to think about it."

"Either put down your weapon and squat in place and don't move.

In this way I can accept your surrender, and you will have a place in the new village I set up."

"Either continue to resist, and I will send you on your way.

Since you are stubborn, I will not show mercy to you."

Liu Yu said casually, and a golden light flashed on his raised right hand.

"Three, Two, Two, One"

As if they got a certain code, after the first Konoha ninja dropped the Kunai in his hand, the others couldn't wait to drop their weapons on the ground.

They squatted down one after another, expressing that they had no intention of continuing to resist.

"Your face is so useful!"

Liu Sheng glanced at Tsunade next to him and said with a chuckle.

"No, it's because of your strength."

Tsunade shook his head, looking complicated.

Terumi Mei, who was not far away, looked at Yanagyu and Tsunade with a stunned expression. How the hell did these two get together! When I was away, what happened between them Terumi Mei suddenly felt worried and inexplicable. Get irritable.

Liu Sheng smiled and said: "Okay, the battle is over.

Let's go outside the village, the battle over there should have an outcome."

After saying this, Liu Sheng's expression suddenly changed.

Seeing the color domineeringly told him that Danzo and others escaped.

Liu Sheng didn't try to stop him, a meaningful smile appeared on his face.

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Chapter [*] shoulders an important mission!

"Teacher Jiraiya, there might be a situation in Konoha Village."

Namikaze Minato used the Flying Thunder God technique to come to Jiraiya's side, and said with a worried look on his face.

"Did the four tails disappear? The eight tails also disappeared just now."

"Could it be that the leader of Yunyin Village, Bulubi, and the leader of Yanyin Village, Lao Zi, have both been killed now?"

Jiraiya's body quickly retreated, and there was worry in his expression.

"If you dare to be distracted while fighting with us, give me enough time!"

Loquat Shizang sneered and killed him with a beheading sword.

Jiraiya and Namikaze Minato backed away and dodged, avoiding Loquat Juzo's attack.

Jiraiya looked at the surrounding Ninja troops of Kiriyin Village, and said solemnly: "Even if something really goes wrong in the village, that's not something we should be concerned about."

"The affairs of the village will be left to Hokage-sama and the others.

"Forty Seven"

What we have to do is to prevent the ninja troops from Kiriyin Village from entering Konoha.

Watergate, trust our companions."

Jirai also poured a bowl of chicken soup for Minato Namikaze, and Minato Namikaze drank it reluctantly.

No way, he knew what Jiraiya said was true.

Even if he is worried about the situation in Konoha Village now, it is impossible for him to go back and have a look.

Although his Flying Thunder God technique is very fast, the situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly.

It may be that during the period of time he went back and returned, there would be a major change in this battlefield.

If the people of Wuyin Village took advantage of this opportunity to kill Jiraiya, then Konoha Village would be lost.

In this attack, Wuyin Village paid a lot of money.

Not only the powerful force of Yagyu was dispatched, but also the seven long-established ninja swordsmen were dispatched.

Although I don't know why the shark muscle didn't appear, the strength that Kiriyin Village showed was enough to make them cautious.

The Hinata clan, the Uchiha clan, and the Konoha ninja clan all used their [*]% combat power to resist the attack of Kiriyin Village.

But even so, they played very hard.

Because Liu Sheng contained the high-level combat power of Konoha Village, Taodi Zabuzhan and others even contained the Anbu forces of Konoha Village.

With just these ordinary ninjas and ninja ninjas, it is not bad to be able to block the established Kiriyin Village ninjas.

Just as the Konoha ninja and the Kiriyin village ninja were fighting fiercely, the sky suddenly burst into golden light, as if the sun appeared in the night.

The dazzling golden light caught everyone's attention in an instant, and then the golden light slowly converged, revealing the figure of a handsome young man.

"Is your battle not over yet?"

"Then let me tell you good news, you don't have to continue fighting."

"Because of the battle in Konoha Village, the results have been determined!"

"What is the result of the battle, I think I should say more"

"My presence here is enough to explain the problem."

Liu Sheng said casually, following the crowd who swept through Konoha Village.

Jiraiya's face changed, and he shouted eagerly: "Yusheng, what did you do to Hokage-sama?"

Liu Sheng said lazily: "Three generations of Hokage Ape and four generations of Hokage Autumn Road to take the wind, Konoha high-rise Mito Gate flame, all died in battle!"

"Shimura Danzo and Koharu, the top executives of Konoha, fled Konoha with members of the organization."

"The ninjas of Shayin Village, Yunyin Village and Yanyin Village have now been wiped out."

But as Liu Sheng's voice fell, the scene became: deathly silent.

"But you don't have to worry, I have no intention of killing you all.


"As long as you surrender obediently, you will still be a member of Konoha Village, but Konoha Village that I rule."

Yanagyu said casually, causing many Konoha ninjas to look complicated.


"You've done well enough, you don't need to continue giving your life."

At this moment, Tsunade came out and said sincerely to the Konoha ninjas.

"Master Tsunade"

The Konoha ninjas who saw this scene felt a little unbelievable.

The granddaughter of the first Hokage, Tsunade-sama, one of the Konoha Sannin, asked them to surrender and said to Tsunade with an angry face: "Tsunade, do you know what you are doing?"

Tsunade said calmly, "Jiraiya, you should understand why I did this."

Zilai also said angrily: "Even if Konoha has many problems, it is still our village!"

Liu Yu said casually, "Because it's your village, so you can ignore all its darkness. What a ridiculous thought!"

"The ninjas of Konoha Village, Konoha, are not as bright as you think"

"In the past few years, Konoha has participated in the war of the ninja world, and it is needless to say about the damage caused to other ninja villages."

"I can't say much about killing each other with those large ninja villages. It's what you did to arbitrarily use a small country as your own battlefield."

"In addition to external harm, Konoha is also very cruel to internal issues!"

"Because of Madara Uchiha, the Uchiha family has been repelled and suppressed by the senior officials of Konoha."

"Konoha Baiya made great achievements in battle and made great contributions to Konoha, but he was finally betrayed by the village."

"The Qianshou family gave up their lives to protect Konoha, but in the end, only Tsunade was the only seedling left."

"Konoha has too many problems and darkness, I'm here to destroy him."

"I will end the war in the ninja world and eliminate all the disasters caused by ninjas."

"Those who are willing to believe in me and work hard with me can choose to stay."

"If you don't want to believe me, you can leave. If you want to fight with me to the end, I will also accompany you."

"Of course! As long as you lay down your weapons and fight now, it will stop."

"In the next three days, you can enter and leave Konoha freely, and you can leave at will if you want to leave."

Liu Sheng's face became: serious, he spoke in a solemn tone, and gave his promise very seriously.

If you want to leave, just leave, no matter what

It doesn't matter if you run away from the world or against yourself.

Instead of letting a group of people with two hearts stay here, it is better to simply purify your team.


Liu Sheng is not afraid that they will continue to oppose him after they leave, but they are just a group of rabble.

Orochimaru and Danzang both let themselves go, and they still care about their stinky fish and rotten shrimp. The reason why Liusheng let go of Orochimaru and Danzo is because any team needs to be tempered and polished.

Next, he will enter the expansion stage, and his team will continue to grow and develop.

To pick out the gold from this vast army, he needs a strong touchstone.

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