"It's so scary!"

Liu Sheng let out an exaggerated cry, pointed to the sky, and a golden arrow condensed from light particles shot up into the sky.

The golden arrow pierced through the tailed beast jade, detonating it in the sky, and the infinite fire light illuminated the entire Konoha.

The tailed beast jade exploded in the sky above Konoha, and the generated air waves made Konoha face the ninth-level gale, and many buildings were directly destroyed.

The air waves and fire generated by the explosion of the tailed beast jade instantly attracted everyone's attention, causing the entire battlefield to fall into a state of stagnation.

"Is this the power of the Tailed Beast Jade? It's really scary!"

Liu Sheng stared at the sky for a while, and said casually.

Then he looked at the red-haired monkey in front of him, and said casually, "What, do you have any other means?"

The four tails were stunned for a while, and when they opened their mouths, they were about to condense the tailed beast jade again.

But Liu Sheng no longer gave it a chance, and his body appeared behind him in a flash.

One-knife flow - Iai Zhan! Four tails with red hair fell off, and the four tails also turned into a tailless beast under Yanagyu's scalpel.

"Now you're a Super Saiyan Monkey, it's useless!"

Liu Sheng turned to look at the four tails, the golden light flashed on the soles of his raised feet, and he kicked the four tails over with one kick.

The sealed cauldron of Shayin Village began to activate, and golden incantation chains flew out, pulling the tailless four tails into the cauldron.

"These four tails are very precious, put them away!"

Yanagyu glanced at the four tails of the four tails and put them into the seal scroll.

"Next, how about going with me to end the war"

Liu Sheng turned his eyes to Tsunade, and a soft color flashed in his eyes.

"I hope you don't lie to me, otherwise"

Tsunade glanced at Liu Sheng with a complicated expression, gritted his teeth and threatened viciously.

"Do not worry!"

"I will let all the ninjas in the world be in the same organization, and all problems and conflicts will be resolved peacefully."

"The time when Shinobu and Shinobi fought each other will be a thing of the past, trust me!"

Liu Sheng stepped forward and put Tsunade in his arms, and said in a gentle tone.

Tsunade stayed in Liu Sheng's arms for a while, then slowly said: "You'd better not have too much hope, I have no absolute certainty to convince Konoha."

"Although I am the granddaughter of the first Hokage, the current high-level executive of Konoha is not me."

A sneering expression appeared on Liu Sheng's face, and he said with disdain, "Konoha's current high-ranking officials"

"Except for Sarutobi Hizan and Qiu Dao Qifeng who are a little responsible, the rest are villains without principles."

"Mitomon Yan was killed in the process of escaping, while Sarutobi Hiizan and Akimichi Torikaze were directly killed in battle."

"Currently, only Koharu and Shimura Danzo are still alive at the top of Konoha, but unfortunately the two of them have already decided to escape."

Underground of Konoha Village.

Shimura Danzo looked impatiently at Xiaochun, who turned to bed, and said, "This old man is seriously injured and has to come here for treatment."

"You're not injured, what are you doing here with this old man? The Konoha ninja outside still needs your command!"

Turning to bed, Xiaochun said calmly: "My shadow clone has taken over the command of Konoha Ninja, and my body is here to protect you."

"Now you and I are the only remaining high-level executives in Konoha Village. I don't want you to die too."

Shimura Danzo stared with a one-eyed staring at Katsuki Koharu, who looked at him without fear.

After a while, Danzo said helplessly: "If that's the case, then come with me!"

Danzo took Xiaochun and found Orochimaru, and said straight to the point: "Yugiu attacked Konoha, and the ninjas of Kiriyin Village cooperated.

This wave of Konoha is about to end, but we must not die here."

"We are of Konoha, root: as long as we are alive, Konoha still has hope.

So I decided to leave Konoha with the root members and try to recover Konoha later."

Hearing the words, Orochimaru remained silent, took out the seal scroll and began to pack up the surrounding materials and experimental equipment, showing his attitude with practical actions.

Turning to bed, Xiaochun stared at Danzang with stunned expression: "Tuanzang, you"

Danzo said without changing his expression: "For Konoha, even if it's humiliation, I will admit it.

Xiaochun, if you think you can't do it, you can stay and live with Konoha."

Turning to bed, Xiaochun's face was gloomy and uncertain, and after a while, he gritted his teeth and said, "For Konoha, I am also willing to endure humiliation and burden.

Let's get out of here together and find a way to call back later."

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Chapter [-] Please know where you are lost!

Inside Konoha Village.

Taodi Zabuzhan and the others stared at the firelight in the sky for a while, and then turned their attention to the huge Four Tails in the distance.

After a while, a golden light flashed, and the huge figure of the four tails disappeared without a trace, and Taodi did not slash and others immediately.

Become: get excited.

"Lord Yanagyu seems to have defeated the four tails, let's work harder!"

"Kinoha's Anbu ninjas, be obedient and capture them!"

Taodi Zabuzhan and the others drank excitedly, letting Konoha Anbu be captured without hesitation.

"If you can't do it without your hands, it's beautiful!"

Turning to bed, Xiaochun's shadow clone let out a low voice, and directed Konoha Anbu to besiege Momochi and others.

The ghost lamp full moon moved, turned his body into liquid with the technique of water transformation, and manipulated the surrounding clear water to condense into a huge water monster.

The water monster raised its huge arm and unceremoniously smashed towards the surrounding Konoha Anbu.

Under the blessing of the tailed beast Chakra, the ghost lamp full moon is amazing.

Not to be outdone, Terumi Mei opened her mouth and spewed out a cloud of strong acid liquid, with a strong corrosive liquid that Konoha Anbu couldn't avoid.

One after another shuriken accompanied by ninjutsu hit her, but she was easily resisted by the tailed beast coat on the surface of her body.

"Water Escape - The Art of Water Shark Bullets!"

The dry persimmon ghost shark hid in the middle of the crowd, surrounded by ninjas from Kiriyin Village, and protected him in the center with a tailed beast coat.

With the huge chakra plundered from the Konoha ninja relying on the shark muscle, the dried persimmon ghost shark directly incarnates into a ninjutsu fort.

He hid in the crowd and kept releasing ninjutsu, and the sharks condensed from the liquid charged towards the outside.

Although Konoha Anbu was numerically superior, they did not have the upper hand in the battle.

Because their opponents, except the dried persimmon ghost shark, are all pseudo-human Zhuli with tailed beast Chakra.

Faced with these powerhouses of Kiriyin Village with plug-ins, Konoha Anbu is completely helpless.

Without the strength of shadow-level powerhouses, there is no chance of winning against them. After all, the defensive power of the tail beast coat is not a joke.

Naruto Uzumaki in the original novel exploded the second form of the tailed beast coat, which severely damaged Jiraiya and exploded Orochimaru when all nine tails were not long.

Although there is no Chakra of the strongest tailed beast in the body of Guidengmanyue and others, their strength is just as tricky.

"Stop it!"

"There is no need to continue this battle, Konoha ninjas, lay down their weapons!"

Tsunade came over from a distance and shouted loudly.

Xiaochun, who was in command of the battle, changed his face and said angrily to Tsunade, "Tsunade, what do you mean by that?"

Tsunade said without changing his face: "Literally! We Konoha have been defeated, let's surrender! If we continue to resist, the Konoha ninjas will die."

Turning to bed, Xiaochun was so angry that he said bitterly: "Tsunade! I really didn't expect that you, the granddaughter of the first Hokage, would betray Konoha."

"Everyone, listen! From now on, Tsunade is Konoha's rebellion.

The Konoha Ninja, you don't need to listen to her orders anymore."

Some ninjas who were loyal to Konoha shouted: "Lord Tsunade, please come back when you are lost!"

"As one of the Konoha Sannin, how could you surrender to the enemy? It's a shame."

"Tsunade-sama, you really disappointed us too much."

"Are you worthy of the dead first Hokage-sama?"

No wait: These Konoha ninjas continued to talk nonsense, and the golden laser bursts suddenly broke out, easily piercing their heads.

Liu Sheng slowly put away his fingers, walked over casually, and said in a casual tone: "I think you have made a mistake."

"It's not that I want you to surrender, and it's not that Tsunade wants to gain anything by persuading you to surrender."

"Actually, Tsunade doesn't want you to be killed by me, so I beg me to give you a chance to live."

"If you don't want this opportunity, I can kill you now."

As he spoke, Liu Sheng exuded a powerful aura, and golden rays of light flickered on his body.


Many Konoha ninjas retreated unconsciously, and the deterrent force that Liu Sheng gave them was still very strong.

"Don't hold back"

Koharu's shadow clone snorted softly, and was easily killed by Yagyu with a laser.

Peng! After the shadow clone of Xiaochun was pierced by Liu Sheng with a laser, it turned into white smoke and exploded.

Many Konoha ninjas looked shocked, but they didn't expect that Xiaochun, who had been standing with them all the time, was just a shadow clone.

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