"This chakra is too violent, it is not easy to use it to release ninjutsu."

"But if you extract a little bit, there should be no problem."

The pale red chakra on the death-row prisoner dissipated, his hands formed a seal and released a water escape ninjutsu, and a huge waterfall fell from the sky, directly smashing a hill in the distance.

"The quality of the tailed beast chakra is much higher than that of my own chakra.

The ninjutsu released with it is also much stronger than the ninjutsu released with my own chakra."

Death row inmates continued to speak.

The three generations of Mizukage pondered: "Is that so, it seems that the value of this operation is not small.

To what extent can your tail beast transformation reach?"

The death row inmate pondered for a while, and the body was wrapped in crimson chakra, which was the second form of tailed beast.

"Under this form, the violent thoughts in the three-tailed chakra began to impact my consciousness."

"Three-tailed chakra in this form is furious, and it is impossible for me to release ninjutsu again."

"But I feel that I don't need ninjutsu anymore. I can defeat most enemies with just taijutsu."

The death-row prisoner sensed his state and slowly opened his mouth.

"It seems that my idea is very successful."

"This form of tailed beast can already release the tailed beast jade."

"And it's not as huge as a full-tailed beast, and it's easy to hide yourself."

Liu Sheng came over from a distance and was very satisfied to see this scene.

Mizukage Sandai said: "That's it, divide the three tails into two parts: the body and the tail."

Liu Sheng nodded and said: "That's it! The body is sealed in Yakura's body, I believe he can suppress the three tails."

"If the tail is to seal it into Ghost Lantern Manyue's body, he must be able to easily control this power."

Sandai Mizukage nodded and said: "If you have already thought about it, I have no opinion.

Seal the three tails first, or divide the six tails first.”

Liu Sheng looked at Sanwei, who was in a coma, and said with a chuckle, "Seal Sanwei first, it's a rare opportunity!"

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Chapter [*] You don't need this kind of thing!

"The power of the three tails?"

"No, I don't need that kind of thing."

"If possible, I hope to share the power of the six tails."

After learning that he could be divided into three tails from the three tails, the ghost light full moon shook his head and refused, and hoped that he could get the power of the six tails.


The three generations of water shadows are concise and comprehensive.

Ghost Lantern Manyue pondered: "Our Ghost Lantern clan is good at water escape, and the ability of the three tails is also water escape."

Yakura on the side said in surprise: "Isn't this very good? This shows that you are very compatible with the strength of the three tails."

Ghost Lantern Manyue shook his head and said, "No, this shows that our abilities are repeated.

If you give me a whole three tails, I will be glad that our strengths are very compatible."

"But if I only get a part of the chakra, I hope I can get a part of the chakra of the six tails."

"Six tails have the ability to release acid water, which can greatly strengthen the power of our ghost lamp clan's water escape."

"And the three-tailed chakra has no other use other than replenishing me with chakra and turning me into a tailed beast."

"To supplement the ability of chakra and tailed beast, six-tailed chakra can also do it, so three-tailed chakra is of little value to me."

Liu Sheng was speechless: "A man with a clear goal is so scary!"

The ghost lamp full moon looked at him silently.

Liu Sheng shrugged and said: "Okay! Since you have your favorite tailed beast Chakra, then do as you wish!"

Terumi Mei interjected: "With all due respect, is it really useful to get only a part of the tailed beast Chakra?"

Liu Yu smiled and said: "Of course it is useful! Even if it is only a part, the amount of this chakra is more than ten times more than your own chakra."

"Not to mention the tailed beast jade, a move with powerful destructive power and ultra-long range, the tailed beast chakra is extremely valuable!"

Taodi Zai Zhan doubted: "But if you separate the tailed beast Chakra, won't you be able to completely transform into a tailed beast?"

"I heard that the tailed beasts that are completely tailed beasts are the strongest. Isn't this giving up the strongest moves?"

Three generations of water shadows shook their heads and said: "No, you don't understand! The power of a whole tailed beast is powerful, but it is not easy to control them."

"And if you separate the tailed beast Chakra, you can easily control the power of this tailed beast."

"After all, there are very few cases of using complete tail beast transformation, and this kind of move is basically uncontrollable."

"And the tailed beasts you use to get some of the tailed beasts Chakra are controllable, and the number has increased, and the value is extraordinary."

Liu Sheng added: "Complete tail beast transformation is not as powerful as you think. The complete tail beast transformation of most people's Zhuli is just equivalent to releasing the tail beast."

"Is the fighting power of the one-tailed beast very strong? For the shadow-level powerhouse, it is not difficult to defeat the one-tailed beast.

Just like the three tails just now, I easily beat it and cut it."

Taodi nodded again and said, "If Ghost Lantern Manyue doesn't want these three tails, can you give them to me?"

Liu Sheng looked up and down at the peach ground and nodded, "Since you want them, then I'll give them to you!"

"Anyway, with your talent, it is impossible to control this Chakra."

Tao Di Zai Bu Zhan's talent is very strong, and he can control only part of the three-tailed chakra.

The body of Yakura is sealed within the body, and the tail of Sanwei is sealed within the body that will not be cut again.

The six-tailed man Zhuli released the tailed beast in his body, and a slug appeared in front of Yanagyu.

After this slug appeared,

Without hesitation, he spit out the acidic liquid on Yagyu, and the acidic liquid with strong corrosive power was sprinkled on Yagyu.

"The drool is horrible!"

Liu Sheng let out an exaggerated cry, his body turned into a particle of light, and he appeared behind Liuwei in the blink of an eye.

Tiancong Cloud Sword! The golden lightsaber appeared in Liu Yu's hand, and he slashed out without hesitation, cutting off the three tails of the six tails.

Just when Yanagyu was about to cut off its other three tails, the three broken tails of the six tails suddenly moved and turned into three small slugs.

The three small slugs crawled twice, and immediately after approaching the six tails.

Deformed and turned into a six-tailed tail again.

"Like Tsunade's slugs, they have the ability to split"

Liu Sheng was stunned, a bright smile appeared on his face.

The golden lightsaber slashed out one after another, and the six tails were directly divided into four parts.

"Light Speed ​​Kick!"

The soles of the feet wrapped in the light particles ignored the corrosion of the acid water, and directly kicked the four parts of the six-tailed body, causing them to be separated from each other.

"Quick, seal them up for me!"

Liu Sheng gave a low voice and ordered the seal class to act quickly.

The dense black pattern spread on the ground, and soon came to the four small six tails.

The jet-black textures turned into circles, surrounding them like a prison.

The jet-black lines flickered, and a powerful attraction erupted, directly sealing the four six-tails.

"I heard that the number of tails of tailed beasts is related to the number of chakras."

"Two for three tails, four for six tails."

"very fair!"

Liu Sheng muttered in his heart, and asked the people in the sealing class to hurry up.

Ghost Lantern Full Moon got his wish and got a small six-tailed, and a quarter of the six-tailed chakra is also extremely terrifying, far exceeding the amount of chakra possessed by the one-tailed guard crane.

But because their bodies are separated, their wills are also separated.

It is not a whole tailed beast, and its resistance ability is completely inferior to that of a tailed Shouhe, which is easily suppressed and sealed.

In addition to the ghost lamp full moon, Ao, Terumi Mei and Mizuno Yue Qing have all obtained a quarter of the tail beast and become a pseudo-human pillar power.

Because they don't have complete tailed beasts in their bodies, they are not real human pillars, they can only be regarded as pseudo-human pillars.

This pseudo-human pillar strength has an advantage, that is - even if the tailed beast Chakra in his body is lost, it will not affect his life.

Unlike other people Zhuli, once there is no tailed beast Chakra in the body, it will die immediately.

"Master Liu Sheng"

The dried persimmon shark stared at Liu Sheng with a pair of dead fish eyes, a shark face full of grievances, and said to Liu Sheng in his unique tone.

"Don't get excited, you don't need this kind of thing."

"The shark muscle is the most special of the seven ninja knives. It can continuously devour other people's chakra and digest it for the knife holder to use."

"in spite of

What type of escape technique, even ordinary tailed beast jade, can't stop the big mouth of the shark muscle from swallowing it."

"I will give you the shark muscle to use. After you have it, you don't need the tailed beast Chakra at all."

Liu Sheng calmly glanced at the ghost shark, and spoke to comfort him.

Hearing this, the face of the ghost shark became: a lot better.

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