Terumi Mei snorted: "The last time you used this kind of reason to shelter other women in your home, I remember that you sheltered Tsunade."

"This time, your standards have dropped a lot! Look at her and then look at Tsunade, there is absolutely no comparison!"

Terumi Mei's eyes swept across Ye Cang, and after a while, she sneered.

Ye Cang sensed the landing spot of Terumi Mei's gaze and couldn't help but be furious.

But compared with the Tsunade in his own impression, Ye Cang was discouraged again.

In this regard, Tsunade's cow is invincible.

Liu Sheng covered his head and shouted casually: "The war between women is terrible!"

"You go on, I'll go take a rest first.

In addition, prepare yourself mentally, and you are likely to become a force in the future."

"Of course it's not the one you think, the people you want to become have very little hidden danger."

Liu Sheng explained lazily, turned and walked into the bedroom beside him.

"Human Power"

Ye Cang and Terumi Mei looked at each other, snorted in unison after a while, and looked away from each other.

A few days later.

The three generations of Mizukage took Liu Sheng to the edge of the village of Hidden Wu. There are several simple huts here, and the two people of the village, Zhuli, lived here.

Yunyin Village has an amber bottle that can hold a tailed beast, and Sandyin Village also has a cauldron that can hold a tailed crane.

And the other three 3 ninja villages do not have such powerful ninja tools, so their handover of people and pillars is more cruel.

They often release the tailed beast from Ren Zhuli's body when Ren Zhuli is about to die.

They will immediately take action to subdue the tailed beast, and then put the tailed beast into the body of the new human Zhuli.

For them, the human column force is the container for imprisoning the tailed beast.


Are you Liu Sheng?"

"Even if you live on the edge of the village, we have heard of your name."

"It is the luck of the village that a genius like you can appear in Wuyin Village!"

The six-tailed man Zhuli looked at Liu Sheng with a smile on his old face.

Liu Sheng said apologetically: "Without my proposal, you can live a little longer."

The three-tailed man Zhuli said with a smile: "Don't mind! In fact, we should thank you, because you helped us get rid of it."

"Human Zhuli is a cage for the tailed beast, and the tailed beast is always thinking of destroying it."

"With the growth of age, our two cages have decayed, which gives the hope of Wei Nuo Zhao's beast breaking through it."

"We started taking the shock of the tail beast years ago, resisting the pain of being hit."

"If we can, we also want to get rid of it sooner.

But if we relax, the tailed beast will cause huge damage to the village when it comes out."

"So we've been: Gritting our teeth and holding on, it's been a painful ordeal, thank you for helping us end it."

"We won't last long anyway, so you don't have to mind!"

"It's better to leave in such a cool and calm way than to be smashed by the tailed beast and die in humiliation."

There was a smile on the faces of the two Zhuli, and there was no fear of the imminent death.

They can grit their teeth for the safety of the village and resist the pain caused by the impact of the tailed beast on the seal, or they can die generously for the village, putting their own life and death aside.

Even in the ferocious Kiriyin Village, there is no shortage of ninjas who can dedicate everything to the village.

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Chapter [*] One sword breaks three tails!

In a forest outside Wuyin Village.

The three-tailed person Zhuli said with a smile: "Are you ready? I'm going to release the three-tailed."

Liu Sheng nodded and said, "Let's start! This place is far enough away from Wuyin Village that it won't affect the village."

"With my strength, even if the experiment fails, I can suppress the three tails."

The three-tailed man Zhuli nodded with a smile, the chakra flames burned on the outstretched palm, and pressed lightly on his stomach.

The pattern of the seal technique appeared on the stomach of the three-tailed man Zhuri, and he was burned by the chakra flame, and immediately.

disappeared without a trace.

A mass of ominous crimson chakra burst out from his stomach and condensed in a nearby open space.

After a while, a huge tortoise appeared there, and its three long tails swept randomly.

The size of this tortoise is too huge, and the three tails are also quite huge, and a terrifying wind and waves will appear at random.

The reason why tailed beasts can become weapons of war, in addition to their almost endless chakra, is also an important reason for their huge size.

If such a huge beast appeared on the battlefield, it would definitely be a nightmare for ordinary ninjas.

9 "You stand back!"

Liu Sheng waved his hand and let the three generations of water shadows lead people back.

Three generations of water shadows hesitated: "Don't you need our help?"

Liu Sheng shook his head and said, "No, you can't help much.

Not to mention other things, the defense power of the three tails is definitely the top among the tailed beasts."

The three tails are a huge tortoise! ​​The whole body is covered with a hard shell, and it is difficult for ordinary attacks to work on him.

And what Liusheng has to do is to cut off part of its body, a job that few people are capable of.

"Tiancong Cloud Sword!"

Liu Sheng folded his hands together, and when they separated again, he formed a golden giant sword, and his body moved towards Sanwei and killed him.

Roar! There was a deep roar from Sanwei's mouth, and the anger that Ren Zhuli had been imprisoning for decades erupted frantically at this moment.

The hard-shelled tail swayed, tore through the air and made a whimpering sound, smashing towards Yagyu unstoppably.

"What a big brute force, so scary!"

Liu Yu said casually, and swung the lightsaber in his hand to kill Sanwei.

Great swordsman-level swordsmanship.

It erupted, and a thick sword qi surged out like a tsunami.

far away.

Three generations of Mizukage stand here with a group of Anbu ninjas, ready to support Yagyu at any time.

Seeing the terrifying power of the three tails when they started, the three generations of Mizukage couldn't help but secretly stunned: "As expected of a tailed beast! Just a move has the destructive power of ninjutsu, it's really terrifying!"

"However, Liu Sheng has the ability to transform light, and this attack is ineffective against him.

But the outer shell of the three tails is so hard, is it really possible to cut off part of its body?"

The three generations of water shadows are a little worried.

At this moment, Liu Sheng made his move.

Like a tsunami, the sword energy ripped through the air and passed towards Sanwei's tail.

With one sword, Sanwei's three huge tails were cut off! Boom! The three huge tails fell to the ground, Sanwei let out a painful roar, and passed out.

"No way"

Three generations of Mizukage and a group of Anbu ninjas around him were stunned at this moment.

Is the three tails so fragile? This is the one-tailed beast with the strongest defense! The tail, which was wrapped in a hard shell, was cut off by a sword! But Liu Yu secretly shook his head. The tailed beast that Deidara easily stunned, the performance of the three tails is not surprising.

Its defenses are terrifying, but

tolerance is poor.

"Sealing class, seal these three tails for me!"

Liu Sheng shouted, and had the tails of the three tails be sealed, trying to seal them into the body of Ren Zhuli.

Mizukage Sandai acted as planned, and asked the seal squad to seal Sanwei's tail into the body of a death row prisoner in Kiriyin Village.

This death row prisoner was a ninja from Kiriyin Village. He was imprisoned because he committed the crime of betraying the village. At this time, he was brought over by the three generations of Mizukage as a test object for Liu Yu's ideas, and the reward was to pardon his family.

"let's start!"

The people from the sealing class started to move, and soon they sealed the three tails into the body of the death row prisoner.

After all, tails are not conscious, so they won't resist and make trouble.

"how do you feel"

Mizukage Sandai asked with a concerned look, he really wanted to know the feasibility of Yagyu's idea.


"The chakra in the seal is very violent, but because of the small number, it was suppressed by the seal."

"I feel like I can handle this chakra, but not too much."

The death row prisoner sensed his state and answered truthfully.

"Show me!"

Sandai Mizukage ordered.

The death row prisoner nodded, his mind moved, and he extracted a lot of tailed beast chakra from the seal.

The pale red tailed beast Chakra wrapped him, and three red tails swayed randomly behind him.

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