The tailed beast jade exploded in Jiuwei's mouth, and then turned into a beam of destructive energy and was spit out by it.

The devastating energy beam destroyed most of Konoha's buildings, and the remaining power bombarded the Hokage Rock, causing the Hokage Rock's shelter to partially collapse.


Liu Sheng clapped his palm with a smile, and said with a satisfied face.


Nine tails let out a roar, and the crimson chakra on her body dissipated, revealing the appearance of the whirlpool Kushina.

"One minute is up!"

"You actually helped the nine tails and caused so much damage to Konoha. I will never let you go."

Uzumaki Kushina stared at Liu Sheng aggressively and said through gritted teeth.

"Threat me? Speak harshly? It's scary!"

Liu Sheng gave an exaggerated cry, shrugged indifferently, and glanced at Uzumaki Kushina with cold eyes,

"Did you show mercy when you tried to seal me just now?"

"Since the plans for war have been made, why make such ridiculous remarks?"

Liu Yu glanced at him and found that Tsunade had arrived at Minato Minato Namikaze and was using medical ninjutsu to heal his wounds.

"Liu Sheng, don't forget what you said!"

Uzumaki Kushina stood in front of Liu Sheng and said with an ugly face.

"rest assured!"

"I am very trustworthy, and I will not attack Minato Namikata again."

"Even if he shoots again, I won't make a hard shot."

Liu Yu's casual opening made the three generations of Hokage and others heave a sigh of relief.


"I only said I would spare Minato, but I never said that I would spare you."

"You still have those people in the shelter, there should be hundreds of thousands of people together, right?"

"How? What are you going to do to protect yourself and them from me?"

Liu Sheng said casually, causing the faces of the three generations of Hokage and others to change greatly.

Yanagyu's body turned into a golden light, and countless light particles flew towards the distance, appearing next to Shimura Danzo in the blink of an eye.

"Speed ​​is weight!"

"Great Elder Shimura!"

"Have you ever experienced the speed of light kick?"

Liu Yu raised his long legs, and golden light flashed on his legs.


With a horizontal kick, Shimura Danzo's body turned into a piece of gravel, which was shattered by Yanagyu's kick.

"It's a hidden substitute technique, so scary!"

Liu Sheng stretched his tone and spoke in a cadenced manner.

In the next instant, his body turned into light particles and moved laterally, appearing in midair not far away in the blink of an eye.

Shimura Danzo was hiding under him, and he was knocked out by a volley kick.

"The whole Konoha is under my surveillance, where do you want to run? Konoha Pot King!"

Liu Sheng said casually, raised his hand and shot a laser at Jiraiya who was pounced on him, forcing him to dodge back.

"Do not worry!"

"There are too many mysteries in Konoha that haven't been solved yet, and the battle won't end so soon."

"I am very interested in the fetters you promote, let me estimate the price of your fetters!"

"Let me see how much your bond is worth!"

Liu Sheng said slowly, and the gentle tone made the scalps of the three generations of Hokage and others tingle.

Liu Sheng's body moved and appeared next to Danzang, and stepped on Danzang's chest with one foot.

The other foot was raised high, and a golden cross light flashed on it, aiming at Danzo's head.

"Lord Hokage, now it's your turn!"

"Come on, make a god-level choice!"

"First, Danzo's life is above everything else. For his sake, he slaughtered a hundred Konoha villagers. I let Danzo go and won't attack him anymore."

"Second, sacrifice everything for Konoha, even his former comrades. Danzo is a Konoha man, let him die for Konoha. I let those Konoha villagers go and don't attack them anymore."

Liu Sheng glanced at the shelter not far away and said casually.

The three generations of Hokage in the original work are quite condoning to Shimura Danzo.

Shimura Danzo killed the Konoha elite - it is uncertain whether Konoha White Fang was a homicide, but he had ordered Yamato to kill Kakashi;

Shimura Danzo is engaged in human experiments, and he is involved in the human research of Orochimaru and intercolumnar cells;

Shimura Danzo assassinated the three generations of Hokage, but unfortunately was informed by Hatake Kakashi, and ultimately failed;

Shimura Danzo intervened in the Uchiha incident and made his own decision to let Uchiha Itachi kill the whole family;


Shimura Danzo has done a lot of things that are intolerable to ordinary people, but the three generations of Hokage have raised it high and put it down gently.

The so-called punishment is no less than a fine of three drinks.

Is Shimura Danzo the most important thing, or is Sarutobi Hizan in love?

Liu Sheng wanted to see, when his good friend Shimura Danzo was put together with Konoha, whom he kept saying he wanted to protect, which one would he choose!

Liu Sheng looked at the three generations of Hokage lazily, with curiosity in his eyes.

How deep is the relationship between the two of you, how much does your relationship have.

Think about it, let me take a look, choose to represent your heart!

"Stop dreaming!"

"I am the third Hokage, how can I easily compromise with you?"

"I will protect Konoha, and I will save Danzo!"

Sarutobi Hizan shouted angrily, and rushed towards Yanagyu without hesitation.

"What a pity, it looks like you were abandoned!"

Yanagyu smiled slightly and looked down at Shimura Danzo.

Chapter [*] Tearing Konoha, who is it?

Shimura Danzo's eyes flickered, and his mood was a little complicated.

In all fairness, if he and Yuan Fei Rijian were in different places, he would probably give up Sarutobi Rijian without hesitation.

He might even be a little overjoyed, because the biggest obstacle preventing him from becoming Hokage was just removed.

But people are selfish after all.

Sarutobi Hizan gave him up in a very euphemistic way, which made him very unbalanced.

"Give it to you!"

Yanagyu smiled faintly, and when he mentioned Shimura Danzo, he threw him out, and without hesitation threw him to Hizen Sarutobi.


Sarutobi Hizan looked at Danzo with a look of surprise.

To be honest, when he rushed over, he was prepared that Liu Sheng would kill Danzo.

However, the development of the matter exceeded his expectations, and Liu Sheng actually let Danzo go so easily.

Danzo glanced at him with a complicated expression, and he always felt that there seemed to be disappointment hidden under Hizan Sarutobi's happy expression.

"Don't be careless!"

An oily voice sounded, golden light suddenly bloomed, and a thick golden laser pierced Shimura Danzo's arm.

Relying on the powerful arrogance of seeing and hearing, Liu Sheng was even able to detect the meridians, bones and blood in Danzang's body.

Yanagyu's laser broke Danzo's bones, and the high temperature burned Danzo's meridians and blood vessels.

"Some people are born with a mission!"

"Don't underestimate yourself, Danzo!"

"Tear Konoha, who do you give up?"

Yanagyu chuckled in his heart, looking indifferently as Sarutobi Hizen took Shimura Danzo aside.


Jiraiya and Uzumaki Kushina shot, and the lines of the sealing technique surged towards him from two directions.

"It's useless!"

"Failed again and again, why don't you remember it?"

Liu Sheng said indifferently, his body turned into light particles and rose into the sky, suspended in the sky.

"Well~ it seems that it doesn't make sense for you to have a long memory, because you really don't have any means to deal with me."

Liu Sheng said lazily, his eyes swept over Jiraiya and Orochimaru.

Seeing Liu Sheng's gaze, Jiraiya and Orochimaru both tightened their hearts and stared at Liu Sheng with vigilance.

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