The three generations of Hokage looked at the tailed beast Chakra emerging from Uzumaki Kushina, and his face became solemn.

To be honest, he did not approve of letting Uzumaki Kushina accept Yagyu's proposal at all.

It's a pity that there are too many spectators at Hokage Rock, so he has to do this.

If he refuses Yagyu's request, it is equivalent to agreeing with Yagyu's statement that fetters are just a deceiving slogan.

If Konoha Ninja agrees with this statement, the hearts will be scattered.

When people are scattered, the team is not easy to lead.

Chapter [*] You can't go anywhere!

The crimson chakra full of ominous aura surged out of the vortex Kushina's body, turning her into a crimson nine-tailed monster in the blink of an eye.

There are generally three forms of the tail beast of the human column force.

The first form is to wrap Ren Zhuli with translucent red chakra, and a tail will appear behind Ren Zhuli.

The second form is to wrap the human pillar force with opaque red-red chakra to form a shape similar to the body of the tailed beast.

The third form is the complete tailed beast transformation, and the human column force has completely transformed into the appearance of the tailed beast.

Uzumaki Kushina is now using the second form. Although it is not completely tailed, it also has a terrifying and shocking destructive power.

"Hahaha! This uncle is finally free, Konoha's bastards die!"

Nine tails let out a roar, and the huge roar exploded like a thunderbolt from the blue.

"Boy, you are very good!"

Nine tails looked at Liu Sheng not far away, Liu Sheng raised his left hand expressionlessly and looked at his watch.

"One minute, the timer starts!"

Yanagyu said casually, and looked at Sarutobi Hizan and the others.

Sarutobi Hizan looked solemn, and the terrifying chakra on Kyuubi made him very afraid.

Without saying a word, he bit his finger and summoned the ape demon with the psychic technique.

"Ape Demon, transform into King Kong Ruyi!"

The three generations of Hokage shouted and turned the ape demon into a King Kong Ruyi stick.

Ape Demon is a psychic beast of Sarutobi Hijen, it is a very special psychic beast.

It has the ability that other psychic beasts do not have, that is, the ability to transform into a weapon.

The monkey demon turned into an iron rod, and was caught by Hiruzen Sarutobi in his hand.

"King Kong Ruyi is great, let's get longer!"

Hiruzen Sarutobi let out a loud roar, and the King Kong Ruyi stick transformed by the monkey demon began to grow, and directly pressed against Jiuwei's body.

Before the nine tails who had just run out had time to move, Hizaru Sarutobi used the King Kong Ruyi stick against him.

"Get me out of Konoha!"

Sarutobi Hizan roared angrily, the King Kong Ruyi stick continued to grow, and a powerful force erupted to push the nine tails out of Konoha.

The destructive power of the Nine Tails is simply too terrifying.

If it is left in Konoha, it will cause huge damage to Konoha.

Although Konoha villagers have hid in the shelter inside Hokage Rock, the buildings in the village are also Konoha's important wealth.

And the place where Nine Tails is located is too close to Hokage Rock.

In this way, the Konoha villagers hiding in the shelter is a danger.

If the nine-tailed beast jade is sprayed over, the Konoha villagers can collectively ascend to the sky.

"Let's take action together and knock the nine tails out of Konoha!"

"It's only for one minute, don't let the nine tails be presumptuous."

Jiraiya and Orochimaru shot at the same time, the two of them bit their fingers and directly summoned their own psychic beast.

A huge toad appeared, and the dark red skin was covered with pimples. This was Jiraiya's strongest psychic beast, Toad Bunta.

And Orochimaru summoned a large purple snake, exuding an icy aura, this is Orochimaru's strongest psychic beast, Ten Thousand Snakes.

Toad Wentai saw the Nine-Tails as soon as he appeared, and couldn't help shouting: "Jiraiya, what the hell are you doing? You asked me to deal with a monster like the Nine-Tails!"

Wan She even shouted incomparably: "Orochimaru, your brain is flooded, right? Even if you let me deal with the nine tails, even if you give me a thousand people as sacrifices, I will not agree with you.

intended. "

Jilai also explained to Toad Wentai with a wry smile: "Wentai, now is not the time to talk about this. In short, the situation is very critical, and I need your help."

Orochimaru calmly said to Wan She: "You don't have to be afraid of the nine tails, the strong people on our side are enough to suppress it, you just need to assist by the side."

Toad Wen Tai pondered for a moment, and said very loyally: "Okay! Since that's the case, let me help you!"

Wan She said very realistically: "I can help from the side, but after this is done, you have to give me [*] people as sacrifices."

Jiraiya also happily thanked Toad Bunta, while Orochimaru indifferently expressed the deal.

Toad Wentai pulled out his big sword and jumped to the nine tails; Wan Snake twisted his body and kept approaching towards the nine tails.

Jiraiya and Orochimaru were not idle either, and the two followed their psychic beasts and attacked the nine tails.

The two of them were very angry at this time, and they couldn't wait to find someone to vent, and the nine tails were the best target.

Jiraiya and Orochimaru are both very powerful shadow-level powerhouses, and they are also deterrents on the battlefield.

However, when they faced Liu Sheng, they were passive everywhere. Not only were their attack methods ineffective against Liu Sheng, but Liu Sheng's speed made them even more embarrassed.

Coupled with the request that Liu Sheng just made, it made them depressed, and they urgently needed to vent at this time.

"Come on, Hokage-sama!"

"Master Orochimaru!"

"Come on, Lord Jiraiya!"


Seeing the Konoha powerhouses team up to deal with the Nine-Tails, the audience at Hokage Rock couldn't help cheering.

These people are not only Konoha's villagers, but also Konoha's lower ninjas, chunin and even elite upper ninjas.

Their attack methods were ineffective against Yanagyu, so they were arranged by the three generations of Hokage to come to the sanctuary.

After all, they have no effect when facing Yagyu, but may hinder their teammates.


"Lord Hokage and the others are fighting, how can we stand idly by here?"

A Konoha ninja couldn't hold back, and wanted to help the three generations of Hokage and others.

"But Hokage-sama has given an order. Without his order, no one can participate in the war without authorization."

There Konoha Ninja was very hesitant, because the three generations of Hokage gave orders.

"Lord Hokage didn't let us participate in the war without authorization, probably because of that Yagyu from the Hidden Mist Village."

"I have seen his games, and his ability is very special, he can ignore physical attacks and ninjutsu attacks."

"The three generations of Hokage were preparing to attack him before, so we were not allowed to participate in the war."

"Because it doesn't make any sense for us to join the fight and it will drag others down."

"But it's different now. Our attack is effective against the nine tails."

Some Konoha Ninja analyzed it and felt that he should take action.

"I think Hokage-sama and the others have enough strength to suppress the Nine-Tails. It doesn't make sense for us to go there now."

"But we really can't stay here anymore, because the sanctuary has been exposed."

"I think we should evacuate the villagers so that Yagyu in Wuyin Village doesn't make a fuss about them."

Some people objected to the chakra fighting, arguing that what they should do is evacuate the villagers.


Not far away, Liu Sheng glanced at them casually, and when he raised his hand, there was a golden laser, and a violent explosion sounded near Hokage Rock.

"You can't go anywhere without my permission!"

Chapter [*] Come on, make a god-level choice!

"The audience should stay in the audience honestly and don't run around."

Liu Sheng glanced coldly at the Konoha Ninja in the Hokage Rock Refuge, and said in a cold tone.

Then he turned his attention to the nine-tailed side, and found that the nine-tailed at this time had been suppressed by the three generations of Hokage and others.

After all, the nine tails at this time are not complete tailed beasts, and even complete tailed beasts cannot fight against so many shadow-level powerhouses.

"Lord Hokage, did you forget?"

"I am your enemy, and I am here now!"

Liu Sheng said in a cold tone, his body turned into a light particle and rose into the air, condensing into himself in mid-air.

Eight-foot Qionggou jade!

Golden light particles appeared on Liu Yu's fingertips, and then they were continuously launched, hitting Sandai Hokage and others.

"Tu Dun - Tu Liubi!"

The three generations of Hokage released the earth flow wall, creating a tall and thick rock wall to resist the light bullet, but it was not very useful.

After all, Yagyu's light bombs fell from the sky, the angle of inclination was too large, and the light bombs that the earth flow wall could defend against was really limited.

The three generations of Hokage and others were helpless and could only choose to dodge around.

The suppressed Nine-Tails got a chance to breathe, and without hesitation, condensed a purple tailed beast jade and swallowed it with one mouth.

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