So Liu Sheng had to struggle with a problem.

What should he do now? After all, it will take 40 seconds before his clone arrives.

In normal times, these 40 seconds may not be considered time, but every minute and every second between life and death is extremely precious. How can he escape from life?

Thinking of this, Liu Sheng felt a little headache in his head.

What kind of thing is this! Fortunately, he reacted fast enough just now, he did not choose to stay by the other side's side and wait for 0 seconds to end. If he really did that, you can imagine how he is now! "I have to think of a way, Can't wait to die!"

Yagyu began to think, he can't keep the status quo, wait 40 seconds, he is willing to do it, but neither the Lord of Hell nor the Ghost Rider will give him this chance.

So he had to find a way to solve the predicament.

But as before he faced such a dilemma alone, it was almost impossible to solve it, so he should now

What should I do? He was a little speechless, because it was a series of twists and turns, one wave after another.

Couldn't he just wait for himself to come to him with peace of mind? Did he have to wait for this one thing to appear? Liu Sheng suspected that he was being targeted! A kind of great and terrifying existence in the dark.

"It's really impossible to use that trick!"

Liu Sheng's eyes lit up, because he suddenly remembered a magical power! This is a very terrifying magical power, and it can be called the king of magical powers - with terrifying power! If he displays it, there is a high probability that he will solve the problem in front of him. This thing! But he was a little hesitant, because he needed to spend a huge price to use this magical power, so he didn't want to use this magical power unless it was a last resort! "But there is no time left!"

Realizing that it only takes one or two breaths to come to the Lord of Hell and the Ghost Rider, Liu Yu's eyes began to turn red, and he did not hesitate to perform this magical power! Unknown changes have changed! This world is special, that is, some strong people die, but they do not die, and they spread their spirits in the universe.

They can be reborn for a short time in a special way! Some people use their power to give certain requirements, and they can fight as heroic spirits! What Liuyu wants to perform is this magical power! He invites powerful heroic spirits to enter his body, Help yourself to carry the remaining 40 seconds. At that time, the other party can leave safely! He has a good idea - the magical power begins to explode! Please download the underlined version of the novel, remember to save it Love reading it The only domain name, enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 509

Bai Qi is a very special existence. He is a killing god! A killing god with very terrifying strength! It's a pity that no matter how powerful he is, he cannot move forward because of his strength. In the end, he died because of the lack of lifespan, and turned into Dust in the universe.

But today, he actually received an invitation! It gave him a chance to return to the world for a short time! Although that opportunity was for him to fight, he couldn't take advantage of this to travel and see the world today, but for For him, this is enough! This is also a good thing! What's more, for him, fighting is not necessarily a bad thing. After all, he is a person who likes fighting very much and likes to challenge powerful enemies.

So——he returned to the human world for a short time! Yagyu sensed that a powerful force appeared in his body.

Then he felt that there was a soul that temporarily took control of his body.

He did not prevent the other party from entering, but chose to accept it.

After all, the other party is here to help him. If he prevents the other party from entering, then his efforts just now will not be in vain. As for whether he can prevent the success, the answer is naturally okay, because his level is there, how can he fail? But his main battlefield "what's going on"

The Lord of Hell looked at the complete Yagyu in front of him, and his expression changed.

He didn't know why the other's body had changed so much.

But for some unknown reason, he had a bad premonition in his heart! Probably because, among him, he found that the opponent's strength was actually: rapidly improving, rapidly rising from 4, and reaching 9 in a blink of an eye class

At level 9, the opponent's strength didn't improve any more, instead, the whole body exuded an extremely powerful aura that made people couldn't help but feel intimidated! And Liu Sheng's body also stood down, and he set his eyes on the Lord of Hell. On his body, of course, he didn't let go of the Ghost Rider beside him.

After all, the opponent's strength is equally powerful, and it cannot be underestimated.

"Is this the enemy I have to face? It's a horrible feeling."

Looking at the enemy in front of him, Bai Qi couldn't help thinking.

The two guys in front of him gave him a very dangerous feeling. He knew that this time he was facing a really powerful enemy, that kind of... very, very awesome existence! "So what!"

He smiled arrogantly, he didn't believe that these guys were his opponents! Because he was also extraordinary! He didn't hesitate, and shot directly at this moment! He disappeared in place in an instant! He appeared in place again At that time, it was already in front of the opponent! His fist mercilessly hit the opponent's chest! "Boom!"

There is domineering on his fist! It can be said to be very, very terrifying! And because of his speed, the opponent did not respond at all, so in an instant, his punch hit the opponent's chest! There is a change in his chest, for example, there is a small pit! His punch is very powerful, and it will naturally cause injury to the opponent! It's just that after his fist leaves, it takes only two or three seconds for him to give the opponent. The injury caused, the small pit recovered in an instant! Love reading it reminds you: three things to read, remember to collect and save the unique domain name of Love reading it, enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 511 Gou is important

This person is none other than the original owner of this body.

Bai Qi never thought that the control of his body would be taken back by his master.

And more importantly, when he chose to fight for it, he was surprised to find that he couldn't grab the opponent at all!! This made him a little incredible! Because it shouldn't! The owner of this body is not a very powerful being. , then the soul of the other party is naturally weak, how could a weak soul be able to rob you? You have to know that he is a powerful being! Even if there are only heroic spirits left now! But the other party should still not be his opponent. How could this happen? In the depths of Bai Qi's heart, the scene was completely incomprehensible.

But there was nothing he could do, because he couldn't gain control of his body, so he could only watch all this quietly from the side like a bystander.

Looking at the battle in front of him, it was like an epic battle! Yagyu has already succeeded in gaining control of his body.

There was helplessness on his face.

In fact, he didn't want to fight. He planned to let Bai Qi fight. After all, he paid a huge price to ask the other party to help him. Why would he want to intervene? Could it be that he didn't want to watch the show silently on the side? But he didn't The solution! Just now, because of a mistake by Bai Qi, he was punched by the master! Well, this may not be true.

But in fact, this is a big deal! You must know that although his physical level has been raised, the improvement is not great. After all, the main energy of this body improvement comes from Bai Qi's heroic spirit.

Because of this, in the face of an angry person who fell from a Heavenly Father-level powerhouse to a 9th-level powerhouse with a blow

, what a terrifying injury it would cause? Yagyu looked at the wound on his chest.

It can already be seen that the wound of the bones makes him feel distressed! You must know that it is his body, how can he not feel distressed! This is also the main reason why he wants to take control back. The reason is very simple. If Bai gets up to fight this battle, he estimates that his body will be destroyed! He doesn't need a dilapidated body! So he had to forcibly gain control from the opponent's hands to carry out this battle. Only in this way can he As much as possible, let yourself be less injured! "As long as you can persist for 39 seconds!"

Liu Sheng silently counted the time in his heart.

His main purpose is not to defeat the opponent.

Instead, stick to 39 seconds until the clone arrives! At that time, everything will be solved.

This is the most beneficial choice for him, and he naturally knows what to do.

So next, he mainly focuses on defense! While thinking, he frantically controls the surrounding elemental energy and pours into his body! He wants to turn these things into mana controlled by himself! The elemental energy is accompanied by His guidance quickly entered his body, and then was refined by him in an instant and became a part of him.

"Guardian of the gods!"

Liu Sheng let out a soft moan.

There was a change in front of him - a film appeared! Well, to be precise, he should be called the guardian of the gods! After all, this thing is unparalleled in defense! Love reading, I remind you: Remember to save the three things when reading is the only domain name of ikanshuba, enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 512


The Lord of Hell looked at the scene in front of him and was a little stunned.

He never thought that the other party actually chose to defend! In his opinion, this shouldn't be, shouldn't the other party fight him! Why did the other party choose to defend? "This guy, the one who is following the border, really Is it one?"

The Lord of Hell fell into contemplation. He remembered the performance of the other party in the border just now. He felt that they were not the same person! Otherwise, why is the gap so big? "Or there are other reasons."

The Lord of Hell continued to make up his mind.

He suddenly thought of something, this is nothing else, he guessed whether the other party still has a backhand, there are other ways to deal with him, but the other party can't use it, at least it can't be used now.

Rather, it is necessary to delay time, and then urge that thing. He thinks this possibility is very high! "Then I can't keep you."

Thinking of this, the face of the Lord of Hell changed.

"Let's go together and get him as soon as possible!"

His gaze fell on the Ghost Rider beside him.


The Evil Knight nodded, and then shot directly at this moment! The body of the Lord of Evil Spirit changed directly! It turned into a zhang and looked like a giant! The bone knife in his hand, It also expanded ten thousand times at this time! At this moment, he held the bone knife in one hand and slashed directly at Liusheng's body! He almost used all his strength this time, and he even sent a lot of darkness into the bone knife. The purpose is to enhance the power of his sword! The body of the Lord of Hell has also changed! It has directly transformed into a long dark dragon! This dark long dragon is also the same

Very big, at this moment bursts of dragon roars came out of his mouth! Immediately he rushed towards Liu Sheng's body, exuding an extremely terrifying divine might, which seemed to be able to oppress everything, even the gods couldn't lift their heads!" Mom is a killer! It's a death!"

And at this time, Hulk and Hawkeye happened to arrive, and they just saw this scene, and their jaws almost didn't fall.

Who made them see such a shocking scene as soon as they came here, which made their three views almost overturned! "Why is the gap between people so big?"

Hawkeye even sighed so.

"I always thought that guy looked familiar."

The Hulk also opened his mouth and said, his eyes narrowed perhaps because of his particularly good eyesight, so he saw Liu Sheng's face, which he felt was quite familiar.

Well, the reason why he didn't directly recognize his identity.

There are two reasons. The first is that he had just experienced a battle and used some power, so his mind is not very clear. The second reason is that Liu Sheng had just fought with the opponent and fell to the ground. The part has been in close contact with the ground, and there is a lot of ash on it, and even some scratches.

Therefore, under the combination of these two conditions, he did not judge the identity of the other party.

"This guy looks familiar"

The eagle eye on the side was stunned for a moment, he did not expect that the other party would say this sentence.

This made him also fix his eyes and then he was a Spartan! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download and remember to save and enjoy high-speed reading!

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