Secondly, there is another reason, that is, the Ghost Rider and the Lord of Hell should have a little interest in him, wondering why he can control the border mountains and rivers, and can also erupt with such terrifying power, which is a bit illogical and inconsistent rule.


Liu Sheng's eyes lit up, he thought of a way to help himself solve this problem.

This method is very, very simple! But he needs time and enough time to perform! Otherwise, there is no way to implement this method at all.

Because it takes a lot of time to use this method, and now, what he lacks the most is time. After all, the two guys behind him may catch up with him at any time and catch him! Please read the underlined version of the novel Download, remember, save, save the unique domain name of, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 503 Once Means

Liu Sheng now faces a problem.

That is how to hold back the Ghost Rider and the Lord of Hell so that he has enough time to show the method in his heart.

If he can't hold back Ghost Rider and the Lord of Hell, it will probably be the end.

After all, these two guys, one of whom has reached level 9 for a short time, and the other who has dropped from the Heavenly Father level to level 9, are almost the top powerhouses in the world! Facing their pursuit, for him who is only level 4 now That said, it's almost incomprehensible.

It is even more difficult to hold them back.

Unless there is a super powerful person, block them for him and buy him time, but how can such a person appear inexplicably? "So what should I do?"

Liu Sheng's body kept running towards the distance, and he began to think deep in his heart.

He had to think of a solution to the predicament at hand.

Otherwise, he will definitely be caught by the other party today! This is the best result! The most important thing is that he may be directly killed by the other party! By that time, everything will be over! "There seems to be no way."

After a brief thought in his mind, Liu Sheng was a little helpless, because he found that he couldn't think of a way at all, because there was indeed no external factor that could resist them.

Now on earth, there is no existence stronger than the Lord of Evil Hell.

Almost all of them are weaker than them.

So when such a person is called over, there is no use in stopping them. But when this idea in his heart was settled—the sudden change! That is, behind him, a figure suddenly appeared! Tao body

Ying is none other than Gu Yi! The other party exudes a terrifying aura and looks extremely stalwart! Liu Sheng naturally noticed this scene. to die.

Then he was shocked! Because of the other party, he shouldn't be so "stupid"


This is a bit out of the archmage's style.

But he soon saw the clue, that is, something was wrong.

After all, he is not an ordinary person. His vision has already left this level and has reached a very terrifying level, so he realized that something was wrong with Gu Yi! After all, the other party appeared too abruptly, and the way he appeared was similar to the other party's. His personality does not match, he must have some guesses in his heart, and he will naturally observe each other secretly! "It should not be Gu Yi himself, but a virtual existence!"

Liu Sheng had a clear understanding in his heart.

Although the other party looks like a real person on the surface, in fact, from the power spread by the other party, he does not perceive the power that the other party should contain that day's father.

You must know that the other party has previously told him that he will definitely not break through the level of Heavenly Father this time, so he can generate this speculation! Of course, this is not the point, the point is how the other party could come, not... Retreat on the earth, but in a corner of the distant universe! Even if the other party has some means to appear when they perceive changes on the earth, it is impossible to come at such a fast speed, so this is not an ancient one I! Love reading it reminds you: three things to read, remember to collect and save the unique domain name of, enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 504 Xin Mi

Liu Sheng suddenly remembered one thing, that is, when Gu Yi went to retreat again and again, he once specially asked him to help protect the earth for a period of time, which shows that the other party values ​​the earth very much.

And since the other party values ​​the earth very much, it is naturally impossible to give all the protection to Liu Sheng, after all, no one will put eggs in one basket.

So the other party will definitely have other means! Coupled with the appearance of this phantom in front of him, "everything can be connected!"

Liu Yu opened his mouth, and a wise light appeared in his eyes, because he had already guessed everything! On the other side, the Ghost Rider and the Lord of Hell were confronting the ancient ghost! Their faces were a little dignified! Of course , The face is solemn, mainly on the face of the Ghost Rider! The Lord of Hell is slightly better than the other party.

The strength between the two sides is there, and he naturally won't be too old! His strength is not a joke, he is also a heavenly father-level powerhouse, although his strength has dropped to level 9 for a short time, but at least Used to be "I'd rather recommend you get out of here!"

Looking at the phantom in front of him, the Lord of Hell said.

"If you really come here, then I may be afraid of you, but you are just a shadow now, who gave you the confidence to dare to be my way?"

The Lord of Hell is very domineering, and his tone is full of quality! "This road is impossible, where to go back and forth, you are the king of hell, you are not a place where you can be mad, don't force me!"

Hearing the other party's words, Gu Ying also spoke, and the tone was equally domineering! Although usually, Gu Yi's character seems to be very special

No problem, but when it comes to issues of principle, such as protecting the earth, he is particularly domineering! Otherwise, he alone cannot protect the entire earth! After all, before him, his strength was only 9 It's just that he hasn't reached the Heavenly Father's level! It's not necessarily true now, because the other party is just going to retreat to break through the cultivation base.

"If you know my identity, why don't you let me go!"

The Lord of Hell, his eyes narrowed, and he asked.

"Through special means, I have entered the heavenly father level. Although it is equally terrifying, it is really weak compared to the existence that relies on its own strength to reach this level!"

Gu Yixuying said, without any emotion in his eyes.

But his meaning is obvious, that is to look down on the other party, because the other party has forcibly reached the heavenly father level through some special means, which makes some strong people ashamed! He himself is one of them! "Then you go Die!"

There was a scarlet killing intent in his eyes, the Lord of Hell opened his mouth, and immediately shot! Because the other party dared to touch his bottom line, how could he not be angry? If the ancient one in front of him is the deity, he may be a little more afraid, after all, although the other party is It is level 9, but in fact it is a half-step heavenly father-level powerhouse that is infinitely close to the heavenly father level! Such a person has the power to fight him! Whoever makes him the weakest heavenly father level will even drop.

But now, in the face of phantoms, how could he be cowardly? He will naturally make the other party pay the price! For example, at this moment - completely annihilate the other party! Please download the underlined version of the novel, remember to save it m.aikanshu8 .com loves to read the only domain name, enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 505 The gap between the two sides

There is a memory that the Lord of Hell never wants to recall in his life.

That is, he once forcibly entered the heavenly father level through some special means, and he paid a huge price for this! This price has also been said before, that is, as soon as he enters the world and leaves hell, his strength will be reduced from the heavenly father. The reason why a level powerhouse fell directly to level 9 is very simple. The method he used before was to bind to hell. With this method, he has made such a big leap in his strength! Therefore, his strength is naturally limited. There will be changes! This is why many strong people will laugh at him.

Because he lost his freedom to a certain extent.

Such people are not worthy to be with them! After all, they improve their own cultivation, and their will is to be free and easy, but the other party has given up these two points because of their strength.

This made it possible for them to see how the other party didn't care about this at first.

Because although he lost the great joy and freedom, but after all, his strength has improved, this is a profitable business for him, and the pros outweigh the cons.

But with the passage of time, the more time he spends in hell, the more eager he has for the outside world, and the people look down on people of the same level as him, or some half-heavenly strong fathers who are capable of fighting heavenly fathers. Gradually, this point became his inverse scale! At this moment, when Gu Yi mentioned it again, it was still the shadow of the opponent. How could he not be angry that he punched the opponent with a fist, and there was a Tao that he understood, The Way of the King in the Darkness! This power may not be strong for the Heavenly Father level powerhouse, but for the lower one, even a phantom, it is almost incomprehensible! "Defend!"

Seeing this scene, Xu Yinggu opened his mouth, and there was a strange power running around his body. It was the power he understood, a power that transcended the element itself.

This is a kind of power that belongs to the gap between space and space.

Very terrifying! When he said the word, a huge change took place in front of him.

I saw that the whole world seemed to have turned golden! This is not an illusion, but it really exists.

It's just that this so-called golden color is not really the whole world being rendered golden, but because, for some unknown reason, there are dense scriptures appearing in the air at this moment, and their colors are golden. At this moment, the sky and the earth are covered, and the world has become this way. This is the reason, and the result of everything! They are quickly permeating, forming a wall at this moment! He blocks between the two sides, trying to block the other side's way! "It's scary, but what can I do?"

Seeing this scene, the Lord of Hell smiled.

This is Gu Yi's most signature move, and it is a very terrifying move. Even if he is at his peak, fighting against the opponent with this move will not take any advantage at all.

But the ancient one in front of him was just a phantom.

How could he possibly be the opponent's opponent as expected.

The next second - when the attacks of the two sides collided! This wall was destroyed in an instant! There was not even a breath of time to block it! This is the gap between the two sides, a gap like a gulf! Love Read the book to remind you: three things to read, remember to collect and save the unique domain name of, enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 506 There is great terror between life and death

"The time I can block is limited, what means do you have, hurry up and use it! When my shadow is shattered, if you have nothing to do, I can't save you."

Seeing this scene, Gu Yi's phantom rushed up, trying to block it.

At the same time, he also sent a message to Liu Sheng to tell the other party the situation here.

The time he can block is limited, and most of them still have to rely on the other party. If the other party does not come up with a solution, the other party will be caught by the Ghost Rider and the Lord of Hell sooner or later! "It only takes a moment!"

Liu Sheng said.

Then he stayed on the spot and began to communicate! He communicated not with others, but with himself! He sealed his own strength, the power of his soul escaped into the void, and his body and mana were directly forcibly suppressed in his dantian. Now he naturally wants to summon them back , to help himself through the danger! Of course, he did not unblock them all.

If he unblocks them all, then everything he has done before will be in vain, he will not do such a thing, he just intends to unblock them to a certain extent! That is, he has done something to let his The power of the soul, carrying a small part of consciousness, has formed a divine mansion that can protect the earth! His current plan is to summon him to help him solve the predicament in front of him! You must know this divine mansion, his strength is Very extraordinary.

That is the power of Liu Sheng's soul! That is the peak period, Liu Sheng's strength is the one he is best at! This has proved his strength! After all, Liu Sheng's strength in his peak period can reach the level of Tu Tian's father! Yes , that's right, it's not war, it's slaughter! So even if it's only three types with quantitative cores, it's terrifying.

The level is still undiminished, and even because of the self-cultivation ability during this period of cultivation, he may be even more terrifying, and he is much stronger than the previous combat power.

Well, if it wasn't for Yanagyu's thoughts, he would have to put himself in a real terror.

Even if you want to summon them, it will take a while.

Perhaps this dilemma will not be so difficult to solve.

Because as soon as the other party comes on stage, it is absolutely unparalleled in an instant! Even if the Lord of Hell is in front of him, he can't be his opponent! "Return, come back for me"

Liu Sheng closed his eyes, and the whole person came directly to the depths of his consciousness. He used a special method to contact the god's mansion! He needs the help of the other party at this moment! About 1 second has passed, and the other party has been sensed!" There are 60 seconds"

The other party began to move over, and he needed to wait for the other party for 60 seconds.

The reason is simple, he has made restrictions before.

It takes at least 6 seconds for the opponent to reach it.

Then he opened his eyes. After all, there was a crisis around him! He couldn't close his eyes with peace of mind! And when he opened his eyes, he found a figure rushing towards him quickly! The speed of the figure was very Quick, almost to the point of thunder! In just one or two breaths, he came to Liusheng's side! Then the other party didn't hesitate to slash directly at Liusheng's neck! Liusheng's breathing slowed for half a beat.

Because this is a big horror between life and death! Please download the underlined version of the novel, remember to save it, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 507 Silence

Chapter 508 The Art of Heroic Spirits

It will take 40 seconds for Liu Sheng to successfully summon the avatar of the god's residence, but now, no one seems to be able to delay him! After all, the ancient ghost was defeated just now! It was defeated by the Lord of Hell with one move. This is something that Liu Sheng didn't expect. He didn't expect that Gu Yixuying would persist for such a short time, but to be honest, it is normal for the other party to persist for such a long time.

After all, the essence of the other party is a phantom.

If the opponent fights the Ghost Rider, the result will probably not be like this, but it is normal to fight the Lord of Hell.

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